Chapter 175 - 6

Chapter VI: The Sorting Hat

(Harry P.O.V)

Compared to the uniform he used to wear to muggle school, the Hogwarts uniform was far more comfortable. Although, it was probably due to the vast amount of charming that Andromeda had done to it before he left for Hogwarts, including things like cooling and heating charms and a silk fabric charm that just made his oxfords feel delightful.

All the same, proper uniform attire was never something he was big on, and when he returned to his compartment, he saw that his end result was vastly different from Michael's. Whereas Michael had his sleeves rolled down and cuffed just above his wrists, Harry's sleeves were rolled up to the elbow. Compared to Michael's beautiful tied Windsor knot, Harry's tie was loose and hanging off his neck similar to a sitcom dad after he got home from work. In fact, the only thing Harry had in terms of looking 'appropriate' over Michael was the fact that unlike his new friend, his hair had remained a normal color.

Athena, as promised by Michael apparently, had been released a couple of miles before they had arrived at the Hogsmeade Station which Harry couldn't help but notice depressed Loki slightly as he was having great fun looking at the screech owl. All the same, the fun on the Hogwarts Express came to a halt as a boy with fiery-red hair, freckles, and a bright red badge with the letters HB emblazoned on his robes entered the compartment, "Hello," he called out in a formal manner, "Please be sure your robes are on in order to look appropriate for the sorting ceremony before leaving the train. Leave your trunks and familiars on the train as they will be transported to your dormitory accordingly. The carriages to the castle are located just to the left of the Hogwarts Express, please no dillydallying there is much to be done."

Then, like he was never there, the tall and thin red-head left the compartment without a second glance leaving Harry completely lost as he turned to Michael, "Who was that?"

"The most annoying kid at Hogwarts," Michael started, "This year's Head Boy, Percy Weasley. He and his girlfriend Penelope are absolute nightmares. It's hard to believe that Fred and George come from the same family as that egomaniacal man."

Harry smirked, "So essentially, you're not a fan."

"That's one way to put it," Michael said.

Harry ushered Loki into his cage much to his Kneazle's disappointment before he squatted down and spoke, "Sorry bud, guess I have to leave you here. I'll see you after the sorting ceremony and I'll try to sneak you some food if I can."

If possible, Loki had made what looked like a pout before eventually making the heartwarming gesture of licking Harry's finger and curling up to go to sleep. With Loki's cage resting atop his trunk ensuring the poor cat didn't get mixed up, Harry and Michael began waiting in line. When he and Michael had finally reached their exit, they jumped out of the cramped space eagerly, and as soon as Harry looked up, he felt a smile grow on his face as from the compartment just ahead of his, he saw the beautiful honey-blonde hair and icy blue eyes he had been thinking about since the day in Diagon Alley hop off the train.

Instantly, Harry began walking over with Michael trailing him calling out, "Um, Potter? The carriages are that way."

"Relax, I got to do something real quick," He said waving off his friend before Daphne had come clearly into view, "Oi!" He called out, "Princess!"

Like a bullwhip, Daphne had turned to face him with a scowl etched on her face, which only brought a larger smirk to his face. He recognized that she was walking with Tracey as well as a younger girl with raven hair and kaleidoscopic eye, and a well-built, tall, and dark-skinned male. Initially, Harry had wondered if he was her boyfriend, but seeing as the boy's hand was currently locked with Tracey's, his worry died down.

"Glad you could make it Potter," Tracey spoke happily.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Harry said with a smug, "After all, what would the Princess do without me all year."

Tracey tried to hold back her laughter as with a starstruck look her boyfriend lifted out his hand to meet him, "Uh, hi, Mr. Potter, I- uh, I'm Blaise, big fan of your, uh, work."

A wry smile appeared on his face as he shook the boy's hand, "Just breathe man, I'm Harry, nice to meet you."

"It's also good to see you again Princess," Harry said with a smile, "Missed me?"

"Hardly," Daphne responded with a glare.

"Shame," Harry said with a shrug, "Anyway, with Hogsmeade weekends starting this year, I was wondering what your thoughts are on you and me going together?"

"Nothing's changed since last time," Daphne said with an icy tone, "Not a chance Potter." Quickly, she turned to Blaise and Tracey grabbing their wrists before she spoke, "Go see Hagrid, Astoria. You two," She said glaring at her friends, "With me."

Tracey couldn't help but laugh at Daphne's display, and Blaise looked at the blonde with the same looking of shock that seemed evident on Michael's face as he was dragged away by his girlfriend towards the carriage. He turned around to face Michael who was staring at him with his jaw dropped before Harry spoke, "Close your mouth or your going to start catching flies."

"I'm sorry," Michael just said, "I'm just in shock of what I just saw. You just referred to the Slytherin Ice Queen as Princess and didn't even flinch when she shot you down. I really got to know if you're just incredibly brave, or absolutely insane."

