I hung from the shackles. My arms aching from being extended for such a long time. I feel completely spent from the edging, and my slight release that I received just moments ago. My other senses are still on hyper drive, feeling everything around me, and nothing at all at the same time. I could hear the movement of foot steps that came and went in different directions. I couldn't make out if it was one or two moving around me. This caused my mind to race, be unfocused, and on every little thing, all at the same time. I could feel the droplets of water forming on my skin, giving me a cold sensation as the wind blew across my body from one side to the other, only added to my wonderful torment, making me even more aroused than before. My eyes are still covered, and there is a round bit in my mouth once again, preventing me from speaking.
I pulled at my restraints, knowing that they will bite, as my arousal began to grow from my lack of senses, and hoping to get someone's attention. The pain in my shoulders increased to the movement causing my arousal to heighten even more.
I could hear the movement of something being brought in front of me, and before I knew it, my restraints were being lowered. I could feel my limp body being placed in the new position. My hands were pulled over the top, and down onto what felt like a padded gate that came to my waist. My feet were spread out, and attached to the apparatus. My hands were spread out, and attached on the other side of the same apparatus. My already growing harder erection, continued on its path as the agony of pain moved from my shoulders to my waist and lower back.
Already stripped of my clothes, I suddenly feel the movement of something soft move around my body, enticing my erected member. As I winced in pleasure, a hand reach around and place my member in a wet orifice once again. I could feel the motion of the up and down, the wetness exciting me even more.
This continued for a while, with a soft hand that would massage my scrodum by needing and pulling at it. At the same time, keeping a steady rhythm on my long, growing appendage. I so wanted to release myself into this wet void, but just as I was about to, Thom would say in a stern tone, "No." Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Knowing that showing my discontent would result in nothing, I gave a moan of wanting more.
Listening to me moan due to the sudden void, he continues, "Let's step this up." A sting across my bottom followed his words. Remembering to not react, I took each stroke as it ranged from my thighs up to my shoulders. Each strike intensified the aching pain in my lower back.
After the 10th stroke, I couldn't take it any more, and released a pleasure moan. I started leaning into the strikes, anticipating where they would land, allowing them to increase my pleasure. After ten more stikes, I felt the wet orifice return.
Making sure it was alternated, this repeated two more times until I couldn't take any more, and fell limb on the padding, unconscious with a full on erection. As I slowly came to, I began to remember where I was. I could feel someone stretch my backside and was placing something very cold there.
Laughing I heard Thom react to my realization of what was happening next, "Oh this will be fun." And with that the cold was removed, and something big, hard was pushed into my rectum. Starting at a slow pace, Thom began to increase speed as he continued his movements. I could feel his movement inside of me, unable to react due to the restraints still remaining, I relaxed to allow what was happening. His hands on both sides of my hips, pushing and pulling me to his will. Strangely, I began to find the pleasure in what was happening.
Suddenly the wet orifice returned, engulfing my slightly limp member. Moving eagerly in sync with the movement from behind. The sensation builds to being too much, and I hear myself give mews of pleasure. Trying to keep up with building of pleasure, I try to move with the synchronized motion only to find the bite of my restraints add to the pleasurable torture.
I could hear Thom panting between my mews until he moved even faster to his own release. I could feel the warm substance fill me inside and out. The motion never stopped, but continued on pushing the warm lubrication farther into my rectum, allowing him to push in even farther than before.
Eager for my own release, I tried to move with the synchronized motion. Just as I was about to release, my blind fold is removed. In front of me is a young, petite woman with curly red hair. Her mouth greedily taking my fully erect member. As I looked closer at her, I began to recognize who it was. At the same time, I released myself in her mouth, and watched her swallow it welcomely.
I pulled and mumbled in discuss, knowing now who this wretched woman is. She sat back on her heels, while laughing at me. When she was done, she held out her hand, and Thom took it to help her up from the barn floor. "Good boy, My Pet. Now that play time is over what shall we do now."
Talking over her shoulder, she says,"Take care of that, will you? And don't forget why it's here." With that I watched as she walked out of my sight.