Chereads / 12 Oracles: Fantasy World of Terra / Chapter 7 - March Encounter pt 3

Chapter 7 - March Encounter pt 3

Mitsou and Zenesia were in the lobby room of the Bunker.

The Rangers left the lobby room, went to the their quarters.

What was left was Haruki, Kei, Rio, Mitsou, The Rear Echelon Squad, Zenesia and the Royal Knights.

Mitsou stared fiercely to Zenesia. His white bandana covered his mouth to prevent emotion leak out. He wore black glasses . His hair were rough. He placed his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands.

He took a breathe and said

"Now then, I am Mitsou, no surname, an agent by the Oracles, a messenger perhaps."

"And you are? " while giving out a gesture to the Princess

"Zenesia von Cenaria, princess of the Kingdom of Cenaria" replied by Zenesia

"Hmm, now then please answer my questions...-directly" said by Mitsou

The Princess slammed her hands and head into the table, shocking everyone in the room

"Please! Please lend us your powers! If you are the aforementioned heroes the creators sent, please! Lend us your powers!"

She was breathing heavily and her ears and cheeks was red

Hiroki laughed and said "We're from another world *sent* by the creators of this world. And also, that guy is a special interrogator, you can't pull of any lie like that with him around"

Mitsou took off his shades, and his eyes were...

A small blue magic circle is on his left eye, words were readable on his right eye.

His right eye were blue, his left were red.

"Now then, why is someone of special status along with an expedition group?"

"If you're meaning about what a Princess is doing here, i am simply here to keep track of what the Adventures are up to and to personally see the Heroes that we desperately need"

Mitsou noticed an increase of heartbeat and cognitive activity on Zenesia

"Please stay calm, take a deep breathe and breathe it out. There's no need to worry, you've already found the light at the darkness, Zenesia"

Zenesia gasped, those words were similar to the Scripture

"Scriptures, i see" Mitsou read her mind using his Unique skill; Mind Read

"Wait! How'd you know?"

Mitsou took in his glasses again, chuckled as forth.

"Mind Read magic, Your Highness"

"I can see what you're up too and what you want to do, too bad i can't use it on my own brother-in -arms"

"Please! Tell the Heroes! A 500,000 sized Demon Army is heading towards Cenaria. Please lend us your...power..Heroes.."

Zenesia bowed on the table before her

"500.000? Ho, ho, sounds like money but there's no way only a group of twelve Players can handle that. We'll run out of Mana and Stamina before we even reach the 100.00 mark" said by Kei

Zenesia gasped, and stood to her original position

"Even if she lied, i would've seen through it" said by Mitsou

"She wants us to train an anti demon army. The War will start before spring."

"He saw right through it"

said by Helfort

"This'll be the Commander's decision. None of us here are experienced nor trained to hunt demons except his Special Unit. With that matter settled, why don't you take a rest at your quarters? I'll relay this message to those in command. "

"Please do, sir Mitsou" said by the princess

Mitsou wore his black cap and looked to Zenesia in the eyes

"And also, please do not tell anyone about my skills and abilities. That is a law to us when special officers like me are intervening with people. If you are caught, you and the people who knows this will be....Silenced"

Mitsou went to the elevator and turned into a black shadow.

Mitsou, is a Ninja Class. He has the ability Diving Scan Magic. He can read the thoughts and memories of NPCs making him a valuable NPC interrogator. He also has the Blink ability, Shadow Transition. He can turn into a shadow but does not teleport unlike Sen. He can be the best covert agent in the Twelve. He wears a green/white/black cloth that covers his mouth, coloring depends on his action. He uses the bandana to hide his facial expression and face into his targets. He also wears a black shades to camouflage his eye when scanning. He can also read the vital statistics of his targets. His bangs are also too low

There is one flaw in Mitsou's Divine Scan Magic.

Unless the target does not think of a certain memory, he cannot read those memory.

His primary armament is a Ninjatō, a shorter version of the Katana and is carried on the back. Made out of Adamantite and carved with special poison runes to cause a heart attack and later then healing the wound to cover up the evidence of poison attack.

