This is what I've become
You've pushed me too far
I am now the edge of the blade
I am the scythe that death holds
Under your neck
My voice will be heard
My body will be displayed
For I've taken to the audience
I've found solace in insanity
Putting on a show of my own
Below the fireworks of normality
Everyone has always expected
To see a rainbow of bright flares
Lighting up the night sky
But not a girl
Spreading new wings
Crafted from what you've taught me
The metal of carving tools
Glimmering against the neon
of a ceiling light
I've blinded myself with
But now
I'm going to cure the blind
Reverse the fires of the cannons
To let everyone see
The void above
That shows them how small they are
Displays their insignificance
As you have to me
You've pushed me over the edge
What lies beneath
Rests a permanent stain
Of sin and shame
To rest below your feet
Covering your world
In crimson