Searching for Calla: A new life in another world from nothing

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Chapter 1 - Prologue: Home/Lost

He was cornered.

There were two knights blocking his right and his left.


His hands released a combustion of fire that hit the guards. The one on the left flinched and moved back, but on the contrary the other did not.

Using this opportunity, he attempted to dash away. He ran but noticed something holding him.

Oh fuck.

He had underestimated the other knight. There was a spear locked into his shoulder. The knight pulled the spear and he fell on the ground.

It hurt.

He knew he would die, very, very soon.

There was blood soaking in his mouth, it wasn't warm, it was dull.

That fucking spell cooled my blood.

His only means of escape was suicide. Over the past days, he had learnt two magic spells, Sham, a light fire attack, and Saiph.

But before he could voice out the spell, he caught glimpse of her.

She was the one who would take the throne. She stood side by side with her arch-knight. His name, a familiar one, was Tam. A beautiful, slender man, with red hair down to his shoulders, and a right sided fringe. He dressed in the standard white, and golden dress of the arch knights. He undoubtedly wore heavy armour under it, yet the dress made him look elegant, and frail.

But he had heard so many things contrary.


"You are of the ones that slayed the previous King, is that correct?"

"…" He kept silent.

Like hell I knew that. Fuck you.

She was a descendent of the king of Perlopia. The woman, that looked no older than twenty, wore a militaristic attire. Her black hair was raven, and her face was red of hatred.

But I don't feel anything for you.

"Slay the man before us right now, Tam!"

"My Lady, he may be valuable for interrogation. I advise you to keep him."

"I am charging the man with assault, treason and murder. I will most certainly sort this with the Council. But I want the filth in front of me dead!"

Harsh words there, little Queen. Oh wait, you're not a Queen.

"Harsh words there, little Queen. Oh wait, you're not a Queen."

Oops. He accidentally said that out loud. Since he started, he decided to keep going.

"I am neither a national of Perlopia, nor did I kill your king. If anything I was assaulted here."

"Shut your horrid mouth, foreigner!" Tam shouted, as he took out a sword and laid it underneath his throat. "My Lady, are you sure?"

"Yes. Please go ahead."

Never mind, I do actually have feelings. I fucking hate you. Die.

"May I utter my last words?"



He shouted out the heavy, wind spell that is never used by non-professionals.

Everything around him exploded. Actually, exploded would be a wrong term, it all blew away from him.

He was left on the floor. The spear was also blown away from him which led to an influx of pain. He bit his tongue, while blood gushed out of his mouth. He was certainly at the end of his life.

In his final moments, his muscles relaxed, and he felt utter peace.

"Calla. I'll find you."


"'Yo Max, don't you get tired of sitting 'ere all day?"

"Not really, besides, this book is good."

"C'mon man. Let's go do sommit. We can go over to mine and grind for the Blackbeast Boss."

"That is my friend Mike, and I am Max. Nice to meet you." He said out loud.

They were in a deserted part of a library. Mike was looking at a Bike magazine, and Max was reading a non-fiction. A gruesome book about Murderers and True Crime.

"Oh, are you speaking to the audience? How many episodes has it been now?"

"I think we're about to finish season two. I think we need to revamp the story for the third season though!"

"What do you mean?"

"Let's do something like…" He looked at his book. "…We can have you murdered, and get me to investigate it on my own!"

"Huh!? Why do I get killed?"

"Obviously, because we don't have enough budget to keep your Actor!"

"Understandable…" Mark looked at Max with a serious expression. "How about we talk to the directors' crew and get a fundraiser then?"

"No! That'd make us look cheap!"

They both nodded in agreement, and then laughed off their banter.

"Anyways, what do you wonna play once we get to yours? Wait do you have any movies?"

"I got a few good movies. If you want an example, I'd guess the Disappearance o-"

"Wait, hang on!" Max cut him off. "Have you heard of that new superhero one that got the Blu-ray out?"

"Uhhhhh… you really need to say more than 'that new superhero one.'" Mark said in a sarcastic tone.

"Well I forgot its name, I'm not too into that stuff. But it's your type of stuff, right?"

"Sure, sure."

Two ordinary friends, got up in an Ordinary Library, in an ordinary world.

He really is nice, helping me stay out of home for a bit longer. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you Mark.


"Hey Mark."


"I don't thank you enough… you're a kind person."

"Huh? What's this 'bout Maxie?"

"I just sometimes worry that if a family tries to adopt me, I'll move away from here… or if something happens to me, we won't hang out often."

There was a deep unnatural feeling of change in Max's heart. Like his soul was slowly going away, on a faraway journey.

"Stop bein' stupid an' all that Max. I don' care what happens, I'll be with ya."


"…besides, I don't like when you this serious an' stuff. Let's not talk about deep shit."

"You ever get Dejavu?"


"I got a dejavu-ish feeling right now."

"What about it?"

"Sorry, I don't know."

Mark lived in a really posh part of the city, his house was massive, he even had a bike in the garage. He still didn't have a license but Max had seen it used in the neighbourhood.

The two friends were both seventeen, and somehow, the only people in their class interested in Gaming and introvert culture. They had been loyal buddies for a year, and rarely left each other's presence. And they knew all of the others' secrets.

Max was an orphan all his life. He lived in a Christian Orphanage near the college he went to, and spent most days working to be able to fund his hobby of videogaming. Only on Saturday and Sunday, did he have time to exercise, read or hang out. And this was one of his rare days, that he intended to take advantage of.

But it would not be what he wanted.

Upon arrival, Mark found the house door unlocked, and thought nothing of it.

"Pass me your coat and go get us a quick drink before we start."

That was their ceremonial routine. Beer and then using Mark's extra PC, they'd play MMORPGs or Shooters.

Max casually walked into the Kitchen.

A dead body.




A dead body.





He screamed at the top of his lounges.






He momentarily closed his eyes, in disbelief.

Whatthefuck Whatthefuck






Is this a sick fucking joke?

What the fuck is going on?

"-Oi chap, you alright?"

Huh? What the fuck is that deep voice in front of me? I'm not opening my eyes. What the fuck.

"Oi I'm talking you chap."

He felt a large hand resting on his shoulder.


He pushed the hand away violently, and opened his eyes.

The thing in front of him wasn't human.

The place he was in, was no kitchen.

"Oi mate, watch attitude. I'm just benevolent mate concerned for ya!"

"What the fuck are you?"

The voice in front of him, which spoke in broken English-

is it even English? Was an alligator. He had the physique of a human, or at least the anatomy, but he was made of large yellow and green scales. His face was that of a massive alligator.

It betrayed common sense.

"Oi mate, I don't that attitude. Besides, I'm trying help ya out."

"Are you…"

He didn't know how to put it.

"…a demi-human?"

"Are ya making fun of me? Ah whatever then, you're lost cause."

"Wait sorry!"

He tried to reach out to the beast in front of him, but it had already walked away from him.

He looked around himself.

It reminded him of a Renaissance Era Europe, or any generic Isekai show.


Oh I see.

I, Max Spaur, have been summoned into an alternate universe.



A name came into his mind. One that felt extremely nostalgic, one that was definitely related to his current situation. The name warmed him with security in this foreign world.

"Calla. I will find you Calla."