Chapter 80 - 31

A fortnight passed all too quickly for their liking and the four of them spent the day of the ball shut up in the Great Hall with Ginny, Neville and Luna putting up decorations and organising the tables. They ate a lunch of sandwiches and iced pumpkin juice sat in the middle of the floor of the Great Hall. They had finished decorating the colossal room by mid afternoon, at which point Neville and Luna went outside to start work on creating the outdoor gardens that would fan out from the castle steps. Hermione, Kathryn, Harry, Ron and Ginny meanwhile stood around the large round table that was to be the top table and tried to work out place settings.

"Who needs to be on here?" Hermione asked as she paced around the table.

"Us, the Governors, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall." Harry counted them off on his fingers. "That's four, plus twelve, plus two."

"Four, plus twenty four you mean; the Governors are all going to have partners." Hermione interrupted. "Add Dumbledore and McGonagall and you have thirty people."

"Don't forget me!" Ginny piped up indignantly. "I do believe that I am still going with Harry."

"Sorry Ginny, thirty one then." Hermione corrected her mistake. She waved her wand and thirty one chairs with deep purple upholstery appeared and arranged themselves around the table. The table also handily expanded until all the chairs fit comfortably.

"Ah the marvels of place settings." Ron said in a playfully wistful voice, picking up one of the cards and looking at it.

"Ah yes," Hermione said in a similar voice, "because we can put Lucius Malfoy as far away from you as possible." She said with glee, banishing his name card as far away from Kathryn's as she could. "And then an empty space for his whore." She placed a blank card next to it with a small laugh.

"Hermione," Kathryn said warily, "what about your jealousy theory?" she asked, Hermione having confided her theory in her after she had told Harry and Ron. "Wont this just put me at greater risk?"

"Yes, in the long run, but it is awfully fun to annoy him!" she giggled and finished placing the rest of the cards.

By five o'clock they had finished arranging comfortable armchairs in the Entrance Hall for the students to sit in whilst they waited for the ball to start. It also provided somewhere to sit later. They then set about stringing the beautiful garden that Neville and Luna had created with hundreds of real fairy lights and adding appropriate statues, benches and water features. After getting slightly lost in the myriad of hedge lined paths that Neville had constructed, Kathryn and Hermione rushed upstairs with just enough time to get showered and ready. Students, mainly boys that did not need to spend too much time getting ready, were already starting to mill around in the Entrance Hall and they gave the two girls funny looks as they streaked past in their scruffy jeans and t-shirt's.

Of course, by barely enough time to get ready, they still had two hours. This afforded them enough time to shower and wash their hair. Hermione had already hung her dress over the door of her wardrobe so, when they got back to the common room, she could pull it on straight away and allow Kathryn to sort her hair out. She pinned Hermione's hair back slightly but left enough space for it to fall in graceful, carefully controlled waves down her back. She then added a hint of blush to her cheeks and a dusting of dark blue eye shadow to match the tone of her midnight blue gown. It was then Kathryn's turn.

She pulled a large white box out of her trunk and undid the gold ribbon that held the two halves together. Peeling back the now familiar layers of tissue and silk she found one of the most elegant gowns she had ever seen. It was a deep, smouldering red; with thick straps that slouched off her shoulders and a dramatically plunging back that finished at the small of her back. It was very floaty; crafted from many layers of silk chiffon and with a very ethereal quality. Hermione gasped as Kathryn slipped the gown over her head and let the fabric tumble into place.

"Another anonymous gift?" she said with a questioning look as Kathryn adjusted it so it sat properly.

"Yes." Kathryn sighed. "But when I get things as beautiful as this I'm not going to complain." She turned away from Hermione so that she could help her lace up the back. There was the tiniest bit of nearly invisible lacing right bellow the small of her back and, as Hermione pulled it tight, she felt the front of the dress constrict as if it were a corset. She was shocked by this clever trick but glad that it would keep the dress from crumpling at the front.

