Chereads / Shades of Blue / Chapter 10 - I azure you, its not what you think

Chapter 10 - I azure you, its not what you think

The feeling of the cold air tickles your nose. This only made you nuzzle closer to the sturdy object next to you. The heat it created was heavenly on your body. All the stiffness that was there a moment ago has melted away. It was like cuddling a giant heat plushie. Plus, it gave off a sweet scent of linen and blueberries. It's times like these that motivated you to sleep in. 

It's been forever since you had a day off that didn't involve you coming in to help. You would be up by now and getting ready, but sleeping in was too good to pass up.

You could call in sick and have wolfie take your shift. He wouldn't mind if you send him a quick text. The guy is nice enough to help as long as you cover one of his shifts. And you do miss watching morning cartoons. 

A wonderful past time when you were a kid. Watching the Star Gems always left you content. Hmmm, the idea of staying in was getting more tempting by the minute. If you send a quick text to your boss now, it should be ok. 

You sink deeper into the covers. 

That's it, you're staying home. Just gotta practice your sick voice and dial your boss. Then, send wolfie a text. For now-keeping your eyes closed was your mission. 

You let out a happy sigh.

It took you a bit to recognize an echoing sigh. You hold your breath for a sec, a small murmur could be heard behind you. There's definitely someone else in this room. Sounds like they haven't woken up yet. 

Okay, think. What happened last night? And who were you with? Normally, you are a person with..decent judgment. The only fault is believing in people. It's not like you would jump anyone's bones, but considering your past records it's better to prepare for the worst. You couldn't help but shudder at the thought.

Before you could think of anything else, it feels like a weight has shifted. You feel a pair of arms wrapping around your waist, and pulling you close. You still have to ask, who could it be, "Your shivering, are you okay? "

His words left you paralyzed. You crack your eyes open to see someone's chest blocking your view. Following the voice, you could barely make out a skeleton's face. Your more than faulty night vision was making it hard for you to see anything. Blinking a bit more before your eyes finally adjusted. And there you could see a sleeping Blue.

The picture before you was priceless. It was like watching a video of a sleeping kitten. He seemed to be curled against you. His goofy grin widened as he snored. Every time he sighed you swear you could hear him saying myeh. 

He reminded you of a certain childish skeleton you know. You could already imagine Papyrus and Blue hitting it off. The similarities between those two were uncanny.  It's still a shock to you that is Blue sleeping inches from you.

The last thing you can remember was being with Stacy at the thing. You were texting Blue because everyone was boring at the place. And then you met a strange fellow. What did he say? Uhh, was it a joke? Stacy might have a clue about yesterday. All you need is your phone.

You slowly roll over, making sure not to wake up Blue. Only pausing whenever you heard him stop breathing. The sight before you left you mesmerized. Seeing glowing stars swirling around the walls. This must be monster magic. The stars seemed to dance on their own. You could never get over how magical monsters are. Besides the stars, the room appeared normal. You could make out outlines of action figures, puzzles, and little gadgets on a separate table. There was a phone by the nightstand. Bingo! 

Maybe reading his previous conversation with you could jog your memory. Now all you needed was to escape Blues clutches and find answers. Stick around wasn't an option. No matter how you look at this, it looks bad. You could only imagine what he thinks of you now. You inconvenienced the poor guy during work for a ride, take his bed and blankets. Just imagining his disappointed face made you cringe.

"I'm sorry" 

You couldn't stop yourself from speaking out loud whenever the guilt hit you. It was hard to ignore the dense feeling of punching your soul. This was not the time to feel like crap. No pity party until you're back in your own bed. 

Without another word you slowly pry Blues fingers off of you. Except this only made him wrap his arms tighter around you.

"Shhh it's only a nightmare, no one is going to hurt you, I'm here for you Pap" Blues cooing made it harder to struggle. He began to hum a gentle melody. "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark" as he nuzzled your head.

You stop fighting after your second attempt. This was getting you nowhere fast. So you need to think of a plan b. A look around, you see Blue's phone on the nightstand next to you. With haste, you open the phone and go straight to your text convo. Skimming through videos and texts, but nothing so far. You scroll until you find the video he sent you. It was Papy telling a lame pun he thought you would like. You fast forward through Blues rants.

" What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? a maybe"

Blue let go of you, not before you hear him groan. You quickly get out of bed. Reminding yourself to thank Papy for his comedy gold later. 

It was one of his better ones, you couldn't help but snicker at it. Your still impressed Papy can make puns on the fly. It's practically a superpower for the guy.

You place the phone back down. As you make your way to the exit you hear the phone go off. It was blasting what sounded like an air horn. At the speed of an Olympic runner, you dive for the phone and hit snooze. But it was too late, you could see two glowing eye lights on you. The damage was already done. You look up to see a sweet Blue, who was rubbing at his eye lights. His lack of stars for eye lights made you a bit on edge.



