My dismembered armed flopped to the floor next to the blood that was now steadily leaking out of my arm. There was an uproar in the class but I decided to focus on not dying. I grabbed my arm off the floor and placed it where it's supposed to be, and started reconnecting my bone, muscle, nerves, and eventually skin.
I could now barely move my arm, but I'm sure it'll get better soon… I looked over at the class and gave them a thumbs up with my reconnected arm which hurt.
"When you're doing your presentation I suggest you don't hurt yourself." I was about to walk away but nearly slipped on my blood. I shot a stream of Dark Magic which quickly cleansed the area. I went over one of the empty seats at the front of the class and leaned on it.
"Who wants to go?" Unsurprisingly Zina and Bella raised their hand at almost the same time, I let Zina go since she was a bit earlier.
"My name is Zina Lycan. I'll be using a Fire Magic spell called… 'Ethereal Lycan'." Did she just make up that name? She put her hands on the floor and little by little a giant fire wolf that stood at 5'7" head to paw! Zina seemed to have paled by the time she dispelled the Lycan. I went over to her side and helped her up.
"You really shouldn't exert yourself that much. It's not like this is a grade."
"I need to make a good first impression." She started scratching her cheek.
"at least that's what mom said…" I chuckled as we made the way to her desk.
"Good luck, I'm sure you impressed a lot of people." I went back to leaning on the desk. As Bella went up to the front.
"My name is Isabella Rawlings. I'm going to be doing a Lightning Magic spell called 'Lightning Refraction'. I will need someone to help." Emilia's hand shot up. Isabella grunted as she picked Emilia who stood a few steps in front of her. Isabella aimed her open hand at Emilia. I was tempted to step in but Isabella knew what happened to bad students. I looked over at the feinted boys who to my surprise were awake. They were seated and seemed to sweat as I glanced at them.
P.O.V. change
"Why did you have to pass out? You could've warned me." My friend shook his head.
"You don't understand. As soon as I looked at Mr. Fellstar I couldn't move at all. I couldn't even breathe. It was like he was exerting his killing intent on me. Seriously creepy. Mr. Fellstar can't be human, I've never heard of someone doing that." We turned back to the class and say Mr. Fellstar looking at us. But he turned away.
P.O.V. change
There was something still boggling my mind after the encounter. What caused the chubby kid to pass out. Just by me standing behind his friend? Maybe, but highly unlikely. Was there someone near me? I looked at my shoulder and saw that my dragon was still sleeping. At least it wasn't him…
I looked at Bella who seemed to have finished charging up a ball of lightning in her open hand. It shot out in a stream and missed Emilia by a few inches. A few inches to many, she missed on purpose. The stream curved at a sharp curve and shook trapped Emilia in a cave. It's a pretty good substitute for a dome that would waste a lot of Mana or a normal cage that would have too much concentration to do perfectly.
She dispelled and walked back to her seat while Emilia was giving her praise. Emilia stood in the middle this time. She spoke a lot more cheerfully than the other girls.
"I'm Emilia Haggard. I'm going to be using an Earth Magic spell called 'Tree'. Though It serves little to no use in battle." Though a few people were angry she wasn't using a fighting move my glance quickly stopped there chattering. Sometimes trying to do a move that isn't useful on its own could lead to becoming better at a different move.
Where she stood a stone tree started to grow. It took a few more minutes than Zina's Lycan. But in the end, she made a tree with petals that she colored pink. Of course, there were stones that would kill you if they fell. I decided to stop her before she decided to destroy since Earth Magic doesn't take Magic to maintain we could keep the tree indefinitely.
"I think it would be nice to keep that as scenery, don't you think." She furiously nodded and hugged me.
"Thank you." I could notice the copious amount of other girls staring daggers at her as she walked towards her seat. I used my Earth Magic to move the tree towards the window.
"Who's next?" One of the boys, more specifically the one I slammed into the table walked up to the front of the class.
"My name is Chace Molina. I'll be doing a Martial Arts Technique called 'Sidekick'." He lifted his knee up and sent a kick flying at head level as he bent back(A/N: Search up Yeop Chagi, it's a Taekwondo sidekick). Most individuals would see that his earlier kick against we was quick different seeing as he swept his leg (A/N: The earlier one was Dollyo Chagi, it's a Taekwondo roundhouse kick. Sorry I didn't include in the last chapter).
The next person that I cared to pay attention to came up next. It was the chubby kid that passed out at the sight of me. He stood at the front.
"My name is Joey Friedman, I'm going to be doing a Water Magic spell called 'Ice Armor'." Ice is a type of Water Magic since you can't make it on your own without freezing your pre-existing Water Magic. You could heat your fire to make plasma but it's much harder than just thinking about lightning.
I was especially excited about the Ice armor because there's a lot of customization you can have with the armor. Though it wouldn't be as good as real armor it could fix a broken part in a pinch. I don't know why I wasn't surprised when his Armor was made haphazardly with little to no shape.
A few more introductions later.
"That's the end of class see you later." Surprisingly all of the introductions took up Combat and Magic class because there were a few people that spent minutes charging up their spells since they knew advanced spells but had barely used them more than once. So they couldn't optimize for time sadly… Enough of that, it's time for a break!