Lilith: The Truth

(Lilith's POV):

It's currently Saturday, Seymour notified me that he was ready for the visit towards Denzel. He's going along with a few other friends named Michael and Robin. Apparently, Bella also has plans on joining in for the visit with Ashley and May coming along with her.

I had been preparing some cookies that Denzel liked while preparing some learning material for his boredom. I had discussed to him about the visit and he seems pretty willing. After that, everything wasn't exactly clear. He said that he already knew who killed his parents but he didn't tell me anything and showed the murder weapon. I don't think it's him who killed his own parents but, I'm insecure about it.

A question formed on my mind whether I should believe in Denzel or not. He's been such a kind person towards me but I am not sure that he did something horrible or not. He has the murder weapons so it's most likely him. However, I don't want to think of something like Denzel becoming an evil person.

I heard a loud knocking sound on my door which is probably Bella and the others.

"Wait a bit~!"

I brought out the cookies so it doesn't get overcooked for my clumsiness.

I went to the front door and checked the people that knocked on my door. The people in my front door are Bella, May, and Ashley. I opened the door and let my friends in right away. I looked for my parents but they're not in the house it seems.

I led them to the living room as we hung around for some time to snack a bit. We talked about Denzel and why he knows about the murderer.

"It couldn't be..." - Bella

"What do you think Bella?"

Bella was listening in deeply and thinking about everything that Denzel could've done. Apparently, she also had the same mind as me.

"May, what do you think?" - Ashley

Ashley and May had doubts about Denzel being the murderer of his parents. This doesn't really separate us having different sides but we still thought of the same thing, getting him out through his pains.

Whatever Denzel did, we decided to assist him all the way without damaging him as much as possible. We don't really have any other idea but to cook for him and providing learning materials or so.

"I don't think he's that evil, he may have the murder weapon but that doesn't mean he could kill his own parents." - May

"Yeah, even if he did... There might be a reason if there some force in there." - Ashley

"Well, that doesn't really change what we have to do to him right?" - Bella

"Yeah, I want him to get back to normal, the nice friend that we have."

While we're having some light talk about this weeks classes, I heard another loud knock on my door.

"You think they had arrived?"

"Hold on, let me check..." - May

May brought out her phone and started checking something. When she checked, it seems like they had arrived to the correct address.

"How'd they know this house?"

"Ah, I told Robin-" - May

The second we heard Robin's name, we instantly became interested to why May has contact with Robin or so.

"May, could you possibly..." - Ashley

"Eh?! Ah! No! It's not what you think!" - May

May was covering her face in panic as we saw her with blushing cheeks. She tried to wave her hands to stop us from probing further but we only got interested.

"Ah, they're already here they said! We shouldn't leave them hanging!" - May

May immediately stormed to the front door to escape from our interest on her having contact with Robin.

"Ah! That should be my role on doing that."

I instantly stood up and followed May to the front door as she opened it nonchalantly.

"Welcome guys, come in hahh..."

"You seem exhausted? The hell happened here?" - Seymour

"Well, just something interesting..."

When May caught sight of Robin, who has blond hair and a somewhat tall stature, she immediately waved her hand gleefully. This girl, she definitely has feelings for Robin.

Michael caught sight of May waving towards Robin so he looked at Robin with a smug face, instantly pissing Robin off and struck Michael in the gut. Ouch, is he okay?

Michael is the tallest of the group and has a deep red hair color. He doesn't look like he'll talk normally but he has that calm atmosphere.

After bringing them inside, we started talking about Denzel once again. We'll force everything out of your mouth next time May.

After talking about the things I found, Seymour entered deep thought and said to go play some card games for the time being. All of a sudden, Michael had brought out some cards without anyone noticing.

"Poker everyone?" - Michael

We then started to play cards nonchalantly for the time being. There was some topics here and there but not too many interesting things.

"What is that briefcase Seymour is bringing around?"

"Oh? Ah that? That's a chessboard, apparently he likes to discuss things over without getting bored so..." - Michael

"I see... I don't see the checkered pattern though..."

