Chapter 293 - 2

Chapter Two: Allegretto

Dedicated to Janmmci for putting me in her favorites list. She was the FIRST ONE EVER!

Snape stormed up to the headmaster's office door. "Skittles, damn American muggle candies." The gargoyle leaped out of the way and the potion master impatiently road the staircase to the top.

"ALBUS!" He bellowed and waited impatiently until the headmaster shuffled out from behind a bookcase and took seat at the desk.

Albus looked at his potions master carefully before holding out a bag of sweets. "Severus, child, please sit. Lemon drop?"

Snape glared and ignored the candy. "Did you know that Miss Granger would be leaving us?"

"Leaving, why?" Albus set the bag down reluctantly and pushed his spectacles back up his nose.

Snape quickly filled the headmaster in on what he had just learned – glaring the entire time. When he'd finished the headmaster paused for a moment than shook his head. "I don't understand, Severus. Hermione's father isn't Mr. Granger?"

Snape couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Correct. And her great-uncle is coming to force her into a bonding ceremony with Flint Jr." Snape finally dropped into his seat and used the spare energy to ratchet up his glare to new levels of semi-lethalness.

"Old Marrius hid a child. You know I always did underestimate him. Almost cost the light the war back in 1944." Albus stroked his beard in thought, his blue eyes loosing their mirth and taking on a harsh chilling air of calculation.

"Albus, she needs our help." Snape's tone lacked any hint of patience and his body sagged a bit in his chair. He was so tired of this, this maddening loss of potential. He'd watched it happen in his own school days and now it was repeating. Granger he'd thought would be safe; he'd focused his attention on Parkinson and Bulstrode. He should have stopped thinking long ago. It was becoming a dangerous habit.

Albus dropped his head a bit in sympathy. "I know. What about her grandparents? I know that Marrius and his wife passed on before Voldemort's fall, but what about Arern and Salze?"

Snape growled low in his throat. "Don't you remember? About a month after the Dark Lord disappeared Salze Malfoy and her husband were found dead. They appeared to have been subject to the Cruciatus for hours. We assumed it was another Deatheater attack. They were so frequent right after the Dark Lord disappeared, all the little ones scrambling to fill the power vacuum."

"Severus, your tone would indicate that you've changed your mind about that."

"Think about it Albus. Arern and Salze were both squibs. They had a child, Hermione's mother, but hid it from the wizarding world. That child married and had another daughter. They were a liability, a link to the wizarding world through which to trace the line. Knowing the Malfoys, Salze would have refused to cut contact with her daughter and grandchild. I have heard of this Soren. I would not put it past him to have killed the couple to keep them from exposing the plot. Don't forget he was groomed by Marrius to be head steward for the family. As such he also would have been trained in the Dark Arts, legitimate heir or not." Snape sunk lower in the chair and glared even harder at nothing in particular.

Albus calmly leaned back in his own chair. "We have no evidence, Severus, just speculation. Unless Hermione wishes to disclose her true age I'm afraid I can't stop Soren from taking her."

Snape sat up straight and leaned across the desk his anger nearly palpable. Fawkes let out a shrill note and ruffled his feathers. "We can't let her marry Marcus Flint! He's a Deatheater, a real one, Albus. You have no idea what happens to the wife of a Deatheater do you? Do you! She's a child for god's sake, Albus!"

"Severus calm down, I have never known you to get this upset about a student before. Especially one not of your house." Albus' eyes weren't twinkling and Severus huffed before slowly easing back away from the desk, his anger changing into a mix of regret and bone aching weariness.

Snape closed his eyes before letting the words wind themselves out of his mouth, his voice not at all steady. "I'm tired of loosing them, any of them damn it! One after another of my children go out those doors and get a mark burned into their arms. One after another they marry into money and darkness to breed little heirs to cause more darkness. I watch the hope die in their eyes, Albus. They have no choice, join or die. Comply or die. Marry or die. If I can save one, just one, maybe I will have affected something in this world. Hermione Granger does not deserve to find herself the plaything of Deatheaters, a tool for bargaining and negotiations, a sex slave to anyone with a mark. As soon as she gives birth to the two heirs, one for the Flints, one for the Penwraths, that is what she will become. A communal plaything."

