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In a strange world where powers exist! Shinji awakens a hidden power within him but has to fix it!

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Start of something new!

In a dream.

Finding myself walking through a hallway that seems to never end. I've been walking and walking and walking, not knowing how much time has passed. Looking at every door but I could not stop.... could only look..... I had no control over my legs or arms. As I get closer, the hall seems to end…..Not yet there, my legs and arms stop….. My mouth felt stitched shut... I was standing there wondering why I stopped, I hear a voice whisper in my left ear

Voice: You will never get out of here.

My eyes widened with fear as I took a gulp….My body felt like it was on fire... I closed my eyes tightly and woke up covered in sweat...… Even though my air conditioner was on full blast. The fear I felt in my dream has dissipated as soon as the light of day hit my eyes...…. After rubbing my eyes from the shining light that shot at my eyes, I looked over at my phone to check the time. It was 1:30pm!

Shinji: "O Shit, I'm gonna be late for work!"

Still living with his mother he yells down the stairs to her

Shinji: "MOM!!!"

Mom: "...."

Shinji: "MOTHER!!!!!!"

Mom: "WHAT!"

Shinji: "Could you please get me lunch ready for work!"

Mom: "No! Do it yourself! Not my fault you're late!"

Shinji: "Please, mom"

Mom: "NO! Do It YOURSELF!"

Mother mumbles under her breath: "At Least try and do something right in your pathetic life."

I heard what she mumbled... Going to the front door to leave for work….. "Door Slams"!


I get in my Rusty car. Then try to start it…...shhhchchchchchch…...The car does not start. I try multiple times but nothing. So I walked out to examine my car and opened my hood to see one of my spark plugs were gone..... Rushing to the back to grab my bike to ride it to work….. I arrive at work and put my bike in a chain lock and walk in.... It is now 2:15pm and was supposed to be to work at 2:00pm. I clock in and my boss sees me

Boss: "Shinji come into my office!"

I started walking towards his office, worried, not knowing if he was going to fire me.

Boss: "Sit down Shinji."

Shinji: "ok"

Boss: "Why are you always late!"

Shinji: "Well today it was my car."

Boss: "You keep coming in late I will have no choice but to let you go."

I was worried and was gonna speak until he spoke over me.

Boss: "This is your last chance. Come in late again you're gone, understand!"

Shinji: "Yes"

I get up and walk out feeling upset but a little mad.... How was I supposed to know that my mom would take a spark plug out of my car or just not be a caring mother. The heavy pallets sitting in my sight. I walk over to get one with my pallet jack..... I start pulling it but it's so heavy, i can barely move it..... An associate walks by me and I ask,

Shinji: "Hey Justin, Can you help me! This is really heavy."

Justin: "HAHAHAHA...… No… HA…. Stop being so pathetic!"

His comment made me more angry and more upset, but I just ignored it even though it hurt….. Continue pulling this pallet, I get out on the floor, where all the customers are. I'm turning my pallet into an aisle and a lady walks up behind me, purposely hits me with the cart. As an associate I apologize, but the lady felt entitled.

Lady: "Watch where the fuck you are going!"

Already upset i respond with an attitude: "I said i was sorry"Lady: "I Don't care! You people are just peasants anyways! Get the hell away from me!

The lady made me furious and another associate saw I was getting angry so he went to get the boss.


Getting so furious...…. I feel this warm feeling in my right hand…...Looking down at the palm of my hand was a black aura... I immediately stopped everything I was doing to take a closer look but it went away..... I looked around but no one else seemed to notice.... I am looking at my hand confused and a little scared.... Everyone's voices were muffled then came to a clear and my boss was yelling.


Me not saying anything just slowly walking out of the store holding my hand in fear. I got to the bike rack and my chain was cut and my bike was gone. I immediately get angry and feel the warm sensation in my hand again... looking down at my hand it was there….. The black aura! I took a closer look in fear…... Trying to shake it if my hand then... A black ray shoots from my hand at my bike chain and completely disintegrates the chain. I looked around to see if someone saw but did not see anyone! So I ran home feeling confused and upset... Running across a road... I Dropped my sweater, a truck lost its brakes and was speeding through and..... BAMMMMM!!!!!.... The truck driver, a bit injured, gets out not knowing what he hit, that busted his whole front end..... There was a guy.

Truck driver: "O MY GOD!!! I JUST HIT A….. Really strong man?"

The truck driver is looking at the damage the guy made when he hit him and could not believe his eyes! I walk out of the crater in the front of the truck with no damage. As I look up at the driver and collapse! The truck driver ran to me to help and called the paramedic.... My eyes slowly opening and shutting…... I see a figure in the distance wearing a black cloak with the same black aura that I had. My eyes shut... Shortly after, I entered the same dream I had this morning.... I scream in my dream.


While heavily breathing: "I can talk?"

I have control of my arms..... But my legs seem to still have a mid of their own…. Walking and Walking Endlessly. My legs stop me at a door.... I open it and see the same figure I saw before I passed out! The figure speaks

Figure: "Help me"

I started getting pulled away by a bright light. As I was being pulled, the figure got pulled by something through the wall and the door slams..... I wake up breathing heavy with sweat dripping from my forehead. The bright light was the doctor shining light into my eyes! I jumped up, freaking out!..... Looking at my surrounding I ask

Shinji: "Where am I!"

Doctor: "You are in Area 51"

Shinji: "W-WHAT! WHY!"

Doctor: "Well, the ambulance brought you into the hospital and the doctors did not know how you could have possibly survived that, so they called the government and we took you in! So as you were sleeping-"

Interrupted by Shinji,

Shinji: "H-How long was I out?"

Doctor: "Man... hmmm.... I think it's been almost a year... Like 10 months!"

Shinji: "WH-WH-WHATTTT!"

Doctor: "Ya you took a pretty hard hit. We could not figure out why you were out for so long because you were not in a coma! Anyways can you explain to me why we could not get a needle through your skin?"

Shinji: "W-What I-I have no idea!"

Doctor: "Ok… We figured that... We will just have to run diagnostics on you!"

Shinji: "Like what"

Doctor: "Like a ct scan to see if there is anything abnormal going on!"

Shinji: "What do you mean abnormal?"

Doctor: "We could be wrong, but we believe you have...… powers!"

Shinji: "Powers?.... I mean right before I got fired from my job I had a black aura appear in my hand!"

Doctor: "REALLY! Could you show me!"

Shinji: "I cant... I don't know how i did it."

Doctor: "Well what were you doing?"

Shinji: "I was getting angry at a customer."

Doctor: "That's it... Try getting mad!"

Shinji: "I'll try."

I look in the mirror and close my eyes.... Thinking of all the bad things that have happened to me.... I was getting mad, upset..... I open my eyes and I see the black aura in the palm of my hand.... It immediately goes away! I ask the doctor

Shinji: "DID YOU SEE IT!"

The doctor looked in shock and excitement!

Doctor: "I have always heard of people with powers but i have never seen one in real life! We need to experiment NOW!"


Doctor: "Yes, but don't be worried it won't come to any harm to you! We just need to knock you out!"

Shinji: "Knock me ou--"

A very large shock in my back strikes me!.... I fell to the floor and became unconscious.

Doctor: "Jesus…. How much voltage did you use!"

Recruit: "Only 25,000 Volts! He should be out for a while!"

Doctor: "25,000 VOLTS! You could have killed him!!"

Recruit: "Calm down I read up on this and he's fine!"

Doctor: "You better hope so!"

The doctor whispers in Shinji's ear: "Don't worry Shinji, you will be fine!"