"It's inside the case for some reason. I don't know why it's designed like that either." - Michael

"Seymour acts in the weirdest of ways but, he's not really someone we should beware of." - Robin

"Really? I have some mixed feelings over him trying to interact with Denzel though?"

"Heeeh? I'm kinda interested though, May told me that you're somewhat leaning towards Denzel." - Robin

"We're more interested how you have May's number."

May suddenly flinched and waved around her hands signaling Robin to clear something out.

"Well, I did ask for May's number so that I could specify some things on where to go and all." - Robin

"Is that all?"

"Of course that's all, aside from contacting in case something happens between either side, that's pretty much it." - Robin

May sighed out in relief but it wasn't the end for her. Bella and Ashley leaned in closer towards her and whispered a few things.

Seymour finally turned towards us and stood up.

"Aight, how about we pay a visit then?" - Seymour

We immediately went around and prepared some things. I brought in cookies as always and went inside Denzel's house without even knocking.

When I moved around in the house, I placed the cookies in the living room and woke Denzel up who was sleeping in the couch.

"Denz, everyone's here..."

He didn't wake up when I nudged him. I only had one more solution to this kind of behavior.

I moved on top and positioned myself on Denzel by mounting him. I start nudging his body again trying to wake him up.

"Denz, wake up~!!"

"Lilith, is he up ye-" - May

May and I had a staring contest as Denzel wakes up. Robin, Bella, and Ashley saw the entire spectacle while Michael and Seymour are talking way behind them.

"Heavy... Lilith? What happened?" - Denzel


"So Lilith-" - May

"Shut it!!!!"

I immediately got off Denzel so he could sit up.

"Those are?" - Denzel

"Ah, that blond guy is Robin, the tall redhead is Michael, and the other one is Seymour. He wants to have a detailed word with you."

"I see, alright." - Denzel

Seymour moves in front of Denzel and is seemingly prudent.

"Greetings Denzel, I am Seymour. I want to discuss some things with you." - Seymour

"Good afternoon, what's in me that got you so interested Seymour?" - Denzel

Oh boy, they look like they could get along...

Both of them narrowed their eyes already as they have some suspicious toward each other. Seymour sat down to the couch in front of Denzel and placed his case in the table and opened it.

"Well, do you know how to play chess?" - Seymour

the inside of the case has a checkered pattern and has a bunch of marble chess pieces. It really is a chessboard, and it looks so organized too.

Denzel immediately smiled and took Seymour's offer to play a game while discussing.

"Ah, Denz! Can we use the kitchen?" - Bella

"Hmm? Sure! Did you bring ingredients?" - Denzel

"Yeah, I'll take May and Ashley for the time being." - Bella

"Eh?" - May

"Uh, sure..." - Ashley

The three immediately went towards the kitchen to work on some nice dish.

"We're still young but we already know how to cook huh? I wonder how you lived your life here Denzel?" - Seymour

Robin and Michael are also playing on a different board that Michael brought. They aren't making slow moves just like Seymour and Denzel but there's some flaws I could see.

"Well, it was harsh. Living alone, no one else to provide, I can't really do anything right now." - Denzel

I simply listened in to the conversation and leaned myself on Denzel's shoulder.

"I see, ever heard of the crystal incident?" - Seymour

"Straight to the point huh? Lilith, want to continue listening here? I'll bring out nothing but the truth this time... It might hurt you." - Denzel

Might hurt me? What does he mean?

"N-no, it's fine, I'll stay with Denzel..."

Denzel gave me a pat on the head which made me feel more comfortable.

"Alright, your parents died on that incident but... You have the murder weapon right?" - Seymour

"You mean this?" - Denzel

Denzel took out the silver knife he was holding some time ago and placed it on the table. The handle has some crystal designs and is seemingly made to kill people with its sharpness.

"Denzel don't tell me..."

"Sorry Lilith but..." - Denzel

Those few words became stuck on my mind for a long time...

"I was the one that murdered my parents." - Denzel