Albus reached a hand across the desk and patted his old friend on the arm, trying to offer some small amount of comfort. "I know, Severus. I saw it happen to little Narcissa and then to Alliana Lestrange. Do you have a plan?"

"No, I was hoping you'd think of something." Snape looked back up and cringed at the weariness he saw reflected in the headmaster's eyes.

Albus sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "What? I can't keep her here against her family's wishes without revealing the truth. If what she said is true, and her birth records along with her mother's have been delivered to the MOM then Voldemort will know shortly. I imagine the Flints have already contacted him and received his authorization for the bonding ceremony anyway. If she doesn't marry him, or another Deatheater, Voldemort will go after her family. She will not be able to leave school grounds and her mother and adopted father will not survive long."

Snape sighed heavily and eyed the portraits, but none of them offered up any suggestions. "Could we bring them here?"

Albus gave an uncharacteristic snort. "Fudge would have me removed if I brought a muggle family into Hogwarts, second generation squibs or not. If I had Lucius Malfoy's backing it might be possible. But I would not have it. Salze Malfoy was considered a disgrace to her line. I doubt Lucius would bat an eye to save her daughter."

"So we just let it happen." Snape couldn't keep a hint of defeat out of is tone despite his best efforts.

"No, we'll think of something, Severus. There is always an alternative."

"Merlin, Albus, I hope you are right. I already lost Parkinson in her fifth year, Davis and Montaque this year. I would hate to add Hermione to the list."

"You're using her first name." Dumbledore's eyes where twinkling.

Snape rolled his eyes. "And what should I call her? Penwrath and Granger both seem wrong now."

Albus twinkled harder and popped a lemon drop into his mouth. "I see what you mean, Severus. It is getting late. Perhaps we should discuss this in the morning. A good night's rest might help us to come up with a plan. I won't mention this to Minerva. She would just tell Hermione to shout out the truth and chain herself to the banisters. While dramatic, I don't see that solving anything."

Severus grimaced and nodded. "Goodnight Albus"

"Goodnight Severus."

The next evening:

Hermione again stood outside the large oak door and hesitated. It was open this time and she cautiously poked her head inside the office. "Professor?"

Snape was standing next to a shelf full of various nasty looking potion ingredients, his back to the door. When he heard her, he turned and Hermione thought his eyes just might have softened a bit before their customary glare snapped into place. "Ah Miss Granger, come in."

Hermione stepped inside the office and at Snape's motion closed the door. "Did the Headmaster..."

Snape sighed and gestured for her take a seat as he moved behind the desk to sit himself. "No Hermione, we haven't come up with a plan yet. We will." Hermione nodded and stood back up to leave. She reached the door and stopped, her hand hovering over the handle.

"Is what they say true?" She cursed herself for the tremor in her voice.

"What do they say Miss Granger?"

"About what happens to ..." She couldn't even get out the words.

Snape closed his eyes then stood and walked towards Hermione and gently turned her around to face him. "Yes child. It's true."

Hermione began to shake and she slid bonelessly to the floor. "How could Uncle Soren do this? How could he set this up knowing I would have to…do that? I thought he loved me. He was always coming over to the house and bringing books or pictures. He would take me to see wizarding sights Mum couldn't get into. He would teach me about things - I thought he cared!"

Snape looked down at the Gryffindor. She wasn't crying, thank Merlin, but she looked lost. Severus saw not only the one sixth year student before him, but all the girls that had sat in that spot and asked for help. All the ones he couldn't help. Their families were all too powerful, their vaults too great. He was not about to lose another. More importantly he wasn't prepared to lose Granger.

He had never expected to lose her like he had the others, the Slytherins. Snape never liked surprises, they unnerved him. And to have to contemplate seeing that, was a large surprise. He knew when he saw his Slytherins enter the Great Hall in their first year what would be expected of them. But Granger was different. He'd always taken her for a muggleborn. He never thought he'd have her sitting on his office floor trying to come to grips with a family decree that bordered on barbarism. She was annoying yes, but she genuinely loved to learn and that love of learning was too rare to be wasted in his opinion. Snape did not appear to enjoy teaching, but he knew a special student when he saw one. He may have never shown it, but he recognized Hermione as a rare intellect in that first potions class and he did not want to see her chained and naked at the next Deatheater rally. Marcus Flint was a lower level member, chances were his wife would not be spared for long, heir or not. 'Sharing' their spouses was a mandatory sport for the newer and lower ranked Deatheaters; one most of them seemed to enjoy. The Dark Lord used their willingness to participate in the normally nonconsensual acts to desensitize his ranks and keep them in line. By preventing his minions from forming close relationships with their bond mate, the Dark Lord insured that his desires would be meet before the families. He was systematically re-writing wizarding culture to bring an end to family loyalties.

