A year...
It was nearing a year since Thomas began observing the Dursleys and Harry, which to be frank, he was tired of. He and Severus were currently standing outside of the quaint home they came to know over the last several months of watching the Muggles and Mr. Potter.
As a matter of fact...Today was a horrid day...a horrid day indeed... It was Dudley Dursley's birthday, Tommy could distinctly remember groaning this morning when he was reminded, the blob was already spoiled as it stood. A birthday was bound to add on to the child's ego.
In the vast amount of time that Thomas was observing the overweight family, he came to understand just how cruel they were to poor Harry Potter, the boy was quite unlucky to be stuck with them....personally, Thomas would have taken his chances with Voldemort.
The house was currently bustling with activity as Dudley was busy throwing a tantrum about not having enough presents whilst Harry was busy eating his food quietly, humble lad he was.
"You know," Thomas began, prompting Severus to look down at him, "I'm still not used to how they treat the poor sod, he doesn't deserve it--"
"That is not of importance," Severus cut him off, "All that matters right now...is observing them." The older man noticed the brown haired boy's scowl, "You must learn to control your emotions, Donovan. Anger will bring about conflict, sadness will give birth to grief and sympathy--"
"--gives us weakness," Tommy rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we've been down this bloody road before Severus, thank you."
Severus hummed, "Well...then stop forcing me to bring it up," Tommy seemed to deflate a bit, so Severus added, "Also, I almost forgot, seeing as your birthday will be coming up soon....Your observation duties have been, nullified."
"Really?" Thomas seemed to perk up, "Why exactly?"
"Didn't I just say it was because of you birthday?" Severus was annoyed.
"No, I heard you," Thomas folded his arms, "But I don't believe it for a second, Severus...So tell me...Why?"
Severus sighed, "Because soon, Mr. Potter will be receiving his acceptance letter, and you...along with Hagrid will be collecting the child."
"But why not just send the chap his letter and be done with it?" Thomas asked, but was more than well aware that the Vernon and Petunia would just discard it.
"You and I both know why," Severus watched as the family all exited the house and made their way to the car with a disgruntled Harry being somewhat dragged and warned, "First, we'll send all of his acceptance letters to rile them up a bit...then, we'll take a more--"
"--hands on approach?" Thomas raised a brow at Severus and Albus' blatant plans.
"That's one way of putting it, yes," Severus said as the Dursley family already left the house and began their trek to the zoo, as Severus and Tommy heard Dudley's parents planning it earlier today.
"But, why aren't you collecting Potter if this is so important?" Thomas noticed Severus tense slightly.
"No more questions, Donovan," Severus took out his wand and the boy grabbed his arm, "Let's go."
As Thomas and Severus were apparated to another location, they waited for the Dursley family to arrive at the zoo. When they did, Thomas scoffed when he saw Harry hop out from inside of the trunk of the car. "Those bloody animals...." he trailed off when he saw them all enter the zoo and stop to talk to another set of parents.
"Quit scowling and let's go," Severus dragged him along.
"And if I tell you that, I get whacked with a newspaper," Thomas snickered as they eventually stopped by a wall a good ways from Harry and his family whom were buying treats for Dudley and a friend whom Thomas recognized as Piers, another bully to Harry. Piers seemed to have gotten there a little after the Dursley's and was left by his parents to spend a day with Dudley, since it was the ungrateful bloke's 'special' day.
Thomas and Severus spent the remainder of the trip tailing the group of adults and children as they visited different parts of the zoo. Tommy, in particular, found it incredibly hard to resist the urge of going and keeping Harry company, the frail kid was just... there...nobody to talk to, to interact with, even in a public place, Harry Potter seemed isolated. This brought back unwelcoming memories for Thomas as he remembered his days in his orphanage, where even when he was with the rest of the kids...none of them ever acknowledged him. It was like he was nothing, worst than the spec of dust on the cupboards, at least they were swept aside, he was barely even looked at.
Oddly enough, the only company he ever had...was the snakes hiding in the basement of the orphanage, bloody woman never called animal control whatsoever to rectify the problem...but maybe it was for the better, seeing as the snakes WERE in fact, friendly.
Being on the topic of snakes, it seemed that the group had decided to visit the reptile exhibit, Severus and Thomas followed. Harry seemed to be captivated by the Boa Constrictor whom was asleep, the snake was easily the most giant one in the entirety of the reptiles.
Thomas clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw Dudley tap on the glass loudly, Harry seemed just as annoyed. "The snake should have a go at the overgrown twit..." Tommy muttered before a ghastly idea popped into his head.
He looked at Severus whom was observing a python. Taking this as his chance, Thomas spoke in the snake language, sure that it would awaken the snake, "Get up," he seethed out and as if on cue, the boa's eyes opened.
A smile found its way to Tommy's face as he watched Harry smile in amazement. Harry and the snake seemed to be having a conversation and Tommy's smile grew, Harry could talk to snakes too...The brown haired boy's smile disappeared however, when Dudley and Piers shoved the boy out of the way. Dudley and Piers were leaning against the glass in fascination and Tommy discreetly pointed out his wand, "Finestra!"
As Harry was busy tending to his aching ribs he suddenly looked back up after hearing Dudley and his friend scream, the glass to the sanctuary for the constrictor was gone, as if it was never there.
Harry watched, utterly amazed as the snake slithered its way to him, he could have sworn the snake said, "I'll see you around, amigo!" Breaking into a grin Harry followed the snake with his eyes as it slithered through the terrified crowd of people.
Thomas smiled as the snake came towards him and as it passed, the snake used its tail and gave his outstretched hand a discreet slap as it made an escape for Brazil. Suddenly, Thomas was grabbed, "What...was that?!"
