"Xiao Liu, It is a delight to see you here chi..." Lady Bai almost had embraced Xiao Liu but she came to halt noticing an arm around her and stepped back in shock when she saw the person the arms belong to.
"Your Lordship," She paid respect and disguised her obvious astonishment but Xiao Liu released herself from Dong Hai as he nodded in acknowledgement and hugged Lady Bai.
"I always knew, you wanted to come to this festival why have you not send for me when you decided,"
"I didn't know, Dong Hai brought me," Xiao Liu turned to glance at him with a smile.
"He..did?" Lady Bai didn't know what to do with that information but seeing Lord Dong Hai with sweet sticks in his hand was not the sight she ever imagined.
Dong Hai just gave another nod at Little Red's statement and turned away.