Snape sank to his knees next to his student. "Listen to me Granger. You are strong enough to get through this. Even if we can't stop the bonding, you will survive it. You must. If you let them destroy you they will win. Your uncle will win. Soren comes from the old ways; the Penwraths are an old line, child. The house will always come first to Soren, the individual members second, if at all. Your happiness and well being are not the issue for him. He may love you and care about you, but the survival of the line takes precedence."

Hermione nodded. "You mean to say I should just do this, save the line. Sacrifice for my family like a good daughter. Like a good little pureblood whether I am or not."

Snape's eyes flashed with dark anger. "NO! The idea of 'lines' and 'houses' and 'purebloods' is ridiculous in this day and age. The wizarding world is so inbreed that it wouldn't matter if you didn't marry and give birth to an heir. The Penwrath name might disappear, but the blood would continue. Harry Potter's great- grandmother was a Penwrath. Albus' father was a cousin to Marrius. My great-aunt married into the line as well. So the main branch would be lost, it doesn't matter. I doubt even the name would disappear for long. There are more Penwraths out there, an off-branch would assume dominance. It eventually happens to every line, the main house dying off and a lost segment claiming the title. Soren should just except it and let you be."

Hermione shook her head, her hair falling in front of her face hiding it. "He won't. Great-grandfather was an imposing figure and Soren has always striven to live up to his reputation. If Marrius told Uncle Soren to do something, he would without question. If they came up with this plan, then Soren will stick with it no matter what." Hermione sounded defeated.

Snape reached out a hand and placed it hesitantly on her shoulder. He wasn't use to giving comfort. "We will find a way, child. Perhaps if we found another for you to bond with, higher in the ranks. The inner circle and their children are normally excluded from 'sharing'. You would still be married to a Deatheater but you would not be expected to entertain the masses."

Hermione snorted and angrily brushed her hair back, her eyes glittering with repressed tears. "Who would you suggest? Draco is promised to Parkinson and she's already living at Malfoy manner learning her duties. Crabbe and Goyle have fallen out of favor, or so I've heard. The Lestranges have yet to produce an heir. Even if Pettigrew had a child I would rather jump off the astronomy tower or marry the Dark Lord himself. The children of the rest of the inner ranks are already spoken for or are too young."

Snape yanked his hand back and looked at her in surprise. "How do you know so much about His ranks?"

Hermione let a tiny smirk form and she started to feel a little of her composure returning. "Harry has visions of what Voldemort is doing through his scar. We made a list of the people he saw at the meetings. We gave it to Dumbledore but kept a copy for ourselves. By the way professor, congratulations on surviving your reentry. And for working back up to the inner circle."

Snape looked at her in disbelief for a moment before nodding in acceptance. "There are times I wish I hadn't Granger."

Hermione looked at him with sympathy and gave a small tiny smile. "I can only imagine sir."

"Don't. I will never wish that on anyone." Snape shuffled a bit to sit next to her rather than kneeling. He black robes pooled around him.

Hermione lowered her eyes. "Harry said he couldn't hardly move in the mornings after Voldemort was done with you. He never figured out how you didn't scream. He screamed and his scar only transmits a portion of the pain."

"He feels the curses?"

"Sometimes, when Voldemort is feeling exceptionally nasty or Harry has a personal connection to the victim."

"I feel honored." Snape's voice and sneer showed how little truth lay in the words. "Has he tried dreamless sleep potions?"

Hermione shook her head no. "If he takes them he just can't wake up from the visions, it doesn't alter them any. He gets trapped in sleep and can't escape the pain, and we can't wake him up. Luckily the raids have slowed and Harry's been able to get some sleep the last few weeks. For a while we where worried he might waste away from exhaustion."

