Chereads / SENTIENT / Chapter 5 - Day Four: The Revelation

Chapter 5 - Day Four: The Revelation

"500 soldiers of 23rd Zenra Army Battalion Group B joins HYPERION Shepard Kunsel on a mission to retrieve missing the HYPERION Forza and Randall at Vaanasa Rainforest. According to President Crisanda, the operation does not only include saving the missing heroes but also includes capturing the last remaining gems." said the anchor of ZenNews TV.

At the Zenran Parliament, President Crisanda is standing at the balcony, observing Eumo's succesful city. His face is full of optimism. Suddenly, an old man walks towards him.

"Are you sure Shepard can complete the task?" said the old man wearing a suit and tie.

The President turns to him.

"Good morning to you too, Former president Frederick Weinsman." He said as he approaches the oldman.

"Former president.. now, the head of the High Council." He added as he shakes Mr. Weinsman's hand.

"My old man Frederick.. we all know that there are seven elgoa gems right? Three of these mythical gems were captured by Shepard alone.. We lost many men in capturing the first gem. I fully trust Shepard so please.. don't doubt our hero."

"It's not that I'm doubting the young man. I know he's the greatest of all HYPERIONs. It's just.. our neighboring countries are getting more suspicious each day! Once they figure it out, our country will perish! We can't cover your tracks any longer. Make sure that Kunsel will finish the job." Mr. Frederick Weinsman to President Crisanda.

*sigh* "We will. Just hold them off a little bit longer. We will capture the remaining ones.. trust me." The president assures.

Mr. Frederick Weinsman nods. "I hope you're not wrong.. keep me posted President Crisanda. I got my eyes on your projects." He says as he leaves the president at the balcony.

President Crisanda shakes his head slightly. "You're not wrong.." he said as he smirks.

At the Vaanasa Rainforest...

TOMP TOMP TOMP TOMP. The sound of army an battalion marching at the rainforest. It's 6 in the morning and Shepard is leading the battalion into the tribe base. Unit by unit, Zenran soldiers march deeper to the jungle, Shepard quietly and calmly walks, letting the army advance. Surrounded by the rainforest's old trees, the 500 soldiers set a defensive perimeter as they approach the batshevan tribe base.

"Stay alert!" Reminded by the Captain. "We are near the base." He added. Soldiers are crouched, sweating and listening to the sounds that nearby animals makes while holding their rifles.

Eyes and guns are aimed everywhere, looking for a target. "Eyes open."

"Gosh... these trees are huge." a soldier said.

"Any heat signatures?" asked by a corporal.

"Yes.. Three at the huts... they're just waiting.."

Shepard, somewhere nearby continues to observe the soldiers. However, his mother's voice, full of hatred, echoes his mind. His hand twitches as he fights the thought in order to stay focus.

"Sgt. Dean, throw a smoke grenade." The captain orders.

"Roger that." the sergeant replied while slowly advancing to a large trunk near the tribe base. He grabs his smoke grenade, pops it and throws it to the tribe base, landing at an abandoned tribe hut.

As the smoke slowly fills the air, King Kramos and the two Batshevan Elders embraces. "This is it Elders.." the King murmured.

The Captain signals his men to advance. "Move move!"

as they march toward, his men from behind notice a trunk thrown at them. "SIIIR LOOK OUT!"

The Captain saw the huge trunk but was unable to dodge. The trunk landed on the captain and six of his men, killing them. The trunk severely injured four others. "MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" yelled a nearby soldier. Upon seeing the huge trunk, the troops fire their rifle at the tribe base while the others pull the injured ones away from the battlefield. "JUST KEEP ON FIRING!". Meanwhile, the elders are stopping the bullets mid-air via telekinesis. King Kramos raises his hand, he open his palm and a ball of flame forms around his hand. The elders spreads their arms and the bullets fires back to the soldiers, killing many of them.

"MAN DOWN! MA- ARGH" a soldier said as he got hit by one of the bullets. King Kramos throws the fireball at the troops and once it hit them, it explodes like a bomb, killing nearby men upon impact.

"FAALLL BACK!" says by the injured Sgt. Dean. "RETREAAAT! WE JUST LOST A LOT OF MEN!"

The Elders levitate another tree trunk and throws it at the retreating soldiers, killing many of them.

"Sir! Sir! We are going to abort the mission! We just lost a hundred men in an instant!" a soldier via radio. President Crisanda closes his eyes and took a deep breathe. He leans at the mic. "DO WHATEVER YOU CAN. WE NEED GO GET THOSE GEMS! WHERE IS SHEPARD?!"