Unlike the other Heroes, he's the most silent one. He's fascinated by Covert Style or Black Ops style action thus he stays out of the spotlight. He is a self proclaimed Messenger, but inside he's a capable Ninja.

He wears a dark version of the Heroes' signature clothing.

He is also Sen's most trusted source of information, obviously. But not just that, Sen secretly told Mitsou to scan every citizen at Arcaea to prevent any instability at the city, especially the Black Rangers.

The Black Rangers knows his true abilities and uses, he is recognized and well respected by the Special Forces Division.


On the tents outside the vault.

It was windy, the trench coats of the soldiers were being carried with the wind due north.

"500k Demons, lots of silvers to gain huh" said by Sen

"Other nations will interfere as well, they might take the gold out of us when we're exhausted" said by Masao

"So the first things that came into your mind is money? amazing" said by Ryuu

"Imagine.... the wealth we'll carry if we win the war" said by Sen

"Jeez" said by Ryuu

"What if the demons don't drop gold?" asked by Mitsou

Everyone looked at at Mitsou

"Then I'll start doubting myself why'd i even started to become a demon hunter in the first place"

said by Sen in a pessimistic voice

"You were just doing it for the gold eh? " said by Ryuu

"What should we do about them?" said by Masao

"Offer them a ride to the city, we'll let them temporarily stay in the visitor's mansion"

replied by Sen

"I'll ready the transport team" said by Masao

"I'll keep an eye to the Knights"

said by Mitsou

"Well then, that's settled. I'll now hand over today's silvers to the Rangers" Said by Sen

Mitsou went with Masao to the trucks, Sen and Ryuu went inside the vault to inform the Adventurers.

"Everyone! We're going to the city! Let's go!" said by Sen

[Five minutes later]

Everyone was outside, there were three stationed trucks.

The Infantry trucks didn't have any canopy, it was black as it was an SF property. It can carry up to 13 people

"What's that thing?" asked by Daz

"Magical version of carriages" replied by Tamotsu

"So the legends were true, there's a paradise laying outside the Valley" said by Daz

"Actually... it's a.. utopia" said by Asami

"Thank you for the compliment Asami" said by Kenji

"sheesh no eyes" replied by Asami

Kenji has eyes that is too small to be seen.

"The city, is it Arcaea?" asked by the Princess

"There's no other city here, technically that city is a combination of villages before."

"I see" said by the Princess

Everyone got on the trucks and departed. The Rangers that saved the Adventurers were also with them.

On the front truck, was Sen's group. Sen was sitting on the ramp side of the truck, behind him on his side is the Front Echelon Members. On the opposite side are The Princess and her Knights.

On the following truck was The Adventurer's truck with a few Rangers.

On the third truck was the Rear echelon.

"How long does it take for us to get the there?"

Ryuu pulled out a device and and it was a holographic map and said

"3 Days if we move by traditional carriage, but only 3 hours if we move by using this"

"For fifty years, the East was isolated from the rest of the world, freed from wars. Making their magic advanced" said by Daz

"Wrong, it isn't magic"

said by Haruki

"Ang sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" said by Sen

"Remember that"

"Technology? This? Reminds me of Ancient Magic" said by Criz

"What do you know about Ancient Magic?" said by Rio

"Not much... but I'm sure that the commander's sword has abit of Ancient Magic"

Rio was surprised

"Is it true? Sen?"

"We both know well that this isn't Ancient"

"Take a look for yourself"

Sen handed out his other Katana to Criz

"It's safe if i don't touch the handle, however, it's effects can be used only be me" said by Sen

"I didn't know such magic exists" said by Criz

Criz tried to unsheathe the sword but she couldn't.


"I forgot. The sword can recognize it's wielder, so it won't unsheathe unless... "

Sen kneeled near Criz and unsheathed the sword

Criz blushed

"the runes glow blue if i touch it, and it doesn't if i don't. Same applies to my Daggers"

"That is amazing" said by Criz

"Oh! Seems that another girl took an interest to Sen's sword! How magnificent" joked by Hiroki

"Shut it" said by Sen

Criz chuckled and said "I used to be a magic researcher, but my talents didn't cooperate with me so i quit and started a career as a swordsman"

Sen walked back to his proper seat

"Interesting" said by Rio

"You're an archwizard, am i correct?"