Hermione didn't want to talk about this anymore and started to try to stand and Snape helped her to her feet. "Thank you sir."

"Don't do it again Granger. These floors are cold." Snape rubbed his knees. He was getting to old for this.

Hermione smiled. "Yes sir. Thank you for telling me the truth. Most people would have lied to me."

Snape snorted. "That would only make the situation worse. If you are prepared you might survive the experience with your will and mind intact, unlike Mrs. Malfoy. The only way she can get through the day is by taking several illegal potions. When Lucius first joined the inner circle did not have its current privileges. She was popular, for obvious reasons." Both shivered.

"You, you didn't..."

Snape shook his head no. "No. I make it a habit to never participate in the fun and games, whether it be wife swapping or muggle hunting. I have gained a reputation as an academic eccentric, for which I am grateful everyday."

Hermione looked very relieved. She gathered her robes about her and stepped into the hall. "You will keep me appraised?"

"Of course, Miss Granger. And if you hear anything from Soren or have an idea yourself, please contact me at anytime. I'll change my wards to admit you regardless of the hour."

Hermione's eyes started glistening again. "I don't know how to repay you for this, sir."

"Just survive it Granger. I can't save the others, but if I can..." Snape stopped speaking leaving the rest hanging in the air/

Hermione bit her lip in sympathy. "I understand Professor. Good evening."

"Sleep well, child."

Hermione walked out of the dungeons and headed to the tower. Snape turned and locked his office door before heading to his rooms and collapsing into his chair by the fire. He raised his wand and altered the wards as he had promised. Sighing, Snape reached for a stack of essays just as his Dark Mark signaled his summons to the Dark Lord.

Dropping his work, Snape grabbed his cloak and silver mask and ran for the passage out to the forest and the anti-apparition barriers. Once outside he apparated to his masters feet.

"Stand my Severus. I have a mission for you."

"What is it my Lord?" Snape kept his tone even and his eyes lowered.

"I want you to find out the missing segment of this potion recipe. It is theoretically supposed to allow the drinker to apparate inside of barriers and wards. It was Salazar Slytherin's recipe but the last steps have been lost to what appears to have been a fire."

Voldemort handed Wormtail a half-burned piece of extremely old parchment, which the rat then handed to Snape. Snape eyed the paper and then looked up at the Dark Lord, an eyebrow raised.

"The ingredients are not that hard to find, my Lord. The problem will be reconstructing the last few steps. Many of these ingredients do not interact together well. If the potion is to work it will have to have several revolutionary processes, all of which appear to be missing."

The Dark Lord's eyes glowed a deeper red and let out a slight hiss. "Can you do it, Severus?"

Snape looked at that paper again and fought down his growing nausea. If the Dark Lord got the potion to work Hogwarts and the rest of the Wizarding world did not stand a chance. But Severus could not refuse the assignment in case another potions master would accept and find the answer- not mention it would mean his death. "I believe it will be possible given time, my Lord. Much time, I am afraid."

The Dark Lord calmly nodded and Snape braced for a curse that never came. "I am not in a hurry for once, Severus. This is just one avenue open to me. But it is one I am most interested in."

Snape let out a small sigh of relief. "I will begin work immediately Lord. Is there anything else I may do for you?"

The Dark Lord's mouth curved into an unpleased smile. "Yes. The Flints have informed me they wish to bond their son with one of your sixth years, a Hermione Penwrath."

Snape jerked in surprise, more at being told the truth than to cover his prior knowledge. "Penwrath my Lord? I thought you order them killed?"

"I did. It seems one escaped me. What do you know of this?"

Snape cocked his head to the side a feigned deep thought. "There are no Penwraths on the school register. We have a mudblood named Hermione Granger, but no Hermione Penwrath. Granger is best friends with Potter and is a sixth year Gryffindor." Snape thought fast and added, "There are rumors she and Potter had a falling out recently. He believes she leaked information to the press about his summers." Snape thanked Merlin he had overheard Minerva talking to Victor about the Daily Prophet article that exposed Potter's abysmal summers. Minerva had confessed that she had no idea of the conditions he lived in. Further more no one could figure out HOW the Prophet had come to the knowledge.