"Both probably," Harry said with a shrug as he and Michael began walking towards the carriages, "But, I'll get her to say yes eventually, she's into me."

"Yeah, mate, you are absolutely insane," Michael said with a chuckle.

"Give me until the end of the year, fourth-year max," Harry said as he walked beside his friend, hands resting behind his head, "I'll definitely get her to say yes."

"10 galleons it doesn't happen," Michael said with a chuckle.

"You're on," Harry said joining his friend in laughter as the two began to walk towards the castle.

(Harry P.O.V)

Harry was pretty upset when his walk towards the carriages was interrupted by a rather large man who introduced himself as Hagrid. He had explained to Harry that Dumbledore had wanted Harry experiencing Hogwarts the first time with the rest of the first timers and so he was pulled away from Michael and directed towards the wasn't too happy about it, but he tried not to take it out on Hagrid, the man had nearly tackled him with a hug and the relief the man had on his face had sent a chill down his spine as he heard the man whisper rapidly, "I'm so glad you're okay, thank goodness your safe."

"Of course I'm safe," Harry had said, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well it's just, after your parents, I had arrived at the cottage to check on you, but Sirius wouldn't let me have you. When Dumbledore had told me you were safe, I couldn't stop the tears. I was so glad I didn't let you down."

"It's okay Hagrid," Harry had said with warmth to the half-giant, "I appreciate your concern, but I'm alright see?"

"Right," Hagrid said with a nod, "But goodness Harry, you look so much like your father, except for your eyes, you have your mother's eyes."

It was at that moment that Harry had softened greatly towards the Half-Giant. Harry had been told how protective Hagrid had felt over him when he was a baby by Sirius. How loyal Hagrid was towards the cause of defeating Voldemort and how much it had hurt him when his parents had died. Harry didn't know much else about the half-giant except for what Sirius and Remus had told him about the days of the first wizarding war, but the two marauders had held Hagrid in high regard, and that made the man worthy of Harry's respect in his eyes.

Still, despite the respect he felt for the man, he still wasn't overjoyed when he awkwardly had to squeeze his relatively large body into a tiny rowboat. But his attitude changed slightly when he realized who his boatmates were. The first was not something he was too excited about, it was a first-year girl that was staring at Harry with googly large dark eyes and was constantly running her hands through her long curly black hair. She had introduced herself as Romilda Vane, and Harry had to try super hard to care as they were stuck in the same boat together.

The second boatmate was the real reason for Harry's change of attitude. Astoria Greengrass, the Ice Princess' little sister. Harry couldn't help but smirk as he spoke, "You're Daphne's little sister, right?"

"Yeah," Astoria nodded, "That's me, and you must be Harry Potter."

"That didn't sound too enthusiastic," Harry said with a chuckle.

"No, don't get me wrong, I'm freaking out internally that I'm sitting next to the savior of the wizarding world, but I can't exactly like you because you drive my sister crazy," Astoria said in a practiced calm voice.

"Trust me kiddo," Harry said with a grin, "Your sister drives me crazy too."

This time Astoria chuckled before she scowled, "Damn it. You weren't supposed to make me laugh."

"I have that effect on people," Harry said pleasantly, "Your loyalty to your sister is admirable really, but if you want to be friends, don't let that stop you."

"You'd want to be friends with me?" Astoria said with a confused look.

"Sure," Harry said with a shrug, "I kind of have a thing for making friends with people who don't look like they're about to explode when they see me. Makes me feel a bit more normal."

Astoria looked about ready to respond, but she ended up jumping slightly as the sudden movement of the boat shocked her and nearly made her lose her balance. Acting quickly, Harry lunged forward, grabbing the young girl's arm and helping her back onto the boat before he chuckled, "Careful there."

"Thanks," Astoria said with a small smile, "That would have been a pretty rotten way to start the school year."

"It would have been memorable that's for sure."

"I'm sitting next to the Boy-Who-Lived on a small magical rowboat," Astoria said happily, "I think that's memorable enough."

(Astoria P.O.V)

Astoria couldn't help but laugh as she listened to Harry talk about his time in muggle school. Of course, the probing questions were asked by Romilda Vane, Astoria had much more pressing questions like what his favorite candy was. Astoria was pleasantly surprised when his answer was licorice wands (same as hers). She had also asked what his most anticipated subject was, and Harry had answered that it was Defense Against the Dark Arts, which Astoria guessed in retrospect seemed pretty obvious.

Soon, however, the entire fleet including Harry had gone quite and both she and Harry watched the castle come into view in complete awe. It's large grey walls, and pointed towers looming over the dark sky as the moon reflected on the black lake, it was truly a sight behold, and while Astoria held a face of complete wonder, it didn't escape her that a small glint of a mischievous smile had appeared on Harry's face.