"Yes, my name's Rio"

"Criz Deulheart"

"They're Tamotsu, Haruki, Kei and Ryuu"

"Hi" said by the mentioned names

"Nice to meet you, Heroes"

said by Criz

"We're not yet Heroes" said by Ryuu

"We will soon" said by Haruki while leaning to Ryuu

"well, maybe" said by Haruki

"You can refer to us as, Oracles" said by Rio

"Hmmm. What are your weapons then? Oracles?"

asked by Zenesia

"Interdimensional Magic" replied by Rio while demonstrating as she pulled out her staff from a purple octagon shaped from the air

"High level magic?" said by Daz

"Who gave you these powers then?" asked by The Princess

"Oh... about that" worriedly said Hiroki

"We aren't from this world"

"We almost died on our world so, the Creators transported us here."


"Then you're the cause of the Demon Lord invasion!" yelled by Colt

"Quit jumping to conclusions, dummy, we aren't the cause of this invasion " said by Sen

"THEN WHAT?" Yelled by Colt while holding Sen upwards by his uniform

"I'll ask him later"


"Deus, Messenger of the Gods"

"One of The Faceless Beings that sacrificed themselves 50 years ago"

"A lower version of them if you'd ask me"

"However, our predefined presence here is to slay demons and monsters as our Physical Bodies heal. That's why we called ourselves as Oracles, thus rejecting the term Heroes"

"You getting this, Rear Echelon?"

"Such events such as Invasions weren't developed for our own entertainment, this world-" said by Sen but was interrupted by Colt

"NONSENSE! Your mere existence is the cause of the Demon Lord!"

"We, no... I, reject that fact. If such involvement exists then we should've been informed by the Creators"

"If our mere existence is the cause of the Demon Lord, then your existence is also because of us, Oracles or should i say, Players. You Terrans were created by the Creators, Correct.

But why? Why did they create you? For what purpose?

Maybe the cause of you living was because for our own Physical Lives?

It maybe true that your suffering because of us. But whose fault was it because you suffered then? That's life, life isn't fair, being alive is both good and bad.

If you didn't want to fight the Demons then you shouldn't went with the Princess then

This world itself, is a mistake

Here, on Arcaea, we created a city controlled by us Oracles to bring comfort and peace and freewill to it's people.

However! If you will bring the fact that the Demon Lord is invading Terra just for our own entertainment, for our own scripted glory, I'm telling you you're wrong. We didn't want to do it in the first place.

We didn't want Terrans to suffer because of us! That's Arcaea!

If your blaming us for your pain in life.

I understand, even i blamed our own god.

Life isn't fair.

But with that happening , we were able to experience emotions of happiness. Life is both... happy and sad.

If you didn't want to experience those then kill yourself. End it, end your miserable life!

but, as a human being, or Terran. We need to help each other out. Having these human emotions... that's what makes us human

You probably know, you're Human yet still called yourselves as Terran, right?

"Yes" said by Zenesia

You Terrans are an imitation of being a Human. You are programmed to be Human.

And that's not our fault, Oracles, for you to experience emotions of Fear.

Again: That's what makes us Human!

It is also not our fault for that Demon Lord's Invasion

Right now, we Oracles and Terrans are both victims.

Deus! You hear that!?

Lighting struck forth on the right side of the convoy

On that impact, was a floating Faceless Being, wearing a black suit, and a brown Englishman cap.

It was Deus, the one who gave them Power.

The Convoy stopped, Sen and the others left the trucks

Deus (Outloud) : I am Deus, Messenger of the Creators

We hear your sentiments Sen, and we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience for a technical error that occured.

"Seems like i triggered a nerve, so you were listening eh?"

Deus said:

The Oracles are not at fault for the Demon Lord's invasion.

As done Fifty Years Ago, we already exterminated the Demon Lord alongside it's army.

However, a mistske occurred thus the threat reappeared on it's homeworld.

It was... unexpected.

The soul or the AI, learned the respawn.

