Jason scrambled back into my room and I closed the door. I turn to face him and he is standing in my room with my blanket over his head.
I swear this boy is an idiot.
"Take that off your head it's just my parents."
"Hello? Have you seen the those iconic 'snuck my boyfriend into my house and oh no my parents found out'."
Jason said with the blanket still over his head.
I yanked the blanket off of him and gestured him to go to the window."Okay now jump out the window." I pointed at him.
"Are you crazy? I'll break my bones." He said crossing his arms.
"You'll live." I say pushing him towards the open window. He grabbed the sides of the window and held back a force causing me to use more force to push him out the window. Suddenly he starts tumbling down my roof and on the drive way.
I winced at him."Are you okay?" I called to him. He got up from the ground and put thumbs up to me and jogged away until I couldn't see him anymore. I think he was limping too. Oh well, it's kinda what he gets for calling me cupcake.
All of a sudden Devanie came barging in my room."Kani! Mom, Dad, Safari and I are home. Come downstairs and stop being an antisocial brat!" She slammed the door closed while I stuck my tongue out at her.
I went downstairs only to find my family on the couch doing their own thing. When I appear out of the corner my mom leaps from the couch and grabs hold of my face.
"I've been so worried about you. You haven't been answering your phone and then I saw you with a boy on Instagram!"
I widened my eyes when she said that last part.
"Oh that-that's nothing! It was for a.....school play!"
I forced a smile at her. Why couldn't I just stay home and not be a big whiney baby about it.
Maybe I wouldn't have met Jason or seen Luke again. Wouldn't it be great?
"Well I'm just glad your safe. I've been so worried." My mom says.
Devanie runs up to me and kicks me in my leg so I flick her in the forehead. She runs upstairs yelling. Safari steps from behind my mom and gives me a hug."Long time no see! How've you been?"
Safari is probably the only one I've missed. We're pretty close, because we're only three years apart.
My mom and dad went to their rooms to rest and Safari lead me to her room, because she wanted to 'talk'.
We sit on the bean bags in the corner of her wide bedroom.
"That Instagram post wasn't for a school play was it Kani?"Safari asked with a questioning smirk on her face.
She did the most dramatic gasp ever and wiggled her eyebrows at me."So who was he? Your boyfriend?"
"Absolutely not."
"Don't worry as much as you deny it now, you'll end up together I'm pretty sure you'll end up together."
"No,we won't, absolutely not. I don't like him and he doesn't like me and he told me so himself."
"Stop being stupid and open your eyes Kani! It happens in every love drama. Also big news he's the prince of freaking England?!"
"He left England to find you?"
"He's gonna fall in love with you?!"
"Umm no "
"Ugh! Kani your so complicated!"Safari flopped back on her bed and threw a pillow at me." Get out your presence is no longer needed. Now scram." I rolled my eyes and went back to my room.
No matter how many times Safari might be right she was extremely wrong with me and Jason. He told me so himself that he didn't like me and he was trying to find the 'right one'. Although deep, deep, deep, deep down inside I wanted to be the 'right one'.
Deep down inside....
I was the 'right one'.