Gravis quickly stepped forward to get away from Sary. "Hey, listen," he said as he lifted both of his hands. "I have no interest in mating or starting a relationship with anyone right now. My goal is supreme power, and every additional connection I make is a threat to my path."
Sary was surprised that her charms didn't work. She was the most desirable female beast in this world. Her power and Life Energy pulled every beast to her like a magnet.
"Huh," she said in a flat tone. "That never happened before."
"Hah! Get fucked, Sary!" Meadow shouted from the side with mirth.
Sary frowned at Meadow. "That's what I'm trying to do right now!"
"Shit," Meadow said in frustration. "My insults have been countered too easily in the past years. I really need to check my wording."