"It was never the lotus spring who has the answer, it's always been the Lotus,"
Master Nai's words rang in Hong Liu's mind as she entered her chambers and put down the carving set down at the side of her bed. Looking down at the sparkling red crystal-like an eye at the hilt and the rest were carved in silver, rusted silver. It was a beautiful thing…something she would design for her set of knives or sword. Hong Liu's head buzzed with revelations that had come to her, the lotus heart was a curse and it could only be one lotus heart, so if…if all the vessels of lotuses were for her then her spirit is old as long as time itself, something that had seen Dong Hai got through all the wars and battles, every lotus that he ever uses it is her. The carving in the cave…the carving set. She shook her head, this was beyond her comprehension, too big for her to wrap her mind around it.