Chapter 3 - 3

In a dimly lit Medical room, stood a mam with long ash white hair tied into a pony tail and a pair of round wire framed glasses with the lenses reflecting the light giving him a menacing look. He was wearing purple colored medic clothing; this was Kabuto. While he was cutting into and studying a corpse of an extremely pale man with snow white hair, and two red dots on his forehead.

"Hmm…" Kabuto hummed, while ideally studying the body of one a recently deceased Kaguya Clan members. The medic was lost in his own musing as he continued to run a autopsy on the corpse. 'In the recent years of studying Bloodlines with Orochimaru, I learned a great deal of incredible information. Take for example, what I learned about the Elemental Based Bloodlines. From what i could gather, most of the Elemental Based Bloodlines allow the user to create a new element. Or a Sub-Element to be specific. But the Bloodline only helps the, allowing them to subconsciously the Chakra Nature's together. While Orochimaru wants the Sharingan to make is easier to learn everything in the world and to achieve his ambition of immorality. But since the Uchiha Massacre, the Sharingan Bloodline is close to being extinct, while the Sharingan is a tempting Bloodline to study, there only two Uchiha alive. With Itachi Uchiha being a S-rank missing nin that Orochimaru has trouble fighting. And with Orochimaru already claiming Itachi's younger brother for one of his future vessels. I don't have that much research material, I'm busy studying processes elemental bloodline limit and trying recreate said Bloodline limits. The bloodline limits that have caught my interest were the Infamous The Dead bone pulse, The Swift Release, and The Crystal Release bloodlines.' Kabuto thought with a smirk.

'While Orochimaru recruited Kimimaro Kaguya a few years ago. Kimimaro has shown to be a prodigy in his Bloodline by creating ingenious ways to us his Shikotsumyaku, But that is also his downfall. He hasn't learned any Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, or Fuinjutsu into his repertoire, assuming that his bloodline is all he needs to serve Orochimaru. Such an arrogant notion always using the same weapons and techniques over and over allows you to become predictable. So when his enemies eventually counter his Shikotsumyaku, he will be killed. But upside is that Orochimaru stated if he does die I'll be allowed to study his body. With Kimimaro's body I could probably successfully recreate his Bloodline for myself' Kabuto mused with a sadistic glee.

'But what I'm studying, withthe body of one the Kaguyas that activated the dead bone pulse, unfortunately or fortunately from whoever's point of view died shortly after activating due to the stress on his Chakra coils. While the Bloodline or the body didn't fully mature to get distinctive data. I've learned far more from this, than just watching Kimimaro or using small amounts of his blood and tissue samples. In my studies of the Dead bone pulse I learned some very interesting stuff. Like the elements they use to actually manipulate there bones as weapons, while everyone knows the five main elements such as Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. But what others may not know of a Sixth element the Yin-Yang Release or the Creation of all Things. Not much is known to of the element but that The Sage of the Six Paths was said to have mastered the element along with the original five.' The dark medic thought.

'What the Shikotsumyaku(Dead Bone Pulse) users do is use is subconsciously use yin/Yang realease to create and replace lost bones from there chakra, using a diluted form of the creation of all things. So while the Shikotsumyaku users can replace or control the skeletal system it has flaws to it as well, some may assume that the since they can re-grow their bones that they have a healing factor. That is a misconception they can only use the Yin/Yang to regrow and replace their bones. So if I were to sever one of their arms they can only regrow the bones of said arm not their Muscles, Tendons, Veins or skin.' Kabuto recited.

'But I'm on my way to recreating the Shikotsumyaku, while there are mostly failures I feel that I'm getting close. I was able to master the Yin part of the element, in doing so I increased my healing factor tenfold. While I heal faster than the normal shinobi, which I don't know why. Maybe I'm related to an Uzumaki or something? Anyway with the mastery on the Yin out of the way, all I have to do is master the Yang chakra, While difficult it will all be worth it. I might eventually be the second person since the Sage of the Sixth Paths to master The Ying/Yang release.' Kabuto thought with excitement.

Kabuto glanced up at the clock. 'Hmm 9pm, I've been working for several hours, huh?' Kabuto thought as he looked down to his hands to see them covered in blood. Walking over to the faucet he started washing the blood off his hands. 'While 9pm might not be that late into the night it's just out of habit.' traveling through the dimly lit hideout hallways. 'If I were younger of less experienced with Orochimaru's theatrics, I probably would have been scared or nervous of this dark place, like several of the new recruits to the Sound. But I have grown use to his place hideouts' He mused with amusement.

Kabuto finally arrived to his room's door. While all the hallways and all the doors look identical to each other, making the hideout look like a maze. He knew where his room usually was. It's usually closest to his medical lab. While entering his room, Kabuto idly notice the walls wear bear with a small twin sized bed in the corner with a desk in the opposite corner. He casually sauntered towards his desk; Kabuto noticed his notes on several of his achievements with fully recreating the two other sub-elemental Bloodline limits. I.E. Swift release and the Crystal release. He relaxed into his bed and looked over his notes and started to think back to help him fall asleep.

