Hong Liu saw Yi Tai and Xue Feng in their original form outside the garden area of the kitchens and gave them signals that everything is alright. She follows Dong Hai and smiles as she looks at his back, there was a time when she knew nothing of him except the fact he completely enchanted her, though she is now restrained by the complication of their feelings. She realizes she is still the same to most of the degree, his refusal, rejection, coldness and then warmth had never changed her heart still races the same way, it skips at his handsome feature at the same way it used to and as mesmerized as she was as her heart carefree run with its feelings, she didn't know he stop and she crashed into his back. She shook her head, reminding herself why she is here.
Dong Hai slightly smiled but then he pulled a neutral expression and turned with a raised eyebrow, Hong Liu flushed red, swallowing her breath hitched at his expression and stepped back, bowing.