I like to play outside in the dirt
When people call me before him
Before going out to play and put on sunscreen first
And no matter, I still get sunburned
And when I go to school in the fall
I'm still whiter than the walls
They label me as fat and shy
Always tiptoeing around me like imma cry
When I say I'm allergic to nickel
They rub the money all over my skin
I'm also allergic to Lavender and bees
But I keep my mouth shut due to the awful memories
People see one thing but I'm another
It's not their fault, so I try not to let it bother
Even if I do this and explain it repeatedly
The feedback I get makes me think oh the irony
When people insist on talking about the birds and the bees I blush
If you'll excuse me while I go lose my lunch
Unless you were really listening
You still know nothing about me