Chereads / The Second Time Traveler- LTT Book Two / Chapter 4 - Training and Travels

Chapter 4 - Training and Travels

The rest of the time I spent in that world was used for training. I was checked on by the king and queen often but they mostly left me alone. I managed to scare the servants enough that they no longer bring my food so a regular demon had to do it. "Ashera? Are you up?"

"Of course I am. What do you need?" I ask the bluenette.

"I have one final gift for you. May I come in?"

"Sure." I walk to the door and open it. "That's.... Bright."

"Mhm." She smiles. "Now, take it!" She shoves the very vibrant thing into my hands. "Bye!"

"Okay..?" I look at the bundle of cloth in my hands and open it revealing the dress I had worn when I had gotten here. "Oh..." I smile but not long after I'm frowning again. "I miss you mom, dad." I sigh.

"You called?" I hear from behind me on the bed and spin around.


"I missed you too Ash." He smiles. "How have you been?"

"Wait.... Are you really not angry I killed you?"

"Not at all." Mom grins. "In fact, I would have done the same. We tried to be kind but someone's offer was too good to be true. If we weren't royal- If we hadn't been royalty, we could probably still be together."

"Yeah..." I tear up.

"Hey." Dad says softly coming to me. He wraps his light arms around me and, though I can't feel the touch on my skin, I feel his warmth in my soul. "Don't cry. We'll always be right here." I finally stop crying and pull away. There was a smile on his face so similar to the one he had when he died.

"I'm sorry." I smile. "I'm going to leave to another world once I let my hosts know. Bye mom, dad."

"Goodbye my lovely Ash." Mom says with a smile as she faded away.

"Goodbye. Remember, you are in control of your destiny." Dad fades away.

"Goodbye." I smile and turn away. I head into the throne room and shout loud enough to be heard over the crowd. "Oi! Faelynn! Demetrius! I need to talk to you!" The crowd parted for me after that and I walked straight to the thrones. I kneel there, bowing my head.

"You don't need to do that." Faelynn smiled. "Rise Lady Ash."

"Fine." I laugh. "I need to tell you something."

"Hmm?" She cocks her head.

"I'm leaving."

"I shall miss you my friend."

"I will return, don't you worry." I smile and give her and Demetrius a hug. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye Fair Lady Ashera." Demetrius gets up and bows to me. I smile and leave, hearing the court resume their talking once I'm out of the room.

"Goddess Niko. May I speak with you?"

'Of course Ashera.'

"In person?"

'Sure.' She sighs and fades into existence next to me. "What did you need?"

"Can you teach me how to use my power?"

"Of course."

"Thanks my lady." I give her a small curtsy.

"You need to imagine the place you wish to go."

"Okay...." I think of my old throne room.

"Visiting that jerk already?"

"I need to make sure he hasn't screwed up my kingdom. If he did..." I shake my wrist and a dagger falls through my sleeve into my hand. "I've already got the blood of two innocents on my hands."

"I see." She smiles softly. "I hope that he's the only one you'll kill there."

"He should be."

"One thing before you go." She grins and snaps her fingers. "There. Much better." I turn to look at myself in the mirror.

"Woah....." My usually orange hair is now a beautiful blue that rivals my mother's. My eyes were a vibrant pink and, to top it all off, my body shape is totally different. I'm thinner but I have more of my... Assets. My dress still fit me perfectly.

"I hope you don't mind. I changed up the dress so you didn't look poor."

"Thank you my lady. But why do I have demon horns, angelic wings and elf ears?"

"So you stand out more as a mix of species. And this new body of yours should be permanent. If you want me to change it, call for me."

"Of course my lady." I grin.

"Alrighty! Now that that's settled, imagine a portal big enough for you to fit in leading to the place you imagined."

"One second." I shove all my stuff except for the daggers into an air pocket. That thing will follow me everywhere. I attached the daggers to my belt and made the portal.

"Good choice of weapons Ashera." She smiles.

"I feel dizzy." I sigh. "Goodbye m'lady." I walk through the portal causing quite a stir. "You!" I point at the throne and the guy on it. "Come with me. No guards."

"Okay....." He seemed hesitant.

"Just come on. I feel like I'm about to collapse any second now." I walk him to my room. "Wow.... You left this place intact, my king." I laugh.

"What?" He just stood there, dumbstruck.

"Heh. Does this ring a bell?" I slip out the dagger that I used to kill my parents.

"You- Lady Ashera? Why-Why are you here?"

"I'm here to check up on my home."

"I uh....."

"And it seems you did a good job keeping the place intact." I laugh and he flinches. I turn and open a portal to another world. "Goodbye." I say with a note of finality. For all my bluffing, I wouldn't kill the man. Because then, I'd have to rule the kingdom and I wouldn't get to use my eternal immortality. Stories were left in my wake of course and I let them spread. People were saying things like Goddess Ashera of Adventurers. I let all those rumors spread wether in my world or another. I traveled for years before settling on a world to watch over.