It seems my judgment of time
Has failed yet again
For our conversation has ended again
As it did fifty times before
And as the sun hides behind the moon
You rise from your seat
And tell me its time
For you must leave into the storm
Through the clouded darkness of death
Never to return again
But you don't know that
You tell me
I'll see you again soon
I tell you over and over
That we're living in the last seconds
Each tick a heartbeat
But you keep walking
Telling me I'm going crazy
That my branches have reached over my head
Why didn't you listen to me?
I am the seer of earth
Keeper of secrets
The holder of divine multiples
We were children to the universe
But as you walked to the glass doors beyond
I could see the color from your dress fade
The sapphire blue flowing through the room
Moving with the water below
Built from the storm
The skies crying in agony
The waves shifting to your will
But soon to be someone else
The next Libra
To trace your steps
But even as they follow the same path
The same footprints in the snow
They'll never be the same as you
They'll never live up to what you've become
Why didn't I stop you?
Was it because I made a mistake?