It hadn't taken long until the rowboats had arrived at the port, and while the first-years and Harry were all required to follow Hagrid, she and Harry had made quick work losing Romilda Vane. All the questions about Harry's childhood and probing about how it was like growing up an orphan had started to bother her, and she couldn't even imagine how Harry must have felt about the whole thing.

Soon though, the thoughts of Romilda had left her mind as Hagrid had stopped at the largest set of beautifully gilded gates she had ever seen. The large man tapped his pink umbrella, something Astoria had thought was unusual, but due to the sheer size of the man had decided it was better to keep her mouth shut, to the gate, and like a well-oiled machine, the gates busted open without a screech.

It wasn't long until Astoria's jaw had wanted to hit the floor in amazement as she and Harry followed by the other first-years were escorted through the halls of dancing painting, moving staircases, and saluting sets of armor. Astoria had never wanted the march to end, but eventually, the crowd came to a halt in front of a massive set of wooden double doors. Astoria could hear a lot of chatter behind those doors, and regardless of Hagrid's announcement, she had deduced that this place was without a doubt the Great Hall.

Hagrid had once again pointed his umbrella towards the door, and with thundering applause, the door swung open revealing large clusters of students sitting at color coordinate tables each with a banner swinging above them. From left to right the banners hung with the symbols of a snake, eagle, badger, and lion, and sitting there, right beneath the Slytherin table, the place she had hoped would be her home for the next seven years, was her sister sending her the ever so infrequent smile.

Unfortunately, her smile had faded when Astoria realized that Harry had also made direct eye contact with her. The while Daphne glared at him, a smirk had become plastered on Harry's face until her sister had turned her nose up at him and faced away with a huff. For a moment, but only a moment, Astoria had actually felt bad for Harry. Yes, Daphne was correct, he was a little conceited, but he wasn't exactly rude, and more importantly to Astoria, Harry was funny.

The peace in the Great Hall didn't last for long however as suddenly, Astoria began to hear whispers, "Who's the tall kid with the rest of them?" to "Does Hogwarts take transfer students?" and then finally, much to Harry's seeming indifference, the chattering amongst the crowd turned into a unified mutter of surprise, "That's Harry Potter!"

Astoria actually felt sympathy for Harry as she watched the Boy-Who-Lived close his eyes and take a deep breath trying to roll off the multitude of speculation he was overhearing regarding where he had been. In a way, Astoria thought to herself, He's kind of like me. Being the center of attention despite not wanting it was not something Astoria wasn't completely unfamiliar with. Ever since she had been diagnosed with the Blood-Curse, everyone around her that knew of it had treated her differently. Even Tracey and Blaise, Daphne's two best-friends had looked at her like a wounded puppy, and while she loved her older sister, her overprotectiveness of her was not always what she needed.

She was a lot like Harry in that way, in the end, all the two of them wanted to be was normal, but the world would never allow that. The attention, however, was taken off Harry as an extremely old and greatly bearded man rose from the head of the Staff Table. The Greatest Wizard to ever live had lifted his wand to his throat, and with an amplified voice, every head turned to face him, "As many of you have noticed, it is true that Harry Potter has returned to the wizarding world. He has received private tutoring from a variety of greatly skilled witches and wizards and will be joining Hogwarts with the rest of his age group as a third-year student."

The crowd once again erupted in cheer, and Astoria watched with a grin on his face as Harry turned to his blue-haired friend he had been seen with on the Hogwarts express and rolled his eyes at the praise for him doing essentially nothing. However, Dumbledore continued speaking and the attention of the room once again returned to him, "As Mr. Potter here has two years over the other students, it is only appropriate to sort him first." Dumbledore then turned to a tall rather severe-looking woman in emerald green robes and a stereotypical witch hat before he spoke again, "Professor McGonagall, if you would be so kind?"

"Of course Professor Dumbledore," McGonagall said in a heavy Scottish accent, "Harry Potter, please step forward."

Astoria watched in curious anticipation as Harry began walking towards the stool. A feeling of pity grew in Astoria's chest as she watched Harry look nervously down at the stool as he tried to brush off the whispers that had been echoing through the hall. Whether Harry knew it or not, and Astoria had suspected he did, wherever he was sorted would shift the power dynamics of the school greatly.

Finally, however, Harry had taken his seat and slowly, an old leather hat that had been sitting on the stool prior was placed atop the Boy-Who-Lived's head, and then creepily, Astoria jumped as the hat sprang to life and spoke. "Interesting!" The hat had shouted, "Very interesting. Another Potter after long last to terrorize the school."

