you're caging yourself
enslaving us into a reality
where our wounds never heal
our souls suffocated eternally
like fireflies in a jar
constantly choking with every pulse
begging for our faded, blurred light
To be put out and swallowed with relief
I try to guide her
to sleep with me
in a fireplace
built from stardust
but she won't awaken
from her own dream
lost in a universe
under her control
maybe that's why she's lost it
she tells me
the universe isn't meant to be free
for order keeps reality in orbit
and this child
a pure, innocent soul
will nurture the galaxies
our limits no longer viable
the universe at our command
when in the hands of a deity
birthed from our touch
one without the need of faith
or hopeless calls for miracles
to tame the wrath of evil
for when we have the universe
living under our cold hearts
the void wrapped in our ropes
the cage, an adolescent
pure and obedient
listening in its celestial body
hearing our desires
with the power to fulfill them
it's not immortality through one life
she calls to me
it's to ensure there will be life when we can no longer confirm our own.
and with this statement
she loosens the stone in her glove
letting gravity drag it down
to fall over the child
who will soon know purpose
long before all of humanity
has caught a glimpse
now is my time to strike