"Thanks, now go." She told Hermione. "I'll be down in ten minutes or so. Meet me in the Entrance Hall." Hermione nodded and disappeared out the door. Once she was gone, Kathryn locked the heavy oak door and dug within her dresser for a small bag with the words 'Agent Provocateur' running across it in fancy lettering. She had not wanted Hermione to see her changing her plain underwear for something that, in Hermione's eyes, was complete unnecessary for the occasion. She also used a lace belt to hold up her silk stockings before slipping her feet into a pair of dangerously high shoes.

She affixed the same diamond necklace that he had given her last Christmas around her neck, adding the bracelet and earrings, before rummaging within her trunk for one final time. From here she produced a large black velveteen box with a small lock on the front. She opened it with a flick of her wand and gazed down at the contents. It had arrived a few days before when she had been sitting in the common room reading. She had carefully concealed the package from any prying eyes and hurried back up to her dormitory. Her mind coming back to the moment, she realised that her stomach was clenched tight. She wasn't sure if she could pull off wearing this without causing a complete fuss.

Taking a deep breath she removed the item from its box and tentatively set it on her head. She turned to look at her reflection and gasped in shock. She had considered tiaras to be slightly old fashioned, but this, this was perfect. It gave an old piece a modern, bold look. It was constructed with three rows of perfectly cut square diamonds. The rows only varied in length by the tiniest amount; starting with the longest at the bottom and getting smaller from there on. However, instead of having an undignified step effect where the row ended, the skilled craftsmen had made sure that they had some jewels cut at an angle to ensure a graceful slope downwards. Adjusting her hair and giving herself a final once-over she swept out of the dormitory and headed quickly to the Entrance Hall.

The corridors were very empty as she walked down to the Entrance Hall; most of the school having already arrived. It was so deserted, in fact, that the first people she encountered were the students milling around the top of the staircase and nothing could have prepared her for their reaction.

Down in the Entrance Hall Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were standing waiting for Kathryn to arrive so they could commence the festivities. All around them students were laughing and chattering; many of them excited at the prospect of going to their first ball and other lamenting the fact that they would not be returning to the castle next year. The Governors had arrived and were waiting in an antechamber off the hall until the rest of the school made their way into the Great Hall.

"I wish Kathryn would hurry up," Hermione fussed, "it's nearly seven!"

The four of them did not notice the door to the room where the Governors were waiting open slightly, nor did they see the man that stood in the doorway. Lucius Malfoy swept his gaze across the crowds of assembled students, searching for the one person he had been looking forward to seeing. His eyes could find no trace of the raven haired beauty, she was not even with her friends, and he was about to return inside when a series of small gasps and flurried muttering emanated from the top of the large staircase.

At the back of the crowd on the staircase, Kathryn pretended not to notice the several shocked gasps that escaped the girls' mouths and walked slowly forwards. Instead of having to push her way through as she had expected, the crowd slowly began to part; leaving her a clear path down the stairs. She could not fail to notice the curious eyes that swept over the tiara and necklace she wore before moving to ogle at her dress.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny had also noticed this commotion and, along with many of the students waiting in the Entrance Hall, turned to see what it was. Harry thought that they were at least making way for someone like Dumbledore, McGonagall or Snape, but who actually descended the stairs shocked him.

Standing in the shadow of the doorway, he stared at the figure now gracefully descending the stairs. She did not walk, she more floated down the stairs; holding herself perfectly as she passed the droves of staring students. Her dress flowed elegantly down the smooth curves of her body, only enhancing her otherworldly appearance. The jewels about her wrist, neck and head glinted in the torchlight and he slipped further into the shadows as the light bounced across his features. He was sure that he saw her give a slight nod of her head as their eyes met for a fleeting moment before she turned to find her friends in the crowd.

