In the evening when she was returning she stop at the forest line leaning on the tree, she looks up at the sky that was getting darker and she should have been in the hut by now but she can't endure his soft gaze anymore, his persistence and understanding nor she want to be harsh anyway. She gazes at the stars that always help her find solace, in the last sixty years they were there whenever she needs them like an old friend. Can you tell me what to do now? I love him and now this is just getting deeper digging into me, I can't stop it.
"Your Highness," Ming Zhu appeared beside her and bowed.
"If you are here to tell me that I have to be quick about it, then I don't have the strength to say no to him or not love him," Hong Liu said.
"Kindly accept my apology that you have to go through this," Ming Zhu said, his sadness was evident on his face.
Hong Liu looks at him, there was only one thing she wanted at this moment.