Dong Hai looked fiercely magnificent in his white robes covered in blood surrounded by stars and red lava-like primary chaos has just met with peace and the crystal sword in his hand glimmer with the glory that would make anyone's heart stop and it pierces through the man in black red robes blood run out from the corner of the man's mouth, Dong Hai hand force the handle and ran the sword in man's chest up to hilt. Dong Hai broke the hilt and the red core of the sword exploded and Dong Hai spat blood falling into nothingness.
Xiao Liu's eyes flew open and she bent down by her bed coughing, she culled up in a ball on the stone floor. She touched her forehead feeling the cold sweat.
"This couldn't be Dong Hai…." she tried to reassure herself but the dread in the pit of her stomach just rose to grab her throat.