The temptation to stride out and wait at the foot of the stairs for her was so great; she looked like a princess, the diadem that sat on her head only completed this effect. She had a natural majesty about her that belied the purity of her blood. Of course, this came in handy as no one would dare question her heritage once she was on his arm. Of course, the other thing that delighted him about the stir her appearance caused was the many pairs of male eyes that followed her every move whilst ignoring their partners. This amused him greatly, for, stare they might and lament not asking her, one thing was certain; she was all his.

He considered his image of her as a princess for a moment, unsure if it was correct. To be sure, she was adorned in all the finery of a princess, but there was nothing delicate or prim about the way she looked. Princesses he had seen before, especially Muggle ones, were demure and always dressed in fairly neutral, pale colours which was a complete contrast to what was before him. She seemed to smoulder in the dim candlelight; eclipsing everyone else in the room.

Kathryn could not understand why everyone was looking at her as she walked over to her friends; it wasn't as if they had never seen her before. She pretended to ignore them, keeping her gaze fixed on Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione as she cut a swathe through the assembled students towards them.

"Wow." Harry gasped as she came up to them. "You look amazing!"

"Thanks!" she said with a smile. "I haven't overdone it, have I?" she asked the four of them with a wary smile and nodding at the people who had been staring.

"Definitely not," Hermione said indignantly, "they're just jealous."

"Yeah," Ron agreed quickly, "bet they're wishing they'd asked you now, eh?" Kathryn didn't get a chance to reply as a gong sounded and the doors to the Great Hall swung open. There was a sudden rush to get through the doors and none of the students, in their haste, noticed the door to the antechamber open and a large group of people make their way out.

"Oh Merlin, they're here." Hermione said in an undertone as she spotted them. "And he still has the nerve to show his face." She nodded her head discretely in the direction of Lucius Malfoy who was standing at the back of the group. "Hmm." She mused. "I see that he hasn't brought his piece of fluff along with him."

"Probably not fitting to bring a whore to an official function." Harry said maliciously.

"Well, if you're not feeling up to it," Kathryn interrupted in a business-like tone, "I'll greet them if you want."

"I think we can cope with shaking a few hands." Hermione said sarcastically, a look of mock consideration on her face before striding towards the group.

She was quite surprised at the informality of their greeting. With Harry, Ron and Hermione, they had shaken hands in a fairly formal manner. When she reached the first governor, she was startled to find a friendly kiss being planted on her cheek before a caring voice enquired after how she was feeling. Each one of the other Governors greeted her in this way; the women giving her a motherly look and earnestly enquiring after her wellbeing. As she walked towards him she became acutely aware of her friends' eyes watching her. She knew what had to come; it was just that she was worried that he would forget himself.

Time seemed to slow as she felt his warm hand touch her left elbow and his lips brushed against her right cheek for longer than they really should have. She was glad for this, although careful not to show it, as it gave her the chance to whisper in his ear.

"Ask me now." She whispered urgently as her cheek touched his. "And don't forget to make a show of it." She discretely allowed her lips to sweep across his cheek as he pulled away.

"A pleasure to see you again Miss Potter." He said silkily. "I do hope I find you well."

"Perfectly," she replied with a smile, "it is a pleasure to see you again too." He gave her a small smirk, his eyes clearly showing that he had other things on her mind when he looked at her.

"And who, might I enquire," he spoke casually; as if he was just making conversation, whilst the other Governors talked to her friends, "is escorting you this evening?" out of the corner of her eye she saw Harry, Ron and Hermione turn their heads sharply to look at the pair of them. "For I count only five of you and," his mouth curved back into its familiar smirk, "there should be six if Mr Weasley is escorting Miss Granger and your brother is escorting Miss Weasley." She knew what was coming and she could do nothing to stop it; not that she wanted to of course. She made a point of shooting Harry an anguished look before turning back to look at the man before her.

"That's correct." She confirmed in a stiff voice.

"Surely you cannot be without a partner again?" he said in disbelief. "Not when such beauty stands before them."

"Thank you for your flattery, but I do not think others see it that way." Small patches of pink appeared, unbidden, on her cheeks as she spoke.