The Dark Lord laughed. "A mudblood you say? I believe Marrius fooled you, Severus. Clever - hiding his heir in plain sight. Do you think I should allow this match?"

Severus appeared to consider for a moment, attempting find the right wording to achieve his goal without doing more damage. "I believe Granger would be wasted on Flint, my Lord. She has an excellent mind. The Flints would never make use of it. Is there another she could be bonded to tying the Penwraths to your Lordship without wasting her talents?"

Voldemort sat back. "Pettigrew does not have a wife and heir as of yet. Nor do you Severus." Voldemort smiled. Snape started to panic. "Yes, what about you? You seem to appreciate her talents – isn't that what you called them? I don't see why, how could a mere female have anything of value? But I do hate waste as much as you do and I trust your judgment in this matter. I leave it to you, Severus. Either you marry the brat or she goes to Flint."

Snape blinked in surprise and schooled his voice to sound as humble and honored as possible. "My lord, this is sudden. My I consider you generous offer?"

"You may. Send word of your decision by tomorrow. The Flints wish the ceremony to take place at the end of the week. If I am to substitute another for the girl, I will have to give warning. I believe I have a young woman from Durmstrang that should do nicely for young Marcus if you should decide to finally concede to my wishes and give me another servant." Voldemort leveled his gaze at Severus.

Snape swallowed. It seemed his single days were numbered no matter his decision. "Yes my Lord. I will contact you. Any other instructions?"

"Keep an eye on Potter. His similarities to myself seem to be growing more each year. Perhaps I can make use of him instead of killing him. Watch him, see if you see any tendencies towards our brand of magic. Guide him in that direction if possible. Perhaps a free pass to the restricted section of the library?"

Snape smiled. "Yes, my Lord. That should prove an irresistible temptation to the boy."

Wormtail cowered as both of his superiors laughed. "Ah, Severus, you have always been one of my favorites. I am glad you have proven your loyalty." Snape hid his cringe. His loyalty had come at the price of several lives and hours of pain. His devotion proven, Snape had reclaimed his place as one of the most trusted of the Dark Lords servants.

Luckily, Voldemort condoned Snape's love of academia and left him to mostly theoretical and scientific endeavors, keeping him out of raids. Unlike Lucius who was the chief orchestrator of the attacks and seemed to enjoy them more than even the Dark Lord considered healthy, Severus remained a trusted researcher and strategist for the resurrected Dark Wizard.

"You may leave me Severus."

"Yes Lord. And thank you as always."

Snape backed away from the Dark Lord and sneered at the cowering Wormtail before apparating back to the Forbidden Forest. He quickly hid his mask in his robes and made for Dumbledore's office. As he reached the steps he found Harry Potter waiting for him with one Hermione Granger in tears at wand point. Both were clad in pajamas and looked like they had been rudely awakened.

"I believe you have some explaining, Professor." Potters eyes flashed green as he pushed Hermione into the potions master.

Snape caught the girl and steadied her. "Potter, stop this insanity. Hermione has done nothing wrong. Now step aside." Harry didn't move. Getting angry, Snape muttered the password for the gargoyle and shoved the two Gryffindors up the steps.

"ALBUS!" He bellowed as they stepped off the spiral staircase.

"Severus, you don't need to yell every time...oh my." Albus came out of his back room wearing a ridiculously tall night cap. "Harry how nice to see you. Lemon drop Miss Granger?"

Hermione wordlessly shook her head no and sat down. Harry crossed his arms with his wand still in his hand and glared at Snape. Sighing Snape began his explanations. After a considerable time, and many interruptions from the Boy-Who-Lived, Snape managed to convey the events of the past few days and the meeting he had just returned from.

"So Potter," Snape pointed at still visible wand, "put that away. As you see Granger is not against you and I have no intention of turning you dark."

Harry looked at the headmaster and at his nod pocketed his wand. "So are you bonding with Hermione or are you abandoning her to Flint?"

Snape sneered. "I hardly think I am a better option, Potter."

" don't have to do it sir. I will...cope with...the situation." Hermione tried to keep her voice even but her trepidation came through causing her to almost stutter.

