Chereads / The Odd One / Chapter 4 - Today

Chapter 4 - Today

Today, I am an officer in Chicago P. D. I came in the same time as Erin. We graduated together too and became partners. We stopped being partners after Hank sperated us and paired her with Jay and me with Antonio. "Right, mocha for Adam, cappuccino for Attwater, coffee with a double pump of caramel for Jay, latte for Erin, Double Chocolate Mocha for Kim, Esspresso for Sean, Black coffee with milk for Hank and an americano for Olinsky, did I miss anyone?" I ask coming in the doors. Antonio looked at you with annoyance." Of course I didn't forget you. Flat white."

"Thank you. Finally. Something to wake me up." Antonio says taking a sip. "And what did miss Irish get?"

"A normal tea."

"Where's the donuts?" Ruzek asked.

"Trudy has them downstairs." I reply.

"I'm not going down there she wants me for something." Adam says.

"That's why she told me to leave them there. So you would get yoyr lazy ass down there." I laugh. "Now go get the god damn donuts." He goes downstairs in defeat, sulking. "Any news on the missing kids?" I ask Erin.

"Um no. Last known siting was Pine Avenue." Burgess says from behind her desk.

"Isn't that the place we went to check yesterday?" I say

"Yes and there hasn't been a siting of them, or the car since." She says.

Ruzek finally comes back up, holding a tray of donuts. "I didn't finish the paperwork fully." he sighs.

"Okay sarge, we have a siting of a silver Toyota, Illinois tax, last seen in Jackson Boulevard, owned by a Harry Leighton. It matches the description of the car from yesterday and it has been there for five to seven hours." Burgess says walking up to the board to stick the picture of the car on it. "Right let's get moving." Hank orders. We do what we usually do and head out.

About fifteen minutes later, we arrive. "Alright, Olinsky, Ruzek and Mc Neill, you go around the back, Antonio, Burgess and Jay, you're with me. Erin and Kevin stay in the cars and get ready if we have a runner. Understood? Okay let's move it." We creep around the back, guns loaded and ready to shoot, just in case. We hear a loud knock, followed by a            "Chicago P. D open up!" and then a door being broken down. The back door opens and a white, middle aged man runs out, holding a gun to a Latino boy, no older than twelve. "Drop the weapon!" I scream.

"You drop yours first!" he shouts back. "I will shoot you!"

"You shoot me and you shoot him!" he says ducking behind the boy. I look over to Olinsky, watching, trying to figure out what he's gonna do next.

"There's no more kids in here!" Burgess calls out to us. I look over to the guy. "Look. You just put the gun down and I'll get my guys to put theirs down okay?" He grips his gun tighter. "Please. There are six more missing. Six. We need to find them or they could die. I just want to talk please." I say lowering my gun. He looks at me and loosens his grip a bit. "Just give us this one kid and I'll help you, Harry." He starts to lower his gun when Ruzek gets ready to fire. I'm guessing Harry noticed because he just screamed shot Adam, then the kid and then himself. "No!" I shout. I run to the kid, checking for a pulse. "No pulse. 10.1 shots fired at the police, multiple victims down, roll multiple ambos to my location now!" I say to my walkie talkie. "Antonio, does he have a pulse?" Antonio looks away from Harry to me. "Barely, if we want this guys alive, he needs to get to med now!"

"Hank he is the only real chance we have of finding those kids, should we bring him to med with the car?" I shout up to him. "No just apply pressure and wait!" I check for a pulse again on the kid. Erin is beside me now. "I'm gonna start compressions." I start giving compressions and check for a pulse thirty seconds later. "There's something!" I shout. I continue with compressions until the ambulance arrive. "Erin keep pressure eo the wound for God's sake!"

"Harry Leighton, 42, shot himself in the neck, he is responsive, combatant and we gave him epi on the field." the paramedic said to Dr. Halstead.

"Latino boy, roughly twelve, shot in the right of his back, he has a pulse but only with compressions or assistance. He is not yet responsive." Another paramedic says to Dr Choi.

I walk into the ER with Antonio, holding Adam. "Hey, Maggie, where can we put Adam?" we ask. "Um trauma two. I'll get Dr Rhodes. He isn't busy right now." We lay Adam on the bed and Connor comes running in. "Hey Adam, Antonio, Jamie. What's up?"

"Adam got shot and I was hoping you could clean him up and give him a few stitches." I say. Conor smiles over at me, "I mean, I don't know why you are hoping, I'm a doctor and it's my job so of course I will." He says grabbing something. He gets to work and Adam is finished up in a good fifteen or twenty minutes. "Okay Adam, rest it for a day or two and then you can start walking about trying to heal the wound. The leg won't tolerate it for a while but ima sure after a while it'll be fine."

"Thanks Doc." He says. I hold Adam up. "Well thanks again Conor. I owe you one." I say as I leave. "How about a drink at Molly's. You owed me that last time you said 'I owe you one'."

"Funny. I can't tonight, I have an early shift tomorrow."

"I wasn't gonna say tonight either, I have my twenty four hours shift right now so there wouldn't be a chance I could go tonight so maybe tomorrow if you aren't busy because I'm off tomorrow." He says. "I mean, I don't have work the day after so maybe?" I'm not sure. I'll text you anyway. See ya. And thanks again for fixing Adam." Conor smiles again and waves" No problem. See ya." I turn back to Adam who is smiling. "What? Someone likes a doctor." he jokes.

"Everyone likes doctors they are all gorgeous, genius." I say slapping his arm. "So you don't think any cops or firefighters are pretty no?" He asks. "I never said that. Some of them are pretty but doctors are on a whole other level, lad. I'm telling ya!"