"It will not do for you to be unaccompanied when you look so fine." She could feel her cheeks flush even more. He had to admire how good an actress she was; her polite smile and the unbidden blushing of her cheeks only added to the elaborate illusion he was creating.

"Thank you," she repeated, the sudden flush of colour draining from her cheeks, "but I do not really mind."

"Unless," he paused, as if considering something, "would you grant me the honour of escorting you to the ball?" he asked. "As you can see, I am similarly unaccompanied." Harry, Ron and Hermione all watched her out of the corner of their eyes as they waited to hear her answer. She looked him up and down, as if appraising his worthiness as a partner before shooting her friends an 'I can't really refuse' look.

"Of course." She replied with a smile; earning her a smirk that held the promise of much more.

"You do me a great honour." He gave her a small bow and touched her hand to his lips before offering her his arm.

"Well, we'd best be getting in." Hermione said quickly, eager to talk to Harry, Ron and Ginny alone. "We'll see you inside." Kathryn gave her a nod before they disappeared through the doors to the Great Hall.

"You look absolutely magnificent." He purred in her ear as soon as they were gone.

"Well, I believe I have you to thank for that." she replied in the same hushed tone as they got into position before the doors.

"Would I have you look anything else?"

"I guess not, it did cause quite a stir though." She commented with a mischievous smile.

"And so you should; dressed as you are." He dismissed her worry at causing a fuss. "If you'll remember," he slid his fingers over the ruby ring that still adorned her hand, "I settle for nothing but the best." In a lightning fast movement, when he was sure no one was looking, he brought that hand up and planted a soft kiss on it.

In a similar fashion to the last ball, they entered in procession; only this time in their couples and not in separate groups. She could feel the many hundreds of pairs of eyes flick straight to her as she entered last. She could again see the whispered conversation that this sparked; most of them wondering what the famous Kathryn Potter was doing on the arm of the infamous Lucius Malfoy. Unlike last time, however, she did not feel at all uncomfortable on his arm and wore a very real smile on her face as they walked to the top table. She could see that Hermione had done some very quick spell work; as there were now only thirty seats at the table and her place had been moved next to Mr Malfoy's.

She expertly ignored the murderous looks that Draco Malfoy was shooting at her all the way through dinner. She also paid no heed to the scandalised looks that Pansy Parkinson, along with her usual gaggle of Slytherin girls, was managing to find the time to give her at least three times a minute. Instead she set about playing the part that Harry, Ron and Hermione believed her to be. She was careful to flash him a large smile every so often and accidentally brush her hand against his when she reached for the gravy boat. Hermione saw this careful attempt to gratify his unspoken desires, marvelling at her best friend's capacity for deceit; the demure smile and a false seductive glimmer in her eyes apparently working perfectly.

The house elves had really managed to excel themselves and Kathryn reminded herself to buy Dobby about twelve pairs of socks to say thanks, and maybe another tea cosy to keep his ears warm in winter. She felt better than she had done last year too; simply for the fact that her friends were sat at the table with her and she did not feel so alone. She was also, she assumed, more at ease when she was beside him; although she had to work hard to conceal those thoughts from Dumbledore's piercing blue eyes.

The orchestra began to play once their stupendous banquet had finished and the tables had been cleared to the side with a wave of Dumbledore's wand.

"And let us now dance and be merry." He announced to the silent hall. "Because, as our Head Boys and Girls would like to remind us, we all need to enjoy ourselves for a little while; despite the current circumstances."

She accepted his hand as the rest of their table stood up to dance and was ready to have him take her in his arms and whisk her around the dance floor. Only he did not. True, he did dance casually with her for a little while, if only to whisper a few words in her ear.

"Follow me." His voice was barely audible and she had not time to question his motives before he had disappeared through the doors leading back out into the Entrance Hall. She waited a few moments, not wanting it to look as if they were leaving together, before slipping, unnoticed, into the Entrance Hall.

