Chapter 4 - chapter 2

Our two young siblings Sanvy and Seon were so shocked as if they were seeing a meteor shower in the broad day light. They were so amazed that they couldn't speak a word. They were in wonder if they are seeing it for real or it was their imagination. After a while Seon suddenly asked "SIS ARE YOU SEEING WHAT I AM SEEING? ". There wasn't a word comming from Sanvy as if she was dumbfounded. It was a big mansion as big as a big villa no no it was bigger than a big villa. They have never seen such a big mansion in their life.

They were so amazed that they didn't speak anything and they were seeing the mansion with their wide opened eyes. They were looking at the mansion just like a little kid watching a super man. While they were so busy in testing if it was a real mansion. A person who was passing by that place suddenly came towards Seon and asked "Young master, what are you doing here? Everyone is searching for you ". Seon was shocked he didn't know what to say. He was already in a big shock after seeing such a big mansion now someone who is looking like a guard is calling him master. That person seemed like he was familiar with Seon. But Seon has never seen that person. He got up all his courage and asked the guard who he was and what that place was. The guard looked shocked . Then the guard asked "Young master what happened to you? ". But our poor Seon didn't know what to say he was just staring him as if he didn't know anything.

Then suddenly so many people came running to Seon. Seon was shocked by seeing so many people coming towards him. He was so scared that he didn't move an inch. Seon was thinking if he did anything wrong. It seems that people are coming to capture him. Will they be putting him into a prison will he be a prisoner in this life time that is what he was thinking. He didn't want to be a prisoner. He didn't know what to do. Then he searched for his sister but she was nowhere to be found. He felt he was left in this world alone and he is going to die. He wanted to do something to escape but he didn't know what to do he started praying God. He was like "LORD BALAJI PLEASE SAVE ME I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU IF YOU SAVE ME"


A lady from the people coming towards Seon came to him crying and said " HENON WHAT HAPPENED MY DEAR? WHY ARE YOU HERE? " Again he was shocked seeing that lady whom he don't even know crying for him. He was like "WHO IS SHE WHY IS SHE HOLDING ME AND WHY IS SHE CALLING ME HENON". He again didn't know what to say he was just staring at her. Then the lady was so sad looking at him not speaking anything. Then again she was like why are you here? Did you have a nightmare? When did you get out of the mansion? What are you doing in the garden? Why are you holding pillow and blanket? she was speeking to seon as if she was speeking to her son but our little boy seon was still so confused he was in a state where he couldn't understand what was going on. But the lady didn't stop crying and she started speakingto her husband, she was askingto her husband what to do she was also asking about what happend to henon then her husband told her to take him into the mansion he also told that henon might have had a nightmare. And they took him into the mansion and our seon who had no idea about what was going on just went into the mansion without saying a word.

While he was going into the mansion he realised that the forest he was initially in was a part of the mansion. So he thanked God for saving him. He was just felling relieved for a moment he saw a big strange creature flying across the mansion. He was shockedto see a such a big bird. He was wondering if such a big bird really exists. It was like a big beast.

Opening his mouth he saw the bird flying above the mansion for a while and asked the guard what it was. The guard again looked shocked by listening to seon's question and he replied that it was a Ramplet although seon didn't understand about what the guard was saying he replied " YEAH, THAT'S A RAMPLET RIGHT ". After that he silently followed the guard to a room. The guard after leaving seon in the room he left the room. After guard left seon took a deep breath as if he just got out of the water which was surrounding him. He started to think about what happend from the time he woke up. He realised that his sister who was besides him from the start suddenly disappeared when the guard appear in front of him everything happend in a short time that he can't even think about what happend he was sad because his sister disappeared suddenly and also was worried about what happend his sister . While he was thinking a lot about this something suddenly appeared infront of him.