Snape turned and looked at her. Her eyes begged him to help even if she couldn't bring herself to do so verbally. Snape turned to Dumbledore. "Headmaster…"

Albus cut him off and looked at him gravely. "Severus, I can't force you to do this, but think about it. You would be saving Miss Penwrath from a fate she clearly fears and you would save yourself from a match of Voldemort's choosing. If Riddle picks a wife for you chances are she will be loyal to his cause. That would mean you would be in even more danger of discovery."

Harry spoke up. "Look Snape, you can't just let Hermione become some kind of a ..a whore!" The others cringed and Hermione drew her knees up to her chest.

Snape glared at him and crossed his arms defiantly. "That is not an option Potter. There has to be another way."

"Am I that bad?" Her voice was so quite Snape had to strain to hear it.

Snape turned to look at her and this time it was obvious how much he felt for her predicament as the glare melted to a look of sympathy. "No child. But I am old enough to be your father. You can't want to marry me."

Hermione shrugged and forced herself to look him in the eye. "You won't make me drop out of school, you're high enough up that you won't have to share me unless you choose to and you won't," She trailed off and dropped her gaze. "You won't beat me, you won't drug me, and you won't force me against my will. I believe you are preferable to my other options."

Snape sighed. "True, but..."

"Severus." The headmaster's eyes lacked their twinkle.

Snape cringed, beginning to sense the inevitable. "Will your parents and your uncle..?"

"Uncle Soren will most likely be pleased, eventually. Your family is considerably better placed then the Flints and you are a much respected professor and Marcus is simply a glorified ministry secretary."

Snape nodded and sighed. He had little choice. He turned to look Hermione in the eye. "I would bond with thee, Hermione Penwrath, as was done in days past."

Hermione blinked slowly and answered in clear voice, if somewhat weak, "I will bond thee Severus Snape, as will be done in days to come."

Dumbledore nodded. "Good. Harry will you witness?" Harry nodded. "Excellent. Hermione send a notice to your Uncle. Severus contact Voldemort."

Snape nodded. Hermione moved towards the door when Snape's voice stopped her. "Potter, did you see the meeting through the scar?"

Harry looked at him sharply. "Yes Professor."

Snape nodded. "Good. Then you know about the Dark Lord's plan to turn you or at least to try?"

"Yes professor, but it won't work. I've already memorized half the restricted section with Hermione's help and I haven't gone dark yet."

Hermione cut in. "Harry, what if you let it appear that you where considering your options? Prof. Snape could, guide you along as per Voldemort's orders. That way it looks like you might turn and the Professor stays in the Dark Lords good graces."

Snape nodded a distinctively sinister grin spreading over his face. "Not only that Granger, but if Potter looks to be going dark, the Dark Lord will not be so quick to try and be rid of him. We might buy ourselves some peace and quite."

"I agree." Dumbledore sounded grave. "It will be a hard act for you, Harry. On top of that you will have to sever your friendship, publicly at least, with Hermione – for the time being. We must keep Severus' story to Riddle as true as possible."

Harry nodded. "I understand. After what I just did to get Hermione here she probably doesn't want anything to do with me anyway. I drug her across the castle at wand point."

"Oh your right, Harry, and you will be paying for that." Hermione was not smiling, Harry cringed.

"Good, well if that's all settled I'll see the three of you here after dinner tomorrow." The headmaster dismissed them and they headed down the stairs.

Hermione stopped Severus from heading to dungeons with a tentatively placed hand on his arm. "Thank you Professor. You're...well…you're doing more for me than I have the right to ask."

Severus sighed heavily. "No Miss Granger, you have every right to ask. You are my student and it is my duty to protect you. This may be an unorthodox form of protection..."

Harry cut in, "Don't question it if it works, Professor." Snape nodded before reluctantly shaking off Hermione's hand. They parted ways there at the gargoyle and Harry went towards Gryffindor tower. Snape and Hermione paused for a moment longer, eyeing each other carefully.

"This is awkward, sir." Hermione's voice was still shaky.



"I believe it is actually morning, but the sentiment is what counts." Snape tried to read her expression, but the Gryffindor's face was a mass of conflictions. Neither said another word before they both turned as if on cue and went to send some very oddly and carefully phrased owls.