Chereads / Running into you / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Donuts o' mother

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9: Donuts o' mother

Alexa had been sleeping a lot better for the last few days, and the presence of Maggie was noticeable. In Maggie's arms, she felt a feeling of safety and love she had never experienced before. Maggie would wrap her arms around Alexa, and within five seconds, Alexa would be asleep. When Alexa told Kara, her sister, that she was sleeping better, Kara didn't believe her at first. So, of course, Alexa shared the details like a lovestruck fool. Kara still stayed worried as she wanted her little sister to be genuinely happy. As Alexa was brushing her teeth, she noticed her medicine cabinet. She hadn't touched it either for a few days. Hopefully, there won't be another anxiety attack soon. Speaking of, a serious conversation with Maggie was hovering over her head. Alexa knew Maggie had seen her having a night-terror, one of the worst ones. Should she tell Maggie that they were memories? Maggie wouldn't want her then. No one liked a damaged person with a dark past; not even Lin knew. Only Kara; well, that was because she was her sister.

"Good night, princess," Maggie sent a text with a heart emoji that put a smile on Alexa's face.

"Good night, queen," Alexa replied and fell asleep.

They were spending a lot of time together after office, either at Maggie's place or at Alexa's place. The following day, Alexa had an idea that she had to do overtime, and Maggie understood. She said she would wait for Alexa. This girl was something else! Alexa couldn't stop smiling all day. And, when it was time to leave, Alexa was out of there in ten nanoseconds. Of course, she wasn't, but that was a figure of speech. She got some donuts and two coffees on her way as she noticed they were Maggie's guilty pleasure.

"Hi, Alexa!" Lilly startled her as she was about to enter the elevator.

"Hi. How are you?" Alexa asked, grinning.

"I'm good. Just going up home. I live on the floor below," Lilly beamed. Her grin was infectious.

"Oh, are they donuts? And coffee? Thank you," before Alexa could say anything, Lilly opened the packet and dug in. She looked like a small child.

"Here, they are for you," Alexa gave her the donuts and coffee.

"Really?" She asked wide-eyed.

"Why not?" Alexa smiled.

"Thank you," she hugged and happily left on her floor with the food and beverages Alexa brought. Alexa couldn't help but laugh at her innocence.

Alexa got to the penthouse, and Juan greeted her.

"Ma'am, do you need anything?" she asked.

"Just some water. Thank you," Alexa said and sat on the breakfast counter. The exhaustion of the day was finally hitting her. She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders giving her a gentle massage, and she instantly knew who it was. She relaxed instantly.

"Rough day?" Maggie asked her with concern.

"You were there as well," Alexa pointed out as she guided Maggie in front of her. She missed her face. And, it had only been a couple of hours. She saw Juan warmly smiling by her peripheral, but tried to conceal it.

"I didn't do overtime," Maggie replied.

"Hm... I missed you," Alexa looked up, so she was staring at Maggie's eyes.

"I missed you too," Maggie bent down and planted her lips on Alexa.

"Oh, not again!" Lilly's scream broke them apart. Alexa was confused for a second or two, thinking of what was happening. Lilly was standing with her mouth full of food.

"We weren't doing anything," Maggie commented but kept her hands on Alexa's shoulder. Alexa rested her head against Maggie's toned stomach, wrapping her arms around her waist and Maggie's soft hands started playing with her hair.

"I can't stand all this cuteness right now. So I brought the donuts Alexa brought for you," she said again, mouthful.

"You brought donuts? And, why are you eating them?" Maggie asked both of them.

"Because I robbed her. I already drank the coffee," Lilly choked on her food as she was laughing while eating. That kid, Alexa swore! Alexa handed her the glass of water Juan had placed before her earlier. Lilly had calmed down finally.

"Thank you," she said.

Alexa took off her black jacket and placed it on the chair. She was wearing a plain white shirt and black pants. She folded up the sleeves to get more comfortable. Maggie looked distracted then Alexa remembered Maggie once said she looked hot, rolling up her sleeves. Maggie blushed when she was caught staring at her lover as Alexa smirked. Lilly just rolled her eyes.

"Girls, are you home?" Someone said out loud but Alexa couldn't understand. It was in Chinese, but she was learning a bit.

"Mom?" Lilly said, chewing on her last donut with her mouth full of food again.

"Ma?" Maggie left Alexa's side and greeted a middle-aged woman standing before them. Alexa was internally panicking.

"Do not talk to me. You don't call your mother," Mrs. Chan pouted adorably.

Maggie and Lilly hugged their mother on each side, and she gave up. She was laughing. The atmosphere became very light, and Alexa finally relaxed.

"Hello, dear. Maggie, please introduce the two of us," She smiled at Alexa and asked Maggie.

"Oh, she is Alexa. She's Maggie's..," Lilly was still eating, and she was choking again.

