One of these days
I'm going to snap
But it won't sound like the rest
No, this one will be deformed
Echoing the brokenness that emanates
From a frozen heart and a blackened soul
No flurry of anxious energy
No storm of wounded pride
No puddle of depression
No river of wounded tears
No unheard, agonized cries for help
Not even the burning fury of anger
Just the hollow ringing of a deadly silence
That grows sicker with each passing second
Watching from an unfathomable distance
As one of the Forbidden Actions
Are committed without hesitation
Knowing full well what will happen
If I wasn't dead inside to begin with
Then each snip of my scissors
Completes that lowly task a thousand times again
Over a decade since my last breach of reason
Where a childish request was so foolishly granted
Consequences dealt out for the better part of 7 years
But should that snap reverberate in the air
I will once again take that cursed step
All of the hopes and dreams I have been protecting
In the lengths of my growing hair
Will be shorn away despite anything
And thrown away with everything else
The things I stand for will be cast aside
To mourn and then abandon one last time
Leaving me to become the pliable doll
Once again surrounded by the will of others
A vegetable of a person, puppet to anyone
Not even my Final String of Reason, able to prevent this chaos
It is said that worldly things matter not
So why should I bother myself with caring for them
If people are so unhappy with everything I stand for
Then it doesn't matter if I just destroy them first
An Empath feels more than they should
So let's cut the link right here, right now
This day will be one of an impossible beginning
Where books burn and locks are lost
When anime is blocked and music is regulated
Canvases shall be torn apart
Along with each word previously written
Erased from existence and never found again
What comes from these ashes?
There is nothing left of this person
The legend dissolved into the abyss
No traces left of the once great
Soul that used to refuse being silenced
Your Myth forever fading, never to re-emerge in this lifetime