The young child waited for the man's response, but she didn't get one for a long time, so she sighed and hugged herself and the vase tightly under the thick cloth because she could feel the coldness rising up again.
Yan saw the five-year-old child's uncomfortable expression and couldn't help but be worried. He also felt the temperature of the place slowly increasing at a higher rate.
He can't help but be concerned. He does not want to leave this young child alone in a street with no proper shelter. But Yan does not know what to do to help her.
Yan paused for a moment to check if he could find a way to help this helpless child beside him, but all he could think about was taking the child back to his home.
But he is afraid that the young Mary will refuse because they only met today, and inviting someone you only met today to live under your roof is inappropriate.