"She is.." Maggie started introducing Alexa, but Alexa could sense the nervousness in her voice. So she stepped in.

"Hello, Mrs. Chan. I'm Alexa. I'm friends with Maggie," Alexa smiled at her and reached her hand for a handshake which Mrs. Chan gladly took.

"Nice to meet you, Alexa. Please call me Aunty," her smile filled Alexa with warmth. She wished she had that in her life.

Juan announced that the dinner was on the table, so they sat down.

Maggie chastised herself for hesitating to confess that Alexa wasn't just a friend. She hadn't even asked her to be her girlfriend. How could she tell her mother without directly asking her? Maggie believed her mother had misinterpreted and intervened. She probably thought Maggie was afraid or not serious, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. Alexa gently squeezed Maggie's hand under the table, bringing her back to the present. Maggie noticed her mother saying something to Juan, so she focused on that. But her mind remained lost in thought. She didn't want to hide the truth from her mother. It had never been an issue that she liked both guys and girls. Maggie didn't understand why she felt like she was hiding it from them.

"Juan, why didn't you put wasabi in the soup?" Mrs. Chan whined.

"Ms. Maggie forbade us to bring wasabi in the house," Juan confessed, voice lowered, avoiding eye contact with Maggie.

"Why, Maggie?" Mrs. Chan asked again, confused.

"Because Alexa has an allergic reaction," Maggie explained, taking a breath. Alexa gulped nervously.

The older woman appeared clueless, and Lilly grinned mischievously.

"Ma, I need to tell you something," Maggie said.

"What is it, kid? Is something bothering you?" Mom asked, concerned.

"I know I haven't asked yet, but I need to tell you that Alexa and I are dating. Mom, she's my girlfriend," Maggie stated. Mrs. Chan looked surprised, and Alexa took a sip of water.

"Mom, say something? Are you mad that Alexa works in the company?" Lilly nudged her mother.

"No! Of course not. I'm just surprised that Maggie never introduced me to anyone," Mrs. Chan said, glancing between Alexa and Maggie. It took her about thirty seconds to regain composure.

"Alexa, honey, welcome to the family!" She then joyfully exclaimed, prompting laughter from everyone.

"And, the answer is yes," Alexa whispered in Maggie's ear when no one was looking.

"What?" Maggie was surprised but filled with joy.

"I'll be your girlfriend, Maggie Chan," Alexa whispered again, this time with everyone listening in.

"Well, that's just wonderful!" Mrs. Chan said from behind them, startling them. She gave both of them a big hug, acting as if Maggie was getting married. Well, she had never thought it was possible until now.

"So, you're official now? What were you before? Friends with a lot of benefits?" Lilly teased.

"Lilly!" They all shouted in unison.

Mrs. Chan insisted that Alexa spend the night with them. Luckily, they had kept their office clothes at each other's places for emergencies just like that. It had been a month of unofficially being together. Alexa sat on an armchair, and Mrs. Chan sat on the couch. Lilly lay down on another sofa. Mrs. Chan bombarded Alexa with questions, so Maggie decided to intervene, making herself comfortable between Alexa's legs with her back against her front. Initially, Alexa was tense, but she relaxed within seconds, wrapping her arms around Maggie. Maggie thought she noticed a blush from her mom, but she smiled warmly. For a famous psychologist, she was surprisingly shy.

"See what I have to deal with every day?" Lilly rolled her eyes.

"Jealous, sis?" Maggie raised an eyebrow.

"No, thank you. I'm perfectly fine being single," Lilly replied.

"Oh, we can see that!" Alexa chuckled, and everyone joined.

Maggie returned to her room, and Alexa changed to go to the shower. Alexa's shirt was unbuttoned, and Maggie couldn't help but whistle. Alexa shook her head and laughed.

"Can I join?" Maggie asked with puppy eyes.

"Your mom and sister are here!" Alexa pointed out, shocked.

"Uh, too bad," Maggie said dramatically, sitting on the bed to make Alexa laugh, which it did.

"Emotional blackmail, huh?" Alexa smiled deviously, initiating a tickle attack. Maggie laughed uncontrollably, out of breath.

"Ok, ok, sorry, stop, please!" Maggie begged, breathless.

"You'll be a good girl?" Alexa asked.

"Yes!" Maggie hated nothing more than tickling.

"Good," Alexa leaned over and planted a kiss.

They slept late that night, not engaging in anything inappropriate for families to listen. After work, they couldn't stop talking to each other lying on the bed when they were together. They didn't realize how late it was. It was liberating being able to share thoughts with someone.

"Tell me about your parents," Maggie asked finally.

"Can we talk about something else?" Alexa's mood started to change rapidly.

"Ok, baby, let's go to sleep," they cuddled. Maggie couldn't stop wondering what Alexa wasn't sharing with her. Alexa grew quiet, maybe upset. But soon, her soft breath was steady as she fell asleep.