~Gon's POV~
2 years earlier...
["Gon wake up"
I roll over hearing a voice,looking seeing a blurred woman with orange hair. I rub my eyes seeing the blurriness go away seeing my aunt Mito I smile as I jump up running to the shower.
Once done I grab a towel and I start to wipe the tables down getting ready for open time.
"Gon! Can you come here a minute"
"Ok I'm coming" I say as I drop my towel and I run to aunt Mito seeing her making eggs. She says, "Can you go to the market and get me some milk and eggs ok" I nod before I take the money and I walk out the door,walking to the market.
"Hey Gon hows it been its been a while"
"Yup so Mr.Everest can I get some eggs and Milk please"
"Sure son" *gives the eggs and milk to gon*
"Thanks sir" I say as I walk off with the bag. I look around for any gangs or fights that's gonna start phew I see it's all clear so I walk out feeling someone in a hood grab me and pin me against a wall I jump seeing the person come close to me. I look closely seeing the person has blue eyes,I narrow my eyes feeling him pick me up carrying me more deep in the ally way he put me in. I see the guy take off his hood seeing Killua,I smile blushing lightly pushing him playfully saying, "Killwahhhh why you have to scare me like that" I pout seeing him chuckle. I smile before I grab his hand along with the groceries and I say, "Come on after I do my chores we can explore" I start running while holding the supplies and with Killua holding my other hand running with me.
~Killua's POV~
{Damn that Gon}
I blush red as I look at him smile at me as we run to the diner that Mito~San owns. I walk in smiling at her hearing someone come in after us,turning I see...Illumi. I shake in shock and a little fear stepping back a little. I see Gon being the brave cutie he is he stands in front of me with his arm protecting me saying, "Sir you can't be here we're not open yet" Illumi looks at Gon up and down saying, "Really Kill you choose the green failure over the princess of London" I freeze at his words. Fuck dammit!!
~Gon's POV~
I look at Killua saying, "Killwah w-what does he mean by that" I see him wide eye me as I see the guy that came in go behind him and grab him saying, "Oh you he didn't tell you he's the Prince of England" I gasp as I look at him still with wide eyes. I hear the guy that came in saying, "Now I need to bring him to the castle have a nice day" I run to Killua grabbing his arm saying, "No let him go he works here and you need to have a warrant to come when it's not open hours so LET HIM GO!!" I glare at him seeing him punch me but I push him back hearing Killua scream, "GON STOP!" I stop seeing him look at me as I still try to get him but the guy leaves with Killua. I make a tsk sound.
{Dammit!! I would have accepted why didn't he tell me}
~Killua's POV~
I feel Illumi nudge me saying, "walk" I turn and I nudge him back saying, "No" Illumi looks at me before I feel him grab me saying, "Your going to the castle if you like it or not" I glare at him before I see guards surround us.
{Dammit I got no where to run I hope he accepts me I don't wanna lose Gon}
I frown thinking of Gon crying because of me but I hope that the king don't go after his family.
(At the castle)
(Illumi judges him in the throne room where the king sits on his throne)
"Ah Killua nice of you to come in after ESCAPING AGAIN!! What the hell Kill you escaped your king training all year" the king says
"He was with a family" Illumi says
{Dammit no!}
I say, "So what I'm with a family so what I escaped your to busy to see me do anything anyways" I argue seeing him stand up looking at me saying, "The family you were with will be punished" I make a fist glaring at my father saying, "No PLEASE YOU CANT" he says, "I can Illumi take kill to his room" I feel him and some guards grab me as they drag me away I yell at father saying, "PLEASE DON'T IT WAS MY FAULT NOT THEIRS" I shout. I get pulled to my bedroom and I was gonna go out but they close the door. Since the door weighs more then Norma my nen won't cut it.
{DAMMIT!! Now Gons and Mito~San is gonna get punished cause of me}
I look at the window.
{I have to get out of here}
I go to the window seeing it's locked dammit he must of thought about it already. I punch my wall before seeing a note slip under the door,I pick it up reading it.
Dear Kill,
You will be banned from leaving this castle.
~Your father
I crumble the letter and I throw it out.
I take the letter out the trash writing, "Please don't punish the family I'm the one to blame so please don't do it" I slide it under before I hear the paper being ripped and thrown out. I put my ear on the door hearing, "Get the family that lives in the Diner" I then what feet moving away from my foot.
{DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!! I swear if Gon gets hurt because of me I won't be able to forgive myself}
(3 hours later)
~Gon's POV~
I feel myself spit and something red comes out my mouth. I look seeing myself chained up to the wall and my stomach exposed,bruised and hurt,I can't feel my legs. I look up seeing a grimace of white hair,I feel that person carry me out. I hear that person whisper, "You idiot I told you not to come" those were the last words I hear before I knock out.
I open my eyes seeing I'm back in the restaurant with Killua sleeping next to me. I smile as I cuddle with him.
~Killua's POV~
I wake up seeing Gon touching my hair. I gasp and smile saying, "GON!!" I hug him like I never hugged anyone before. I then kiss him but I pause and I pull away saying, "Sorry" I blush,he says, "I-It's ok but why didn't you tell me you were a prince" I say, "Because I was scared you'll reject me" I look down seeing him grab my hands saying, "You know I'll never do that to you" I smile before caressing his face saying, "Idiot I love you" I watch Gon smile before kissing me passionately.]
Heh since then I pretended Gon to be dead so we could be together since father let me go out anyways.