I can hear the rooster crowing as I force myself awake, I open my eyes and rub my tongue across my dry lips, sitting up I run my fingers through my red curls. As I stretch out my legs the tips of my toes hit the cold hard wood floor sending shivers down my spine. I started picking out my dress for today which can only be one of three options because all I own is three dresses unless I borrow one from one of my sisters. Although this would never work, first they would never let me and secondly both Mary Margaret and Bernadette are much taller than me, at least I can share with Fran who shares my 5'3 height.
"I think I'll wear my green dress today" I say while pulling my hair back into a braid as a few stray curls escape.
I hope I make it into the tub before Bernadette, I know both Mary Margaret and Fran have bathed by now and I'd rather not be stuck washing out the bucket again. I begin walking towards the bathroom
"Move out of the way" Bernadette shouts knocking me to the ground.
"What the hell Bernadette" I reply while picking myself up off the floor.
"Maybe if your legs were normal people length you would make it there first every now and then" she then let's out a smirk while closing the door.
There is not another person in this world Who annoys me quite like that girl yes she's gorgeous on the outside but revolting with in.
I roll my eyes as my father walks by, he stops before me and begins patting me on the head, running his fingers through my hair Messing up my braid.
"Cut it out old man" I say with a laugh
"My sweet little angel" he says sarcastically as we both laugh
I look up in his eyes his crystal clear blue eyes, eyes that have seen so much pain, eyes that have seen war, bloodshed, fear, eyes that have watched his one true love die. Because even if my mother was a vile woman my father loved her more than anything, well anything except his daughters of corse.
James Stonbroth my hero, I hope one day to be half as good of a person as he is and if I can be that then I will be happy, I just want to make him proud.
As he walks downstairs towards the farm my smile fades, how can I possibly make him proud by never leaving this hill my whole life ?
By the time Bernadette finally gets out of the bathroom the sun is starting to rise, I know I'm behind schedule and I know Mary Margaret will be on my ass soon, screaming and howling like a banshee. I rush in the bathroom which really isn't hard to do since the water is bone chillingly cold, I get out, dry off and slip into my green dress and brown work boots. Quickly I redo my braid, once again wild curls escape from the braid, so with the bath bucket in hand I waddle my way down stairs holding my breath that I don't spill the dirty water everywhere.
"Ah, Fran why?" I shout as a splash of dirty ass water hits my face
Francis lets out a laugh
"I got you"
I roll my eyes "yes you got me" I continue walking and Fran continues laughing
when I finally get outside I dump the dirty water in the grass
"What are you doing Charlotte?"
I look up towards my dark haired eldest sister, she was once so beautiful but time hasn't been kind to her. Honestly life hasn't been kind to her
"Cleaning out the bucket"
"No you're making mud puddles" Mary Margaret reply's
"Oh I'm sorry next time I'll drink it"
"You have to make everything a joke don't you" she says as she storms off
I understand that Mary Margaret practically raised us after mom died, from birthing complications with Bernadette but oh how I wish I could pull that stick out of her ass.
Once I've scrubbed and rinsed the bucket I place it back upstairs in the bathroom and walk towards the farm.
I'm stopped by Bernadette
"Here take him" Bernadette says with my two-year-old nephew in her arms
I pick him up "hi my handsome man" I speak in my baby voice
He just looks at my like I'm insane
"Come on Daniel we're getting you far away from aunt stinky"
Daniel laughs while Bernadette rolls her eyes
As the day goes on I continue with my boring chores and day dream about a life that's so much more than this. I know I should be happy with what I have, I know my father has practically killed himself for us to have this life, but I can't help but want more sometimes, I can't help but crave adventure.
I snap out of my daze an realize it's about one in the day, so I need to start feeding the pigs their slop, I turn around and begin bending down to pick up the pail of slop when
A warm wet gooey liquid slides down my legs
"Eww, I'm going to kill you"
I don't even have to turn around I already know who has done this, when I do turn around all I can see is Fran smiling ear to ear and laughing her ass off. She dose not care if I said I'm going to kill her she knows it was a lie she knows I'm her bitch, but I will splash her with slop.
I throw slop at her it hits her neck and so she throws it at my hair completely covering me in slop we continue this game laughing and screaming, simply having fun.
"What are you idiots doing" Mary Margaret says with a look of disgust on her face
"Having fun"
I laugh at Frans response
"Your such a rotten influence Charlotte" Mary Margaret says
"Calm down we're just joking around nothing to go crazy over" I put my hands up signaling her to relax.
"Your always just joking Charlotte life is just one big joke to you, but we all have jobs on this hill, we all have things we are supposed to do! Not you though, oh no Charlotte lives to laugh and sing, never to work. What you don't understand is that everything we do here has a purpose everything has a reason. When you slack off and one of us starve to death be it me, dad or Bernadette, Francis maybe even my son, well then that's all on you."
I just ignore Mary Margaret, because I receive a speech like this from her on the daily. Instead of paying attention I look at Fran slightly raising my pail of slop she laughs knowing what I'm planning.
I shout while throwing my slop at Mary Margaret Fran runs out of the pig sty (a small outdoor enclosure for raising domestic pigs for livestock)
Mary Margaret let's out a bloodcurdling, deafening screech and I let out a laugh
My laughter is abruptly by the sound of the army's trumpet, this sound is all that can be heard. I decide to look towards where it's coming from, I see my father nodding while excepting a piece of paper from three soldiers on horseback and I see Bernadette sobbing.
What the hell is going on ?