"A boa constrictor, honestly Severus, for a Slytherin--" Thomas began, but didn't get to finish as he was lashed with paper.
The newspaper was now in Severus' hand and a scowl was on his face, Thomas chuckled, "Worth it..." Thomas looked back to Harry whom was now yanked up by Vernon as well, Harry's face scanned the crowds, looking anywhere but at Vernon. His eyes then landed on Thomas whom was being reprimanded by Severus, Tommy sent the boy a playful shrug and Harry laughed slightly.
At least he wasn't the only one being in trouble, Harry thought, although the Potter boy didn't know why the mysterious kid was in 'hot water.' He was still relieved that he wasn't the only being embarrassed.
After the Boa incident a few months ago, Thomas was given a hefty punishment, Severus would be able to use 5 attack spells on him and Thomas couldn't use his wand to block. The boy was lucky to escape the first two by rolling, but the other three....ouch.
His back and chest now sported a few scars that wouldn't be going away anytime soon, seeing as Severus said for him to leave them as reminders. Thomas had scoffed, "Whatever..." was his initial response.
Summer was soon coming to an end and today was a special day, a special day indeed seeing as it was the day that Harry would receive his first Hogwarts letter. Severus noticed the boy's bubbly state, "And what seems to have you so excited?"
"Today Harry's going to get his acceptance letter," Thomas regarded the house before him with hope brimming in his eyes, "Soon, he'll be able to get away from those buggers..."
Severus hummed and looked toward the house as well, noticing the mail man drop off the mail, "You seem to have become oddly attached....for someone who hasn't met your target yet that is--"
"Because the kid's life is miserable," Thomas was serious now as he saw Harry collect the mail and enter the house, "I remember the first time you and Dumbledore came to my orphanage and found me....It gave me hope, someone finally looked in my direction...acknowledged my existence."
Severus suddenly took a deep breath and looked around the neighborhood, "And you want to be the same for Mr. Potter?"
"If I can....I don't need to be this big hero that I made you and Albus out to be...but if I can even indirectly give this boy some sort of hope, then that's what I'll bloody well do," Thomas heard Severus hum again, but something was different about this one. It seemed--
"Well then, that does it for today," Severus cut off his line of thought, "Knowing them, they will burn it, so...tomorrow we will send another letter...and the day after that, as well as the day after that--"
"Until we've forced them to acknowledge the letter?" Thomas approached Severus whom had his wand at the ready.
"Precisely," Severus and Thomas apparated away from the house in a flash.
Over the next few days, Thomas found great pleasure in helping Severus deliver the letters, his personal favorite being when they made thirty-six letter fly through the kitchen chimney of the house. He remembered hearing Dudley scream, "Who wants to talk to you so badly?!" utterly amazed that someone wanted to talk to his puny cousin.
Thomas even laughed when he saw Vernon and the rest of his sorry lot pack their things and move away for a while, it was extremely satisfying being in control. When the first letter was delivered, Thomas had asked Dumbledore, Minerva and Severus to address the letter directly to Harry's closet, specifically to give Vernon and Petunia a wake up call.
And wake them it did, Harry was immediately rushed to a bedroom, granted it was small and filled with Dudley's broken toys, but at least it was something. Then he decided to ask his future teachers and Headmaster to send MULTIPLE letters to Harry, letting the Dursley's know just how serious they were. They agreed...took it as a prank from Thomas...but agreed non the less. What they didn't know was that Thomas saw it as a way of making Vernon go bonkers.
When Harry and his 'family' made it to an old crumby hotel on the outskirts of the big city, Thomas took the initiative and delivered the letter to the owner of the hotel, "Good morning, ma'am," Thomas smiled sweetly at the woman and rested a wad of tightly held together letters on the front desk.
"Well, hello there, " the owner regarded Thomas with peculiar eyes, "And how may I help you, young man?"
"Well..." Thomas smile turned into a sly smirk, "I was wondering if you'd deliver these to a friend of mine, uh--Mr. Harry Potter?"
"He and his family are currently having breakfast and--" Thomas went in closer, "--this is a surprise."
"Oh, I see," the owner smile and took the wad of letters, commenting on the sheer magnitude of their numbers, "Then consider these delivered dear, and they are from?"
"Secret," Thomas simply winked cheekily and the woman howled in laughter.
"Very well then," the owner bid the boy farewell with a small smile, but it slightly faltered because the mysterious boy disappeared almost instantly within the crowd.
Thomas and Severus now watched as Vernon became outraged once again by the delivery of at least a hundred letters, he took Harry and the rest of them to another discreet location.
Severus then held Thomas' shoulder, "I think that's enough for now."
"But, it's just getting good," Tommy watched as their car disappeared, "Come on Severus, he's breaking!"
"Silence!" Severus bellowed, prompting Thomas to fold his arms and look back to where the car had gone, Snape watched as well, "Whatever happens now....is up to Dumbledore, we originally wanted you to go along with Hagrid, but now...." the teacher raised a brow, "I'm starting to have....second thoughts."
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Of course you are...." the brown haired boy looked into the distance now, "How soon will Hagrid be able to get Harry?"
"On Tuesday....your birthday," Severus watched as Thomas perked up at the revelation.
"Really?" Thomas raised a brow, "Why then?"
"Because, it also happens to be Mr. Potter's birthday as well," Severus turned on his heel and began walking away from the hotel.
Thomas still had his arms folded and was looking down, "I share a birthday with Harry Potter, huh....wicked."
"Are you going to remain there...like an idiot waiting for a car to run him over--" Severus' voice beckoned Thomas, "Or are you coming to find out if Hagrid will take you to meet Mr. Potter?"
At that, Thomas turned and walked to Severus as they both then apparated away in a swirl of black.