I got my room number 273 its the highest floor in the whole school the 5th. When i arrived at the dorm I was first anxious to see what Therianthropy was inside what if its a predator. After thinking inside for a few minutes I went inside at first I saw nothing it sounded so peaceful and calm and I thought to myself "okay maybe theirs nothing to worry about until I saw A tiger and a fox coming out of the room attacking each other " oh wow I get a room with high energetic animals what my luck" i said to myself. When they finally saw me the whole room went silent you can drop a piece of sand and it would make noise. "Well since no one is talking my name is Oscar I am an Artic Fox. That over there is Oliver he is a a regular tiger but faster than other tigers, and smarter than any normal tiger we are also twins". "Wait TWINS" i said?.