'While my initial Elemental releases' were originally Earth and Water I had to work myself to the bone to master them. but they were far more easy too master than the elements I'm not allied with. Since Wind wasn't my natural element it naturally took longer to master it. I had to tech myself how to manipulate Wind Chakra by making it as Sharp and thin as possible, but I did find several scrolls from Orochimaru's Library and that improved my mastery in leaps and bounds. After months of grueling training I was able to use the wind to cut a water fall half as it instructed in in Orochimaru's scrolls. Though I had to keep it a secret I wouldn't want Orochimaru to know I used his scrolls without his permission, but I'm positive he knows. With the mastery of the wind chakra I improvise with the idea to augment to my wind chakra to my Chakra Scalpel making it far more precise and far more deadly.' He mused with a shrug.

'Lightning was by far my worst element, With a mastered water and wind chakra it made the lightning highly unstable to control was frustrating but to find out that Orochimaru had little to no Lightning based techniques really pissed my off so I had to search for some. I used my newly created Body Recreation Technique using my DNA, I was able to create a partial clone of myself to take my place so I could infiltrate the Hidden Cloud village. While playing the persona of an average genin to draw no attention, I learned from the shinobi libraries where there were step by step instructions on how to master Lightning chakra. But there wasn't any justsu though that does make since, wouldn't want a fresh genin killing themselves. It took only several months to get my control over lightning to an acceptable condition.' Kabuto thought.

'It took about two weeks to successfully combine Wind, Lightning and Yin releases to actually use the Swift release. While Using the Swift Release I become incredibly fast, so fast I left afterimages of myself. The downside to incredible speed is my body started to tearing itself apart, though my Healing factor to took care of it.' He thought with a smirk.

Thinking back on the time he was able to master his Swift Release, caused him to remember how he learned or more specifically the catalyst on how he learned the Crystal Release.

-Flash Back-

Kabuto walked on a path road, leaving the Hidden Cloud. He decided to take a route through one of the outskirt towns, to lessen the risk of getting recognized by any of the Cloud Nin. The medic continued to walk, before he stopped at a strange sight. It was a small girl maybe 13 or 14 with blue-ish purple hair that was fanned out in the back and with bangs framing her face, she was pale skinned though not as much as Kimimaro.

She was by herself sitting against a tree holding her knees to her chest looking upset. While most of children and adults around her seemed to look at her like she was some sort of freak.

Kabuto narrowed his eyes at that. He didn't know why that struck a chord with him. He knew he wasn't the picture perfect saint, but he knew what it was like to ban an out cast, what it was like to feel alone. Kabuto closed his eyes and sighed, before he decided to investigate. As he moved closer towards her, some of the adults looked at the girl in fear, and him in worry.

'These People fear such a cute girl...what dumbasses.' Kabuto thought dryly, before he knelt down in front of the sad girl. "Hello there, are you alright? I noticed how everyone's looking at you." He commented, as he tried to make his voice sound as kind as he could.

"They look at me like that, because they think I'm a Freak" the girl said with a sad and bitter voice.

"Well i don't see a freakn." Kabuto replied. "All I see is a lonely girl." He observed.

"If you saw what I could do you'd be no different" the girl said angrily. Now what declaration caught the medic's attention.

"Try me" Kabuto rebuked. 'Come on Bloodline.' He thought.

She slowly nodded, before Kabuto watched her put her hands together. she seemed to concentrate for a minute, before she opened her hands revealing a beautiful pink crystal flower.

'The Crystal Release.' Kabuto thought with wide eyes, as amazement shown on his face. The girl started smiling, loving the fact someone actually didn't hate her creation. Their happy moment was cut short by the sounds the adults gasping and children were yelling insults.

Kabuto looked at the girl and noticed she looked enraged. She worked really hard on trying to impress him, but it was ruined by the others. Kabuto had to admit the girl did impress him, and that in itself is hard to do. In the girls anger, a pink crystal wall began to form a wall around two and pushed the surrounding people back.

'Hmm, it would seem that if her emotions get the better of her, her crystals reacted.' Kabuto observed.

The Ash-haired teen reached out and wrapped his arms around the girl in an attempt to comfort her, and it seemed to work as she buried her head into his chest. Kabuto was surprised, not by the reaction of the girl, but that he allowed her to do it. He never let anyone willingly touch him. The pink crystals that blocked off the mobbing people, seemed to move and enclose around the duo.

The girl opened her eyes when she realized she'd been hugging a stranger, before she took a step back. "I-I'm sorry" She stuttered out.

"It's alright." Kabuto replied with a slight smile, to alleviate her nervousness. He turned around and looked at the pink crystal wall that surrounded them. 'I wonder...if she could help me recreate the Crystal Release...Maybe is i cant convince her to join me.' He mused with a raised eyebrow. "It's lovely." Kabuto commented, as he looked at the girl, but that seemed to make her blush deepen. "This is absolutely amazing, I don't seen anything freakish about this. Where did you learn it, or how do you do it, it you don't mind me asking." He said curiously.

