Jennifer of 1940's Entry #9
Cynthia... Jennifer told me that Cynthia is reincarnated... as a cat... now I know the reason why she's constantly returning in that place.... But it's too late... I already betrayed her...
Weeks quickly passed after we captured Jennifer... everything was publicized since almost everyone is aware of the Tavora prophecy.
Then next problem that we're facing now is that all Jennifer did is to cry and plead for mercy. Everyone is eager to know more about her, but we can't do anything about it. Some are asking about what are our plans about Jennifer. Some even suggested that we should execute her as soon as possible...
I actually haven't seen her for a while... the last time I saw her, my heart shattered into pieces. She begged me to help her... her eyes are swollen, bruises and wounds in her body, blood in her clothes. Father saw my reaction, he instantly thought that I'm going to betray them, so he forbid me to go to Jennifer for a while...
Today... my father allowed me to visit Jennifer. Months have passed and her appearance changed drastically. She lost tons of weight, dark circles around her eyes. Her fair skin is covered with cuts and her long, black hair is messy. She just looked at me when she saw me entered her room. She didn't utter a single word, she just listened to what they're telling me. When they left, I tried to talk to her, but she just glared at me.
My heart ache once again as a tear ran down in her face. She just quietly sobbed while still glaring at me. After a minute of her silently sobbing, I slowly stood up. Her eyes followed me as I walk towards the door. As I was about to exit the room she whispered something...
"Te videbo in infero."
"Hey..." Jennifer whispered. I slowly sat up in the bed and looked at her. She smiled and snuggled under the sheet.
"You okay?" I asked as I saw tear stain in her cheek.
"I'm fine... I'm just happy that we're together now..." I smiled and patted her head.
Happiness filled my heart. Starting over and being with Jennifer... It's this kind of moment makes me realize what my heart truly desires.
All of a sudden, flames started to appear in the room. It quickly spread in the room and before I know it, we are already trapped in the room.
"J-Jennifer! W-wake up!" Even with my harshness, she wouldn't wake up, as if she's in a very deep slumber.
Not knowing what to do, I just quickly stood up and carried Jennifer.
Sweat continuously drip in my forehead as I scanned the room. Luckily, I saw a small opening. Maybe we can pass through there...
I ran towards the small opening with Jennifer in my arms, but before we can go pass through it, a debris fell in it. Making it more impossible for us to escape.
"Jen... Jennifer..." I whispered as I kneeled with Jennifer still in my arms "...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I watched as her eyes slowly opened. She raised her hand and slowly caressed my cheek.
"I told you, Maximus... I'll see you in hell..."
Fire slowly emerged from her hands into my cheek. As I scream for help, she just laughed while being slowly devoured by fire.
"Are you okay?" I quickly turned to that voice, "you look very flustered..." she added.
I tried to stabilize my breath and wiped the sweat on my forehead before replying.
"Yeah... just a bad dream... I guess..."
"Another bad dream? I told you, I'm fine... you don't have to stay here... like all the time."
"As I said, it's alright. Not a big deal." I replied as I sat up and folded the sheets.
"I'm just kinda guilty... you've been having those bad dreams since you started sleeping here... and you won't even share it to me..."
"It's okay... you don't have to think about it..." I picked up my stuffs and walked towards the door, "... so... the usual... I'll be back later."
As I exited the room, I can still feel my heart beating so fast. I have been sleeping in Jennifer's room for almost a week and since then, I started having unusual dreams about her. Her calling me Maximus then torturing me or acting sadistically. I haven't told her about it because it's just too weird... maybe she's still enraged about what happened...
"Enjoying your little play house, Aaron?" I looked at him for a while before proceeding to enter my room.
"I told you... I'm done and I quit. Once she's dead I don't want to be associated with the family's business anymore."
"If you're done and you quit, I have other people to replace you in being Jennifer's companion..." I looked at him in disbelief. I can't believe that my father is still using Jennifer to have control over me.
"I know you're stressed out at the moment, so it seems that you're not fit to be her companion."
"I'm not stressed out."
"Well, Jennifer told me that you've been having bad dreams..."
"It's none of your business."
"It is... especially if you're hiding something from me..." I didn't respond and just proceed to what I'm about to do "... your mother is worried about you..."
"Whatever, dad. You can't use them in order to have control over me."
"Hey, Jen. You okay?" I asked as I returned to the room. She's lying on her bed, facing the opposite direction which is unusual since she always cheerfully greet me every time I return.
"Just feeling a little under the weather... and how many times will I have to tell you to not to call me that..." she mumbled, almost inaudible.
"Well, will this help you cheer up?" I asked, but she didn't respond.
I slowly walked towards her and sat beside her. She's breathing rapidly...
"Hey..." I whispered as I placed my hand on her arm. With that, my eyes immediately widened. Cold. She's cold.
I quickly turned her which made her lie on her back. My heart instantly ache when I saw her.
Pain is evident in her expression. Closed eyes, intensely sweating and rapid breathing. She also seem to be paler than usual and her skin feels cold.
I gently patted her head, hoping that it will give her comfort.
"I-it's p-painful..." she whispered, "... I-I'm co-cold..." a tear seem to shed in her eye which made my heart ache even more.
"Shhh... It'll b-be okay. Y-you'll be fine..." I replied, trying to hold back my tears.
"C-can I m-make one l-last request?" I simply nodded at her reply.
"P-please allow me t-to die alone..." she whispered and flashed a smile, "... I h-have been preparing for this for a l-long time... and I'm r-ready..." I once again nodded and bowed my head as I felt a tear ran down on my cheek.
"P-please don't be s-sad... t-thank you fo-for making me feel h-human again..." she gently caressed my cheek, wiping my tears, "... d-do you know why no one c-came to rescue me?" I felt my heart began to loudly thump in my chest... why do I suddenly feel nervous? I immediately looked at her but she just smiled at me.
"I-I k-know that y-you're a smart guy..." then she chuckled "... y-you might have a-already figured it out... and I w-would like to a-apologize be-because I s-stopped y-you for doing your d-duty properly..."
My forehead furrowed by what she said. I don't remember an event where she stopped me from doing my job properly... everything that's happening is because of my own choice...
"Y-you know th-that... I'm n-not the last Tavora... if I were t-to die... he w-will be the o-one to fulfill the p-prophecy... " He?
It felt like my heart stopped for a moment... so my assumptions is indeed correct... and now it's my fault that humanity will perish.
I felt my body tremble as my breathing become heavier, random thoughts quickly flooded my mind... and she's just staring at me... looking at my reaction... I tried to stand up but my knees felt weak so I leaned at the wall.
"I-it's my fault... right?" I whispered and all I heard from her is her heavy breathing.
I-I need to tell this to them... I don't care if I don't have a proof...
Even though my knees felt weak, I tried my best to exit her room. As I was walking towards father's office, I felt my heart still beat so fast... It's all my fault! Why do I feel confused?
When I arrived at father's office, the first thing that my eyes looked for is her scythe which looks much more unbroken than the last time that I saw it.
"What's your business in here?" father asked with a paper in his hand.
"It's Jen—"