"I can't see him Sir! I ca-" said the soldier as the communication lost signal. Using his hand, President Crisanda slam the table.. "Damn it!".

Meanwhile, the natives are still moving out of the jungle's center. They heard the screams of soldiers and gunfire. Jon looks back where the sounds came from.

"Papa.." Lucia murmured as her eyes are tearing.

"Let's go they're not far.." Jon said.

"Alright let's go people! Continue running as we give salute to the King and the two Elders for holding them back for us!" Jack said as the natives are weeping for the King's sacrifice..

As the smokes clears, dead bodies are everywhere. "Where is he?" One of the Elders said. King Kramos looks around. "I can't see him" the other Elder said to King.

Suddenly, a young man appears from the shadows, walking past dead bodies. "You just killed a hundred and five men.. That's it?" Shepard said. He looks at King Kramos, his eyes are determined to kill and his face is stoic. Shepard's presence taunted the Elders. One of them levitated and threw a trunk immediately at the famous HYPERION but Shepard reacted in time, he grabs his daggers, jumps mid-ar, with his brute strength and speed, he cuts the trunk in half in one slice.

Shepard remains in the air, he spreads his arms, levitating the huge trees.

"Ki-King!" The Elders said.

"Now.. Tell me King Kramos. Where are the gems? Where is Randall and Forza?"

Stunned, the King didn't answer. The Elders prepares to counter Shepard but the soldier is too fast, he uses telekinesis to throw his two daggers at the two elders, piercing them in their heads, killing them.

King Kramos forms a large fireball and launches it against the soldier, Shepard uses the levitating trunk to shield himself from the blast, the trunk burst into fiery splinters upon impact and Shepard merges it with the remaining fire and remnants of his own power creating a makeshift fireball himself and throws it to the King, causing an explosion. The shockwave was felt by the evacuating natives, Lucia, Garzam, and even Jon and Jack.

The explosion sends the King to a rock formation, severely injured. He looks in the sky, gasping for air. His chest is broken, damaging his lungs. His right side's burned.

He looks at the young man approaching him. "Tell me where Randall and Forza is and Tell me where the remaining gems are." Shepard demanded. At this point, King Kramos couldn't see Shepard's face clearly.

"They're safe.. you think you can get your hands on them?! No... You think you're doing the right thing?! Your country only knows power and greed! All of you don't deserve these ancient gems! YOU'RE WRONG!! Just like your country! YOU'RE JUST A PUPPET!" The King replied causing a stabbing pain in Shepard's heart as the King's words triggers the soldier's memories of unloving past. Upon hearing this, Shepard grabs his dagger and pierced the King's neck. His hand is twitching. His eyes are tearing. His whole body is shivering.

He wipes his tears and he gasps a little bit before proceeding to go after the gems. Meanwhile, after hours of traveling, the evacuating natives reache the other tribe base located at the Vaanasa Cliffs near the end of the jungle. Lucia and Garzam asks the natives to take a rest as Jon and Jack meet the 5 NOVA soldiers sent by Commander Leo who watches the evacuation through a hidden drone.

"So what now?" Jon to the soldiers.

"Commander Leo asked us to assist you in evacuating the whole tribe. While we're on our way, we successfully notified the tribe at Vaanasa Crater to move here which isn't that far away." the NOVA Soldier One said as the natives of Vaanasa Crater tribe arrive at the scene. Garzam looks at the soldiers. "What about those who were in the front?" He asked the soldiers.

"Unfortunately, they didn't make it. HYPERION Rebecca Shala led an army against them this morning.." said NOVA Soldier Two. Upon hearing this, Garzam's optimistic nature disappears, knowing his brother was on the frontline, the news broke him into pieces. Lucia pats his huge muscular arm. "They'll pay for what they have done.." she murmured to Garzam as the latter nods with sorrowful eyes.

The 5 NOVA Soldiers looks around and notices that the tribe base at Vaanasa Waterfalls is not with them. "Where's the natives of Vaanasa Waterfalls?"

Jon looks around. Jack did the same. "Looks like they didn't hear the horn.." Jack murmured. Jon looks at the 5 NOVA Soldiers. "I'll go back." He said

"No" said by Jack. "You stay here, brother. I'll go back." He added.


"No! Of course. You stay here with the rest." Jack as he picks from the five NOVA Soldiers. "What's your name?" He asks NOVA Soldier One. "Scot Sir!" He looks at NOVA Soldier Three. "How about you?" "Jeff Sir" the soldier replied.

