Xiao Liu always used to have something to look forward to, something good in every unconventional circumstance but now she feels lost like the stars in the dark sky these days, she knew they were there but covered in the dark growling clouds. Xiao Liu walking down to the lake alone, even the sun rays couldn't break through the clouds, lost in her thoughts, unaware of the red eyes peeking from the bushes she keeps walking down, she comes to halt and her heart sunk as she saw the tree, Dong Hai and she spends time under, the bed of lilies dried up surrounded by the yellow grass.
A rustle break through the eerie silence, she turns swiftly only to see the bed of dead bushes and the bells chimes on her waist as she carefully raises up from the ground and her eyes scan the surrounding a little knife ready and the four black-figure launched front the sky but the lack of the cultivation and injury Xiao Liu's moment were slow, the bells ring on her waist harder.