"Uh..yes sweet tea?"


You look down to see that he was right. What you thought to be a button-up was really a baggie shirt. It had a cool star design. The shirt practically hung on your curves. 

A quick pause, trying to ignore the ray of guilt back into your vault. As unhealthy as it is, you needed to deal with it another day. But first, you gotta fix this problem.

"You could say I dressed to impress? Sorry, that sounds stupid, does it look weird?" The typical change the subject with another question. It never fails whenever your siblings are being extra nosy. You could see him shake his head furiously. A cyan glow was spread over his face. He was twiddling his thumbs before he looked at you again.


"Snooping for food?" 

Blue sniffs the air, passing you the plate of cinnabun. You are not sure how he did it without even looking at it.

His droopy eyes linger on you, waiting for your response. The adorable smile of his grows as you start to nibble on the roll. The sweet roll relieves any leftover exhaustion that was there a second ago. You couldn't help but let out a hum.


"Thank you, but I just need to fetch my phone" 


"Nope, I think I can find it" 


If you weren't in this predicament you would probably appreciate it. But you need to shake him off. He doesn't seem to be fully awake, maybe you could take advantage of this.

"I need you to protect the kingdom, while I'm away" trying to keep a regal tone. It's stupid but you needed to commit to the bit.

Blue puzzled look was reassuring. You just needed to sell him on it a bit more. That means saying something embarrassing and cheesy. 

You couldn't help but bite your lip at what you're about to say next.

"Don't think I could trust any other knight for this task" Once you uttered his self-appointed title, he simply nods.




He places a kiss on your forehead, ending the kiss with a vocal Mwuah at the end. "THIS WILL PROTECT YOU UNTIL YOU RETURN"

And with that Blue went back to laying down. You exit the room in haste. That sneak attack of his was not what you expected. It takes a bit for your mind to process Blue's gesture. And all too quickly you feel your cheeks heating up.

You close the door behind you with a click. You take a quick breather. A moment is enough to clear your mind. Now to focus on finding your phone. 

You go down to find a hall and you get a whiff of a sweet scent. The smell awakened your appetite because you could feel your stomach-turning. Did he mention there are burritos in the fridge?

The smell was coming from the left. So you follow it until you see the kitchen. 

The last time you were here, you were cooking with Blue. Now all you see is Percy sitting by the window. He had a window pried open as he was smoking a blue cigarette. He had a lost look as he stared from afar. Almost as if he was recalling something. If you could guess, he must be recalling memories. The only sound you could hear was him blowing out smoke. The blue hue it gave off reminded you of clouds. 

" Will the machine ever be fixed? Or is it pointless." He took another inhale of the drug.

In the time he was smoking, you made it across to the table. You find your phone and shirt. It looked a bit more tattered than you remember. There was a stitch up on one of the sleeves. Stacy is going to freak at the damage. Speaking of, you send a quick text to Stacy that you're okay. And send a second text to wolfie that you can't come in today and need him to cover, and that you owe him.

Mission accomplished!

On to phase 2!

Fetch Blue a glass of water.

He did ask for some. Totally, not an excuse for you to raid their fridge. But a burrito comes a long way when you need to restart your memory.

With the stealth of a church mouse, you walk over to the fridge. Percy doesn't seem to notice you yet. Perhaps you could surprise him by telling him puns with your dramatic entrance. Something along ' what's smoking' or 'it just dawned on me to say hello' or-

" It's rude to just pop up without saying hello" Percy turns around, a look of surprise crosses his face when he sees you. "It's you"

His stare left you a bit nervous. There wasn't much you could say that could defend yourself. All you could do was act natural and hope he won't ask.

"Morning, I just wanted to take a whisk and surprise you" You sang as you opened the fridge for a glass of water. The tall skeleton chuckled at the pun.

"I guess it hasn't dawned on me yet, So how did you sleep," he says as he puts out his cigarette.

"Good, so were you coming up with phrases for your story?" As you looked up at Percy's quiet response.

You must be right because Percy nodded as he turned away. He looked a bit uncomfortable with it.

Oh no, you didn't mean to make him feel bad. It's cute to think he was acting out scenes to get a better feel of the story. He's probably ashamed that you caught him in the act. It's best to give him an out in a situation like this

"Anyway, Why are you up? It's pretty early"

"I couldn't sleep and thought to wait for Blue to make breakfast " Percy voice trails as he walks down the hall. He quickly comes back with a change of clothes. " About last night.."

This was the last thing you wanted to talk about. You forgot to read Stacy's texts. The truth is still far from your mind. You go back to the fridge to find some ingredients. Ignoring the cold burritos. 