"Alright Scott, Jeff, you come with me." Jack said as he points at the two soldiers.

Jack looks back at Jon. "You help these guys defend themselves man!" He said to Jon who nods in return. Jack, long with Scott and Jeff, goes back to the center of the rainforest, hoping to save the tribe base at Vaanasa Waterfalls.

Meanwhile, at the Vaanasa Waterfalls, all the natives there are now captured by HYPERION Kaine and HYPERION Jane. They heard the gunshots from the Royal Tribe Base earlier and is expecting Shepard to meet up with them. The natives are sitting on the ground with their hands tied behind their back.

"You think Shepard's killing the job?" Jane asks Kaine as the latter looks at her with one eyebrow raised. "He better be, I don't trust the guy but the government has its favorites, and clearly it's not us." Kaine replied. "I mean look. It only took two of us to nuetralize these natives. I'm sure we can get the gems too." Kaine added as Jane nods. Kaine looks at the captured natives.

He raises his voice. "Does anyone of you know where Randall and Forza whereabouts are?!"

Jane, with her left eyebrow slightly raised, looks at them. "Is no one going to answer me?! If nobody answers me I'm going to kill all of you, one by one." the HYPERION demanded.

Within a few seconds, no one still answers. The natives are quiet, faces are down. "Alright. You beasts really want to make me do it." Kaine said as he grabs his gigantic axe. "Stop." Jane said. Kaine, in confusion, looks at Jane.

"Can't you hear it?"

"What is it?"

"Footsteps.. THERE!" she said, pointing at the sound's origin.

Kaine turns at the origin of the sound, only to see an injured Zenran Soldier. "Help... please" the infantry said before collapsing to the ground. Kaine rushes to the soldier's aid but it's too late, the soldier is dead. "What the hell happened..?" He murmured. He turns at the captured natives and he cleaves one in half, instantly killing it.


"KAINE STOP!" demanded by Jane. As Kaine looks at a younger batshevan native, he holds his axe's grip so tight and slowly aims at the kid. "KAINE!"

However, just as he was about to throw his axe at the kid, a huge sword with electric current flowing on its blade was thrown at the axe causing an explosion of lightning, sending Kaine away.

Jane, in shock, saw Jack Forza standing besides the huge trees. "I need your help." He said as Kaine recovers.

"You're alive!" Kaine said as he walk closely to Forza.

"What happened to you?"

"What did these natives do to you?"

"Where's Jon?" Kaine to Jack.

"Look we gotta set these natives free. They're defending what truly belongs to them from power and greed. Everything the President told us about this war is a lie. Jon is evacuating the rest of the batshevan herd together with the native's king's daughter. Commander Leo Kunsel sent five soldiers to assist him and I asked two of them help me in saving these natives." Jack as he introduced Scott and Jeff. "By the way, this is Scott and Jeff." He said.

"What?!" Jane said in confusion.

"Yes what you heard is right. President wants the gems to be captured because he wants to harness the gem's energy in order to gain even more power. Power that is not meant for environmental issues." Jack answers.

Kaine, confused, shakes his head. "How?"

"The native's king spoke to me and to Jon yesterday. He explained everything to us and it makes sense! Look, if our country succeeds in capturing these gems. A new war will start and our whole planet will be in danger." Jack said.

"They're using propaganda against these defenseless natives! Saying that they're violent when they're clearly not! They're paying captured natives to tell lies to other countries and that's why no other country is reacting at all." He added.

Kaine looks at the native he killed. The body brought him to his knees. He weeps and asks the native to forgive him. "We understand.. please.. help us."

Kaine repeatedly nods as he weeps. He proceeds to untie the natives and Jack and Jane helps him.

"Where is the Chief?" Jack to Jane

"Who?" Jane replied as Kaine looks at Jack.

"Shepard?" Kaine as he unties a native.

"Yeah.." Jack nods. "He deserves to know the truth too." He added.

"He'll be here.." Jane assures as she unties a native. The natives who were freed help the three HYPERIONs untie their comrades and within a few moments, all of them are free.

"Alright. You guys know the Vaanasa Cliffs right?" Jack to one of the natives. The native nods. "The other tribes are waiting for you there. Be careful." Jack said. The native turns to his comrades. "to the cliffs!" He said to them. Before they leave the three HYPERION, they expressed grattitudes for understanding their situation.

"What now?" Jane asks the two. Kaine, still in disbelief, sits at the ground. "It's been 4 years since the war started.. I didn't even know this shit... I always looked at them as this barbaric primitive race.." He said.

