Chapter 8 - 666

Callum start moving back, his eyes panicked. He ran to the instructor and held his hand " you need to go, go far away from this place". Instructor was confused but he realised that something was happening that was beyond his capacity. He left the mansion and moved out but suddenly men surrounded him and he was carried out in a condemned building.

With accusing eyes Callum glared at Lucifer " let him go Dad, he doesn't deserve this. What you are doing is wrong". Lucifer held Callum by his nape and dragged him inside. Callum was in destructive stage, he was biting, kicking and yelling at him. Melinoe didn't understand anything but her sisterly instinct screamed inside her and she pleaded for him " Dad, did he do something wrong, let me explain it for him".

Ignoring her he brought him to his own bedroom and rotated the sleeping dragon statue near his bed , than he went to library and pulled books in specific format. Than turned the lamp near his wardrobe down. Soon a wall moved and opened itself to show a lift. A dark dingy lift, now Callum was feeling fear. He tried to run away but Lucifer had tight grip on him. Lucifer opened the lift door and pressed number 666. Soon with a creek the lift went down.

Callum thought he would soon reach somewhere but passage was very long and loud painful wails could be heard in every floor and those screams were getting grotesque. Soon lift stopped with a bang. Everything was silent..too silent. Callum could feel coldness, as ice crept near his feet. He moved back to avoid it.

Lucifer held Callum's hand and went to open lift door. But Callum stopped Lucifer's hand " Dad I don't want to see anything, take me back. Right now". His instinct screamed for him to go back. He could feel dread there and fear, bone curdling fear, Lucifer accepted his decision and brought him back. Melinoe was waiting and Callum hugged her tightly as he was too scared to even cry at that moment.

That night Callum couldn't sleep. While Melinoe glared at Lucifer " it was not necessary, to take him there. I don't think even he wants to know that we have lift directly to hell". Lucifer looked at Melinoe calmly, but there was an anger in his eyes " don't you think it sounds so wrong coming from you who don't even know that he can see death and shadows. A girl he met for one year knows more than you. How does it feel to be such a looser as elder sister and Morna's daughter".

Melinoe was angry her nose flaring, but she knew that she can't be as silver tongued as devil himself. Smirking Lucifer finished drink from his glass and looked at potrait of Morna " you children are pretty tricky to handle darling. One doesn't want to face anything and other doesn't care what is coming our way. I want to know how my baby girl is doing. Are you better than I am".