He was nowhere to be seen in the Entrance Hall and she quickly headed out the main doors to find him standing at the bottom of the stairs with his arm outstretched; asking her to join him. She did not refuse, no one refused Lucius Malfoy, and within moments she was at his side. Arm in arm they walked through Neville's beautiful garden. Roses wound through the tall hedges and the light flickered as the fairies fluttered in the trees; it was truly beautiful and she was sure that Snape would be stalking through here later blasting away the bushes that concealed kissing couples.

She gave a slight gasp as they reached a fairly large central courtyard. She had not come here when she had placed the lights, Hermione had done this bit. It was completely concealed by tall, thick green hedges with winding white roses snaking through them. The central feature was a tall, elegant weeping willow with lights hung to follow the downwards path of the branches; giving the impression that it had tiny luminous leaves.

"Not bad, Neville, not bad." She murmured to herself as they stood in the courtyard. The sky was tinged with deep pink from the setting sun and she could just see stars starting to appear. The music from the castle stopped for a moment before recommencing. It was a soft, reflective tune that only seemed to make the courtyard more beautiful.

"Dance with me." He whispered silkily, his hand stroking down her exposed back. She nodded, moving closer as one hand took hers and the other settled on the small of her back. He slowly began to move, guiding her around gracefully; glad that he did not have to worry about other people watching as she placed her head on his shoulder. Their pace slowed even more until they were merely moving in a small circle; her body pushed close against his. Too entranced with each other to notice anything, they did not see the face peering round the hedge. Had they seen him, they would have recognised him as one of the Governors, the chair in fact.

He had come out to look for Mr Malfoy as he was nowhere in the Great Hall. He had not expected to find him like this; arguing politics with Miss Potter on a walk through the gardens maybe, but dancing? He had certainly never seen the man act like this before. His usual cold, arrogant exterior seemed to have been removed and he was looking at the girl who was dancing with him in adoration. He made a mental note to corner Lucius later, knowing that such feelings on his part could be dangerous considering his history and the fact that the girl was not yet out of school. True, she was of age, but there were certain boundaries that should not be crossed. For the moment, however, he left the pair of them to their dance; after all, he could be wrong and it would be embarrassing to interrupt.

It was a good thing for them that he chose to turn his back at that moment. As the music finished and the last notes drifted to their ears he steered them beneath the canopy of the willow and, as the sky darkened around them, sought out her lips with his own. It was a gentle, clandestine kiss with neither party overwhelming the other; an expression of love rather than desire. They stood there for a little while longer; taking pleasure in holding each other until they heard the distant voices of other students making their way into the gardens. Walking quickly, but not fast enough the arouse suspicion, they made their way quickly back towards the castle; the pair of them taking separate routes, ensuring that they entered the Great Hall at least five minutes apart. She immediately headed for Harry, Ron and Hermione who were deep in conversation at the top table whilst the rest of the Governors cornered Mr Malfoy.

"We should have known he'd do that." Hermione hissed as soon as she sat down. "Why didn't we think to find you a partner?"

"I wouldn't have gone with anyone you suggested anyway Hermione," Kathryn chided her friend, "surely you know me better than that."

"Well, yes, sorry." Hermione apologised, knowing that Kathryn would never go anywhere with anyone unless she had chosen to do so herself.

"Besides," she gave them a cheeky smile, "he is quite handsome!"

"Did you hit your head?" Ron asked in disbelief. "Or have I hit mine? I didn't just hear you say you thought Lucius Malfoy was handsome, did I?"

"Well he is." Kathryn said with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, looking across the room at him. "But don't start to think I sympathise with him or anything; the only reason I said yes was duty. To school and to the Order."

"Well, just keep him happy; he'll be in Azkaban soon enough so he might as well enjoy what life he has left." Harry muttered with an evil look in his eye.

"Yes, soon enough…" Kathryn tailed off, her eyes fixed on the blond man who was now talking earnestly with the chair of the Governors.