Once again, a mischievous grin appeared on Harry's face, but Astoria watched as the hat spoke, "Not a bad mind Mr. Potter, not a bad mind indeed. Your apparent loyalty also has Helga up in a tiff, she wants you in the house of the Badger there is no doubt. However, more loudly, as if they were screaming in my non-existent ear, Godric and Salazar are having quite the row. Yes, you are ambitious, you have quite a goal in mind, though I suggest you tread it carefully, but more so, I sense courage. You are burdened with great knowledge Mr. Potter and it will take courage to see it through. Yes indeed, there is only one place for a person with the courage to move forward despite knowing the path is full of hardship. Better be, Gryffindor!"

A bright grin appeared on Harry's face and Astoria joined the crowd in clapping, well the crowd minus the Slytherin table, of course, hearing that they had barely missed out on the hero of the wizarding world obviously rubbed them the wrong way. Astoria watched as Harry's robes had become christened with the Lion's sigil above the heart and smiled for her new friend as the colors of his tie changed to the beautiful red and gold.

Suddenly, almost as soon as Harry had popped off the stool, a swarm of Gryffindors, girls mostly, rushed him introducing themselves with lovely smiles and honied words, none of which seemed to be having an effect on Harry as he eyed down his blue-haired friend who had stood up from the Ravenclaw table clapping for him.

"Corner!" Harry called out, "Sorry buddy, looks like we're going to be taking the House Cup from you this year pal."

"Bring it Potter!" was all the blue-haired boy responded with an equally troublesome grin as Harry's. Astoria had been in the school for all of five minutes, and instantly she knew that those two were going to be a problem for anyone who rubbed them the wrong way.

(Daphne P.O.V)

To Daphne, it made perfect sense that Potter was sorted into the Gryffindor. Home of the Brave, she scoffed to herself, Home of the arrogant was much more like it. She was overwhelmingly happy that her nightmare scenario of Potter being placed in Slytherin hadn't come to pass, and now she was hoping that if Potter had stupidly continued perusing her, she would at least not get so much flack for rejecting him as it was simple house politics. It was no secret to anyone that a Gryffindor and a Slytherin had no business associating with each other.

However, she and Malfoy had seemed to be the only one feeling joyous over the fact Potter wasn't in Slytherin. Clearly, though to Daphne's great surprise, the two had not hit it off like she had expected the two conceited jerks too. Potter had seemingly made a friend amongst Corner, a boy that had always infuriated Daphne due to his natural intelligence possibly being even higher than Granger's, her self-proclaimed rival, and yet the boy never seemed to try. Upon closer inspection though, it made sense, both boys would surely cause nothing but trouble around the school and it made sense that they'd be well associated with one another, of that there was no doubt in Daphne's mind.

Tracey and, however, seemed a bit disappointed that Potter wasn't in there house. Blaise had even spoken, "Shame we didn't get Potter, this house could have used some good press, maybe turn the narrative of Slytherin only producing dark wizards on its head."

"That's what your upset about," Tracey said sulkily, "There goes my hope of Daphne and I go on double dates, I was really rooting for Potter, talked about crushed dreams."

"Are you serious Tracey?" Daphne hissed angrily at her best friend.

"Yeah," Tracey said with a shrug, "Admit it Daph, you're a bit high-strung, I thought Potter would have been good for you. But it looks like that hope is a thing of the past."

"I am not high-strung," Daphne said defensively.

"Case," Tracey started.

"And point," Blaise finished.

"Shut up," Daphne whispered, before she realized who was about to take the next seat for the sorting, "Astoria's up next."

Suddenly, the three Slytherin's grew quite as Professor McGonagall spoke, "Astoria Greengrass!"

Daphne watched with a warm smile as Astoria nervously approached the stool. She couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart as she watched her baby sister sit on the stool, the nerve-wracking feeling of placement just moments away. Daphne had remembered how it felt, the way her skin tingled, the way her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. It was terrifying, and yet it was the most adrenaline Daphne had ever felt course through her veins.

Astoria had given Daphne one last weak smile which she returned with a genuine smile of her own before the hat was placed over her kaleidoscopic eyes. Daphne had allowed herself to wonder what it would be like having her sister in her house, yes it wouldn't be easy teaching Astoria to keep her mouth shut regarding her non-supremacist blood views in the common room, but the ability to watch over her sister had superseded that by miles.

Daphne couldn't wait to have her sister in her house, the only person in her whole family she had left, but then everything went wrong as with her eyes closed, muttering a silent prayer to any god that would listen she heard the hat call out to her dismay, "Gryffindor!"

Daphne watched in horror as her sister's tie had adopted the red and gold and she felt a chill pass through her body as the eyes of her entire house rested on her. How is that possible? Daphne asked herself in disbelief, How could Astoria, her little sister, have ended up in the Lion's den?

Daphne wanted to stand up, she wanted to protest, but before she could, the next name had already been called and she watched as her sister, with an equally shocked expression in her eyes, stared at her before being ushered over to her table. Astoria was a Gryffindor, and there was nothing Daphne could do.