"You must be starving! Why don't we make breakfast!" You added as you pull out all the ingredients to make breakfast. No one can say no to food in the morning.

A light chuckle could be heard behind you. 

"Trust me, you have better luck with my brother helping you, tried it once for my bro but ended up burning the whole thing" 

That brought back memories. You said the same thing to your grandma when she invited you over. At the time your mom stopped letting you into the kitchen after burning a cup of ramen on her good pots. The stuff wouldn't come off the pot that you had to throw the whole thing away. Your mom wouldn't speak to you for days. Leaving you with your grandma while she cooled down. 

Grandma was your favorite person back home. She believed in you and made you love cooking. The lady only had the patience for you. Encouraging you whenever you make a mistake. Those moments still stay with you. If she was here now she would know what to say, but you had an idea.

"Eh no problema, there's always time to learn. Let's make something simple together" You place veggies on the table in front of him "I'll get you started on chopping these while I get started on frying" 

Percy followed along as you started chopping up the potatoes. Showing him slowly. You watched as he chopped the onions too big at first. It took a bit of practice before he could finally slice them into tiny pieces. Once he had a better handle on it you focused on frying the potatoes and onions until they were cooked. You added peppers after Percy was done chopping them. You continued to praise him at the great work. This seemed to boost his ego. Before you know it, he was cracking jokes as he stirred the food around. You added salt and pepper at the end. The two of you were proud of the omelets before you.

The table was set and all that was left was for Blue to come down.

" This is gonna sound weird but what's your relationship with my brother?"

You couldn't help but tense up. Where did this come from?

"You could say we are getting to know each other, and going on dates to see if it works out, but also to become friends? I probably ain't making much sense." You turn on your phone to see a text or two pop up from Wolfie.

" More or less? I just don't want to see my brother get hurt, especially when I can prevent it, I just need to know if your gonna cause trouble for us" his tone dropped a bit.

Monster human relationships are considered taboo. Leaving both sides a bit skeptical of each other. How could you forget? Of course, monsters are cautious of humans. And this set of skeletons shouldn't be any different. Completely forgetting from previous treatment.

" Family is everything to us. My brother's safety comes first" Percy continued, you couldn't look at Percy anymore. Your own brain signaling a weird deja vu.

This conversation was all too familiar. You couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh. That was the same conversation you had with Sans. You wanted to be his girlfriend. He didn't mind as long as you didn't get too close to his friends and family.

How long was it? About a year before Sans introduced you to Papyrus. And just because his brother was catching on. Heck, you still haven't met all his friends during all these years. You didn't want to go down that path. The lack of trust is understandable, but it doesn't make it any less painful to go through it.

" I know where you're coming from, I should go" you wipe away any stray tears,  quickly grabbing all your things and not focusing much and aiming for the door. You can text Blue to reschedule your date for another day.

You spot your shoes close to the entrance, next to a single sock on the floor. Before you could open the door, Percy was blocking it. He held a finger up to his mouth. His face held a look of concern.

"But honesty is key to me. And protecting those who are honest lead me to do stupid stuff, like fetching them in the middle of the night and going through their phone and texting their friend that they are safe, also use their undernet to troll people" Percy mild smirk left you a bit angry. A jerk but that left you with one question. 

"Okay, what's my username?"

"Well you can say it's Anonymouse "

"Dang it! Is it because of my squeaks"

His shameless smirk was all the evidence you needed to start smacking his arm repeatedly. This led to the both of returning to the kitchen. He kept whining about it hurting. You huff that there was no intent in any of your hits.

" Come on! At least it's better than FartnRoses!" Percy added.

That didn't sound too bad. You simply ignored him as you scrolled on your phone to see his countless posts. All on your behalf. The majority of them were roasting people, a few left you cracking up at the troll wars that he started.

"What gave you the idea to troll the Queen of fast food restaurants?!" 

Percy shrugged as he was shoving the eggs into his face. He faked a look of innocents as he pointed at himself before going back to eating. You look at the dummy before looking at the comments piling up. 

"I forgive Percy but this better be the last time you can snoop through my stuff" You add as you sit on the able.

"Nah, call me Papy"

You give him a thumbs up. Knowing Papy picked you was not what you expected. Somehow everything feels like it's going to be okay.


You opened your mouth to say something but Papy quickly gestured at you to wait. Blue was explaining the dream in great detail about you. You had to cover your mouth with food to keep yourself from squeaking from embarrassment. The poor guy didn't notice your presence until you waved at him.


"Yes sweet tea?"

Blue covered his mouth as he saw you still wearing his clothes. Slowly realizing it wasn't a dream.

Papys got a lot of explaining for the both of you. Somehow the longer you spend time with them, the more crazier your life has become. And you don't mind it one bit. But there's still a nagging voice still talking at the back of your head. How long will this last?