Jack sits in front of him. "We all did.. but hey. Better late than never right? The chief needs to know it too."

Kaine shakes his head. "His arrogance is killing me. How are you going to make him believe you?"

Suddenly, a dagger hits the jungle soil. The trio looks at the dagger, finding Shepard standing beside it.

"So I'm wrong again..." Shepard said. His face in shock. His eyes are full of guilt.. "I just murdered their king and and-" Shepard as he squeezes his temples. His veins are vivid to his forehead. Jack and Kaine rushes to Shepard. "Hey pal calm down!" Jack said. "Calm down Shep!" Kaine as he and Jack comforts Shepard.


"RAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He screams in pain Tears are running down from his eyes. His face is turning red.

You're just a PUPPET!

"Shepard! Chief! Calm down please." Jack said as Shepard's fists clenches. The winds blows the place stronger than usual. Scott and Jeff observe their surroundings. "This is not good.." Jeff murmured.


"I'm.. tired of lies.." Shepard with his heavy voice. Within a few seconds, a strong shockwave sends Kaine, Jack, Jane, Scott, and Jeff away long with the nearby trees.

Jack recovers immediately and looks for the others but his attention is caught by a levitating Shepard. In shock, Jack couldn't find the right word to say.

"What.. Dear Lord.. How is this happening?" He said as he grabs his sword.

"Shepard... what are you?"

"I'll finish you all.. I'm tired of everything.." Shepard answers as he slowly lands to the ground. He holds his hand out as his dagger flies to his grasp.

Jack shakes his head. "No you won't."

Shepard, locking his eyes on Jack, he slightly lowers his head as he stares him down, then proceeds to charge against Forza. Jack reacted on time and the two engage in a fight, sword vs dagger. Shepard relentlessly attacking Jack as Jack continues to block his attacks.


"Fine.. I'll show you the real me." As Shepard uses telekinesis to throw huge trees at Jack who cuts the trees mid-air in half. Shepard surprises Jack by charging at him and proceeds to land a kick at his abdomen, sending Jack to the ground.

Jack endures the pain, he grabs his sword's handle tight. He jumps mid-air and Shepard proceeds to fight him. The two HYPERIONs fight each other from mid-air, to branches of trees, and to the ground. Shepard throws his dagger at Jack who dogdges it but he uses his telekinesis to pull it backwards. Jack realizing what's happening, faces the approaching dagger and deflects it using his sword. "Where did you get this.. power?" He said to Shepard who charges at him and brutally kicks his back.

Jack coughs out blood as he hit the ground with his face. He gets up. His body is shivering. Meanwhile, a Private Dunn is watching nearby. Amazes at Shepard's skill and reputation, he calls the President via mic. "Sir.. It looks like Shepard is taking down the traitor.."

President Crisanda, confused, he asked the soldier "what do you mean? Who is the traitor?"

"Jack Forza. I saw him freeing the natives Sir." Upon hearing this.. The President hangs the call, disappointed and in frustration.

Jack gets up. He wipes his blood from his mouth. He smiles. "Come on.. Chief.. don't be like this.."

Shepard, in return, stabs Jack in the abdomen. He pushes the latter away. Jack, still holding his sword. He gets up. Electric currents starts to flow to his sword's blade. "I'll save the world by killing all of you." Shepard said. "Sparing only primitive animals."

Jack smirks. "Then I'll stop your genocide!" He jumps mid-air, aiming at Shepard. However, Shepard stops Jack mid-air as he controls Jack's gigantic sword. He opens his palm taking the electric currents away from the blade, merging it with his telekinetic energy and as he closes his palm, the element violently erupts in front of Jack. He hits the ground, unconscious and is badly injured from the fight.

As soon as Kaine and Jane recovered, Shepard retreated. Zenran Soldiers arrive to take the unconscious Jack to the custody. "Can you believe it. This guy's a traitor to our country!" A soldier said.

Kaine and Jane heard it and Kaine asks his teamate to go to Jon. "Where's Scott and Jeff?"

"Dead." Jane replied.

"You go find Randall at the Vaanasa Cliffs. I'll go with Forza." Kaine said. The two disperse from each other. Kaine made himself visible to the Zenran Soldiers by coming out of the bushes. "Let me hold him." He said to the soldiers. Jane watches nearby before heading to Jon.

"Shepard beat him. I saw it." Private Dunn said. "Will ya kill him? He's a traitor." He added.

"Why don't you shut your ugly mouth before I kill you?" Kaine as he threatens the soldier. "I'll be the one to take him to Mr. President."