"M-Myself, I just think it and it sort of happens." She admitted timidly.

'Hmm so her Bloodline responds to her will...interesting.' Kabuto observed."Do your parents know you can do this?" He asked, before he noticed a dark look cross her face.

"Yes my Parents know they kicked me out of there house, said I was too dangerous and might destroy their normal life." She said with no small amount of venom, as she clenched her fists.

'She has a lot of potential, is this how Orochimaru felt when found me.' Kabuto thought with a smirk, as he pushed up his glasses."Is there anyone here that cares about you" He questioned.

"No" she said voice full of Hate.

Kabuto knelt down, until they were face-to-face. "Do you want to stay here? Were you're unprotected, were your scorned, were your existence isn't acknowledged, were your un-loved and not wanted, and were your hated?" He asked seriously. With each question, the girl seemed to get more upset. "Do you want to leave, Do you want power to protect yourself, to be cared for, for your existence to be acknowledged, were you're needed, and maybe even loved? Would you come with me I could give you that?" Kabuto questioned.

"Yes" she said with no doubt.

"Then what's your name" Kabuto asked curiously.

"My name is Guren." The newly identified Guren answered, causing the ash-haired teen to smirk.

"Then follow me Guren. I'll give you all the power you could ever want. I'll protect you from those who wish to hurt you. I'll give you whatever you need...and as long as I breathe, I will acknowledge your existence. I'll be your friend. I'll be your partner, even if we have to be outcasts together." Kabuto voiced as turned until his back was facing her. "So Guren what do you say?" He asked, as he pushed his glasses up.

Kabuto saw Guren walk towards him out of the corner of his eye, until she was by his side. "I'll join you Kabuto." Guren said with no small amount of determination and admiration. He looked at the surrounding crystal only see people grouping around it. 'Damn these dumbass are getting annoying.' Kabuto thought.

"How do you feel about the people in this village" The Dark Medic asked to young girl.

"I hate them!" She said with a fair amount of venom in her voice.

"Then let me show you the strength you'll soon come to have, watch me as I slaughter them all." Kabuto with a smirk. He turned to her as he saw her glaring at several of the villagers through her crystals. 'I think she's decided. I'm glad there isn't any Cloud Shinobi nearby so maybe a can cut a little loose a bit.' Kabuto thought.

"Yes, please show me that I haven't made the wrong choice." Guren said.

'Yes.' Kabuto thought as he pushed his glasses up reflecting the sun light and he aloud a dark smirk slip onto his face. He activated his Chakra scalpels and infused Wind chakra in his left one and Lightning chakra into his right. As Kabuto walked forward, Guren lowered the crystal wall, before watched with an expectant look on her face.

'This is where the fun begins.' Kabuto thought darkly.

-A Few Hours later-

Kabuto and Guren walked, with a burning destroyed town in their wake. Guren was looking at the ash-haired teen with no small amount of admiration, and if Kabuto was any other person he might had used that against her. Kabuto had explicitly instructed Guren to keep her Bloodline a secret, he didn't want Orochimaru to want her as a possible vessel, and she understood some abilities needed to be kept a secret. 'Just like my ability to talk to snakes.' Kabuto mused, there was no telling how Orochimaru would react to that.

For the week as they traveled, Kabuto and Guren would discuss some of each others ambitions. With the ash-haired teen explaining his goal to recreate the Crystal Release. Guren was all to happy to help him with it.

Eventually the two arrived at the Sound Base, with Kabuto leading Guren through the hallways. Some of the passing Sound Nin would looked at The medic in fear, or looked at Guren in pity.

Kabuto passed his medical lab and arrived at his room with Guren nervously following him. That caused some people to look at Kabuto weirdly, assuming he was taking the thirteen year old girl to his room, to take advantage of her. But they couldn't have been more wrong. Kabuto entered his room, only to see his clone sitting on his bed, meditating. most likely to seal the useless memories so his brain wouldn't over load from information. After the Clone was done, Kabuto dismissed the Jutsu only to learn from its memories that Orochimaru had been gone for a couple of days. Orochimaru had gone to the Land of Iron to finish up his Experimentation on some different Cursed Seals and would return in a few hours.

Sometimes Kabuto worried about Orochimaru's un-seated obsession with injecting bloodlines into any random person he finds. Kabuto enjoyed cutting up and studying a corpse himself, but he did it out of necessity. But Orochimaru seemed to do it for shits and giggles.

The Ash-haired teen looked at Guren, to see she was sitting on his bed looking at him with admiration. "I think this'll be a good time for us to come up with a back story for you." He said, causing the young girl to nod happily.

-Flash Back End-

Kabuto relaxed in his bed as he stared up at the ceiling as the candle flickered aimlessly on his desk. The shadows danced across the walls to the rhythm of the candle flame. Kabuto began to remember how he introduced Guren to Orochimaru.

-Flash Back-

Kabuto stood at Orochimaru's door, as he glanced back at Guren. He saw that she was holding herself, looking incredibly nervous and was practically shaking. The teen knocked on the door, before they heard a deep voice say 'Come in'.