"Are you sure what you're doing is wise?" Mr Whitford asked the man before him, the haughty manner now firmly back in place.

"Am I sure what is wise?" he answered in a curt tone, ignoring the fact that on the Governing body, technically, the small, balding man before him was his superior. Of course, little technicalities like that had never stopped him from getting his way. His eyes flicked over to where Kathryn was sitting with her brother and friends.

"She is a fine young woman to be sure; intelligent, beautiful, caring. I'm sure many men would fight for the right to claim her as their own." Mr Whitford spoke again, looking also in the direction of Kathryn.

"I don't doubt it. Many will fall victim to the idea that she should be flattered at their offers; fortunate that they have chosen her."

"Why would that be?"

"They will be the ones that don't understand that she will choose and that they should be honoured at her even deigning to show them interest." He spoke confidently; remembering the many young women that had, before he'd married Narcissa, vied for his attentions. They had all been beautiful, social butterflies that had all wanted to make the most advantageous marriage. "And she will only marry someone she deems to be her equal."

"That seems rather conceited, for a girl of her age." Mr Whitford seemed less than convinced.

"It is what she deserves; mutual respect and love. There will be many that seek her out for her fame and connections and not for her own merits." The tone of his voice indicated the end to that discussion. "I do not believe there to be many worthy of her hand."

"Well, she is an exceptional choice, to be sure," Mr Whitford paused, as if unsure of whether to say what was on his mind, "but is she aware of your intentions?" he asked in a more earnest tone, looking pointedly at the seated figure of Miss Potter.

"Intentions?" Mr Malfoy asked in, what he hoped, was a confused tone. "I assure you that I have none, but I would agree with you that she is indeed an admirable choice for any man."

"Oh come now Lucius." The balding man said in a thoroughly unconvinced tone. "I saw you with her in the gardens before; your spur-of-the-moment decision to ask her to the ball was not so spontaneous maybe?" Whitford raised a questioning eyebrow. "Had you always intended to ask her but just felt it inappropriate to do so in advance?"

"I have no more designs on the Potter girl than you do," he said in a clam, clipped tone; anger flaring in his cold grey eyes, "and I would suggest that you hold your tongue with any further accusations unless you want to invite trouble."

"Forgive me, Lucius, I was only enquiring." He apologised hastily to the tall blond man; he most certainly did not want to invite the kind of trouble Lucius Malfoy could bring.

"If you are looking for an explanation as to what you saw in the gardens, that was merely two people brought together by loss and grief. I came upon her in Diagon Alley on the day after the news of her foster parents' deaths reached her. The poor girl was distraught; she damn near collapsed in Flourish and Blott's she was so distressed. I got her out and took her for some tea in Tavington's, where the prying eyes cannot get in for love or money." He spoke confidently, completely convincing the balding, reedy man before him, almost convincing himself. "We talked for a long time. I can offer understanding, not just a sympathetic face, you see." His tone was final.

"I see." Comprehension dawned on Mr Whitford's face. "Well, if you'll excuse me," he bowed to Malfoy, who did not return it, "I apologise if I offended you Lucius." He scurried off into the crowd and Lucius resumed his observation of the young girl now walking down the opposite side of the hall to him. It was not as if he hadn't already considered what Mr Whitford had said, but there were certain bridges that would have to be crossed before anything like that could ever come to pass. Unconcerned about his colleague's near dangerous observations he set off in the opposite direction to catch her before she reached the doors.

Kathryn was very aware of his approach as they got closer and closer to the doors; she felt like she was being hunted thanks to the predatory look that gleamed in his eyes. Harry was, at that point, in the middle of one of his familiar rants about how Lucius Malfoy was such a scumbag.

"Harry shut up." She whispered in an abrupt tone as he came within hearing distance before turning on her smile. He gave the five of them a small bow before speaking directly to her.

"I was wondering if I might claim your hand for the next, Miss Potter?" he asked in his usual silky tone as the music stopped. "Unless, of course, you are otherwise occupied."

