The wind rushed past his ears as the wide blue expanse was open to Florence. The only problem was that he was freefalling towards a very quick death right off the bat as soon as he started this damn game and he didn't even know the penalty for dying! White puffy clouds raced passed him as the overwhelming sound of the wind rushing past, the noise blocking out his thoughts as he felt his heart race! The smell of the fresh air, the rushing of the air, the gravity pulling him down closer and closer to the big marble that was the world of G.I.D. This was terrifying! Who starts by dropping a player in the middle of the sky with a freefall much less with no idea of where they might be! Florence let out a scream before a bug hit the back of his throat and sent him into a deep coughing fit, causing him to grab his throat as he tried to spit it up. A rather loud snicker began as he peered back over his shoulder to find Twenty-Two holding a teacup, lightly sipping it whilst enjoying the jestful entertainment that was being displayed before him. He didn't seem alarmed as he politely sipped his tea, an ostentatious look painting the face of Florence as he began to shake his head in confusion. The chimp AI simply pointed down at the impending descent, a vast and lush forest that seemed to sprawl out in continuity as far as his eye could see which was oddly a bit farther than he originally thought. The treetop canopy seemed to approach faster and faster as he got closer, the lush greenery overtaking his sight as he marveled. As if it was a painting he took in the sights happily though fear was much more overpowering over the beauty that he was before him.
"Ah yes, I did neglect to mention that death in-game will result in a twenty-four-hour forced lockout of the game meaning you will miss out on seventy-two hours in the game so I recommend either tread carefully or better yet don't die. Remember to enjoy the game and cultivate the seed within you"
The chimp smiled before dissipating, a mix of pixels fading into the sky as the treetops approach at a faster rate as they are mere feet away. Twenty-Four-hour lockout! What the hell was this damn game if he was already being forced to his death not to mention being nowhere near civilization to respawn in when he could log back in! Florence threw his arms over his face as he braced for impact, branches, and leaves smacking against his body, he could feel solid branches slamming against his body as dull pain gently racked his body. He falls limp, trying to soften the impact of each branch as birds tweet, animals howl and the sound of limbs cracking continued to distract him. It felt like an eternity of falling as he finally hit the forest floor with a dull thud, the impact knocking the air out of him as he gasps, clutching his ribs as he shutters in pain. His vision gets blurry a bit before he notices something in the corner of his eye, a health bar, a mana bar he supposed, and lastly under that was an experience bar.
That was rather interesting but didn't really tell him much, though what did catch his eye was the full health and the dull pain that gently throbbed in his sides. He was curious as he took a deep breath, the pain clearing rather fast as he laid back on the ground and looking up at the sky. He noticed his initial impact and the branches that lead down to his fall, it was hard to take such a fall into thought but the lack or really the max of health still existing. What was the system's name again? He swore that the one from before was the same as the one here, Darrel? Don? Darnell? Donivan? Nah he was just teasing,
"Dave-Sama, are you there? I would like to view my stats if you don't mind"
With a moment's notice screen popped up and opened, first a message and another under it as well.
"Hello, IllFang! You are correct that I am the same system as before but if you need to access things like status, inventory, chat, etc. These are shortcuts to said menus even though I do love our chats!"
Florence smiled a bit at the message, it seems that even the system that handled player interface had a complex thought process that allowed for emotions. His vision then was blocked by a rather large screen, an actual stats screen.
IllFang: Level 0
Race: Half-Elf
STR:12 AGI:25 DEX:21 CON:8 INT:18 WIS:25 CHA:15 SPT:13
Skills:Beginner Elven Bow Arts:0% Beginner Elven Sword Arts:0% Falling:MAX Subpar Mana Curcits:0% Chaos of Man:0% Elven Grace:0% Everyone's Friend:0% Simple Apprisal:0%
Titles: He Who is watched, First of the Half, Shooting Star
Florence was a little perplexed as he tilted his head with a rather curious look as he looked over the stats, skills, and titles. So it seems his predetermined race was Half-Elf and it came with a unique set of skills not to mention stats but a few titles didn't seem to click, He Who is Watched must be linked to the fact that he is apart of the group who's recorded and the video is sent to the developers but the other two didn't make too much sense. He clicked the second title, another screen making its way over the other as it gave a rather large description,
First of the Half, a title bestowed upon the first of the Half-Elves among masters. This is a reserved race that isn't available to begin with, there are Irks that share the same race, however, players aren't able to select this race until developers see fit. This makes you unique in the game not to mention the real-world as its not available. This grants access to special skills as well as the ability to solidify more due to the fact that you will be able to later make skills that will be available to players when this race is released publicly. The gods of this game are watching so do not fail to appease them.
Florence was rather surprised by such a title or the prospect that he was able to do such things much less be offered such a chance. A devious smile crossed his face as he pondered the extent of the idea but what was even more enticing was the potential this granted him. He sighed and decided to move to the next title,
Shooting Star, A title given to someone who falls a great hight and lives. One who holds this title is able to take falls as if they were nothing. Bonus: Falling: MAX
This was a little embarrassing though he had lucked out on something like that he wasn't willing to admit that he had such a title. He closed the stats menu and sat up, observing the scene that laid before him, a simple lush forest with rays of sunshine peeking through the canopy, truly this game was crafted wonderfully as he smiled. Next, he wanted to look at what items he had, he knew he had a backpack but wasn't sure what was in it.
"Inventory please Dave-Sama"
Another window popped up as he was given a view of what items he had available, A short sword, a bow, a dagger, a set of simple armor, a quiver of arrows, and a slough of rations. Interestingly, he clicked the bow which brought up a sub-menu giving him the option dismantle, equip and upgrade. He chose to equip it as well as the quiver, a rather interesting concept as he stood up. Florence guessed it was about time to get a move on, better now then later but it seemed like his first and only objective was to survive and learn.