I am sure you can understand my words Oracles, but for them Terrans, they will have a difficult time understanding this on our world's metrics

The Demons was created by us, and Terrans was taught to not come in contact nor fight a Demon.

However, irregularities occured. The Demons learned to learn.

Expect to see different Demons on the first day of the War.

Deus walks closer to them as they unsheathes their swords

He continued:

The Creators was able to contain the threat, thus narrowing it down to 500,000. The subjugation process is up to you Terrans and Oracles.

" what does he mean?" asked by Zenesia

"I have no idea, Your Highness" said by Daz

"We can explain it later" said by Kei

Sen grips his sword and said

"Mistake? Or was it because of your own incompetent Creators"

Deus: We created them, for experimentions, however it learned to reappear. Thus, the coded action "Destroy" is programmed into their minds is still ongoing. We cannot eliminate the threat directly, as if we do that, we'll destroy Terra

Terra, a fragment of her is corrupted.

If we destroy The Demons, the action will cause a domino effect, thus destroying Terra.

"Still... you guys are still at fault for your own mistake.. millions of lives are at stake"

Sen was angered. He gripped his sword. He putted his left foot backwards and said

"Go back to where you came from"

He teleported into Deus, thrusting his sword forward

but his maneuvers was stopped by Deus

Deus putted his middle and index finger on the middle of Sen's thrusting sword, ending on the guard of the sword.

" If you want to engage in a swordfight to vent your anger to the Creators, I'll be gladly accepting that request, Commander Sen."

Sen was knocked back by 20 meters and landed on his feet

Deus's right hand morphed a sword, similar to that of Sen's then regrowing back it's hand.

" Showing sympathy for NPCs? Well that's to be expected for someone whose trapped for a month in this world" said by Deus

"We shouldn't bias them for what they are! They gave them Human Emotions, that gives them the same right as rights on our world!" replied by Sen

"As expected of the Commander of the Arbiters!" said by Deus

"De-Crypto, Kolte Le Atake!"

Sen developed and renamed skills on his skillbook to confuse opponents of what skills he's using

Sen's hidden blades came forth, and and then duplicated to multiple Daggers and flew towards Deus

"I see you developed and renamed skills out of new unknown words. I am impressed, Commander!"

Said by Deus

The Daggers went and impaled Deus's body. No blood came out.

Sen teleported into Deus initiating a six slash into Deus

slicing the body and head. His swords struck each other on the abdomen.

Deus solidified trapping the swords and daggers.

"However, you'll reveal too much of yourself. You know that"

"Force sleep" he chanted

Sen fell to the ground, asleep.

Deus then removed the swords and daggers into his body.

"Commander!" said by the front echelon

"I put him to sleep even though it's still six, you can wake him later when you arrive"

"We're sorry for what he done, Deus" said by Kei

"Don't mention it, we Divine Beings also played our own mistake here. Sorry"

"Does it count that he won?" asked by Hiroki

"Technically, i win. He never had the chance to stop me as divine beings aren't affected in this world"

"But in a swordfight, he wins"

"I'll be putting my leave now, if you need me, throw my hat into a physical magic circle. Terra does not allow to make me appear out of nowhere unless i do an entry like that. I'll be only summoned once so do it in an emergency."

"Eh? what happened to your formality" asked by Asami

"Does it matter?" asked by Deus

"Princess, take good care of them when you arrive at the Kingdom" said by Deus to Zenesia

"I will, Deus"

Deus bowed while handling his brown bowler hat thus disappeared

"We're sorry for the trouble we caused Heroes! We're terribly sorry!" plead by the Princess

"Now now, we can talk about that when we reach Arcaea." said by Kei

"my AoE magic is not enough for 500,000 demons" said by Rio

"We don't have any intel about the invasion, who knows if they'll start by start by sending waves by waves that is capable of lasting a year or by mass swarming." said by Yuki

Yuki used reverse gravity magic on Sen and brought him on to the first truck near the driver seat

The group walked back into the convoy and Helfort asked

"Was that levitation magic?"

"People get confused on Levitation and Gravity, that was reverse Gravity magic" replied by Yuki

"I see"