"Of course not," she smiled at him, shooting the four of them an apologetic look, before taking the arm that he offered, "I'd be delighted." He gave her a small smile before sweeping her away from her friends and into the middle of the dance floor.

She relaxed into his touch as soon as they began to waltz amongst the other couples. She did see Harry shooting him a few venomous looks before heading off with Ron, Hermione and Ginny. She could understand his anger as the waltz was, basically, an expression of desire and that was exactly what Harry didn't want.

"Did you see that article in the Prophet?" she asked casually as he swept her past Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and his son and Pansy Parkinson.

"Ah yes, 'Potter for politics', quite an interesting read if I remember." He gave a small chuckle. "It's funny to think of Fudge being able to construct such a convoluted scheme."

"I most certainly hope not, otherwise I have wasted my affections." She said with a small pout, languidly running a finger down his neck when she was sure no one was looking their way.

"Believe me, I am not acting on Fudge's orders." He whispered silkily in her ear. "Although I wouldn't put it past the man to ask." She laughed before noticing something else.

"Your son is staring." She told him, barely moving her lips as she spoke. "Can he find nothing better to do?"

"He's just jealous." He whispered back. "He has to settle for a pug-nosed partner whilst his father gets to have the most beautiful woman in the room. It's enough to make any man wild with envy." She laughed and ignored the petulant Draco.

The dance ended but, instead of letting go of her arm, he took her with him as he went to talk to his Governor colleagues. They all took the chance to question her on Quidditch, her exams and her plans for after Hogwarts; many of them offered to put in words for her with various officials they knew.

"Not that you need it though!" one of them chuckled.

She finally was offered respite when Ron came over and asked her to dance. She accepted and followed him over to where Harry, Ginny and Hermione were standing.

"Thanks." She breathed a sigh of relief at being able to talk to her friends once more. "Let's get outside before he can get me again." the four of them followed her into the cool evening air and into the myriad of paths before they reached the centre. There were quite a few students in the gardens but none of them had ventured into the central courtyard; preferring to remain in the shadows with their partners.

"He makes me so angry!" she exclaimed once they were beneath the cover of the willow tree. "Being so nice all of the bloody time!" she knew that he would be impressed with her apparently enraged appearance. "It's all I can do to stop myself from hexing him into oblivion every time he gives me that foul smirk." She slammed her fist into the trunk of the tree before regaining her composure and looking at them. "Sorry about that."

"I don't blame you." Ginny told her with a sympathetic look. "But don't fret, there's only three hours left."

"Three hours is a long time when you've got someone like him to cope with." She said in a cynical tone.

"You could have said no." Harry offered.

"I couldn't refuse." She sighed, unable to explain the true hold he had on her. "I had no logical or acceptable reason to say no. And I wasn't going to just pluck someone from the crowd who didn't have a partner and go with them. If I'd done that I would be dancing with Crabbe or Goyle." They all laughed at the idea of anyone wanting to dance with the hulking, boulder-like Crabbe and Goyle. "And even slimy Lucius Malfoy is better than that pair."

"Have you managed to get anything from him?" Hermione asked earnestly. "About what's coming next, I mean."

"Not a Knut." She told her friends with a sigh. "I wish I was a Legilimens so I could just peruse his mind at leisure."

"Well, we've got double-o-Snape for that, haven't we?" Hermione reminded them.

"Yes, although I'd bet my Firebolt that Malfoy is prepared for that. I'm not sure that trust for Snape is running high in the Death Eater camp; Voldemort may trust him but I'm sure that there are those who don't. Bellatrix Lestrange for one."

"Well, I'm sure Voldemort will be sending us a clue as to what he has planned soon enough." Harry muttered.

"So long as he is direct and to the point I don't mind." Kathryn shrugged her shoulders. "It's the confusing dreams that get me and the ones where he only lets you see enough to get you curious." Suddenly a wry, cool voice interrupted their conversation.