As I was walking to my favorite spot by the river, humming a happy tune, I heard something strange. A girls voice? Splashing? Wondering who had found my hidden little spot I creeped closer and closer to the riverbank. Setting my towel and bag down I began walking slowly. No one in town came out this far, too much nature for most of them. I got to the tree and saw that there were some bags in the hole at its roots, weird. Maybe a camper? I looked around the tree and saw a pair of gorgeous giant wings! Attached to a girls naked back?
As I was washing up some of my secondary and primary coverts (the smaller feathers above my primary and secondary feathers), I heard something. It sounded like a small intake of breath. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw a girl around my age watching me. She looked human. In a panic I covered myself the best i could and shot up into the sky, I flew towards the tree where I had left my clothes, but the water still on me and my wings weighed me down. The extra weight made it hard to control my flight. In my hurried attempt to get clothes, I forgot to adjust my flight to handle the weight making me hit into the branches that streched out over the water. Hitting into a particulary large and strudy one, I fell and splashed back into the river. Feeling myself get caught in the strong current I was pulled further down. Soon darkness enveloped me.
Oh My God! She saw me and hit the tree trying to flee!! I watched her as she fell into the water. She had put her clothes over on a branch super close to where the current is strogest in this part of the river. Waiting a few moments to see if she emerged I too fell into panic. What if shes hurt!? That did not look like it was fun. In fact it looked like her wing took the brunt of it. Not seeing her emerge I dove in to find her. Thank you Reed! Teasing me for not knowing how to swim made me take lessons and learn how to even save another human! Time to save her. Swimming deeper into the river I finally saw what looked like her. Taking the plunge I grabbed her by her waist as best as I could and began swimming towards the surface. Upon reaching the surface I swam towards the banks. She was so heavy!! How much does she weigh!? Reachign the bank I dragged her up. It was difficult carrying her and dragging her because of her ohuge wings. They looked around 5-6ft long. They also were heavy. Looking at her face, I realized she was unconcious. CPR, she would probably need CPR. I began pumping her chest, One two one two. Singing along to Stayin' Alive I tried to pump the water from her lungs, just as I was about to try mouth to mouth resuscitation she began coughing and gasping. She's alive!! Oh thank goodness!!! Now to see how she feels and ask her about those wings...