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The Strange Tales of Sex

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About different weird sexual stories each chapter. Chapter 1 will be about an introvert named August. August will be invited by his friend Ando to a sketchy party together with other of Ando's friends, and the party is hosted by a sketchy man who is probably plotting something... Please Follow me on twitter to get updates on the next random fucking story that I will upload And please support me on Patreon, so that I can prove to my mom that watching too much hentai wasn't for nothing.


My name is August, I am a 19 year old introvert. Most of the time I would just be staying at home playing video games or watching something like anime or porn, but today I've been invited by my extroverted friend Ando to a weird party. I only came because I was forced to, and also because my crush Hashy is here. This party is located in some strange building and hosted by a sketchy looking guy with a weird mustache. My friend Ando said that the sketchy looking guy gave him a letter saying that there is a party in a strange building just for him and his friends, just like that Ando just accepted it immediately without thinking, and here I am now, outside of the strange building with Ando, Hashy, Ando's girlfriend Sasha and some of his other friends, in total there are 7 of us here, 4 girls and 3 boys including myself. I'm not really close with anyone here except for Ando since he is my childhood friend. Everyone here seems excited to go and party, but I have a bad feeling about this.

"Ando, I don't think this is a good idea." I whispered to Ando's ear.

"Don't worry, it will be fine, if something goes wrong we can just run or defend ourselves, besides how bad could this be?" Ando responded.

I'm still unsure if we should go or not, this feels like a horror movie. I want to leave, but Hashy is here and she might be in danger, so I decided to stay. Few moments later we stepped in the strange building and it's surprisingly beautiful inside, everyone's face was very surprised.

"This building is huge!" Ando said.

"You can have the entire building to yourselves for the rest of the night." The sketchy looking guy said.

Everyone seemed to be overjoyed except for me, because I still feel like the sketchy looking guy is up to something strange. The sketchy looking guy then gave us a tour inside the strange building, the building is 3 stories high and has a lot of rooms, and it even has its own indoor pool in the basement. There is so much stuff in this building and the sketchy guy is letting us have it all for free for the rest of the night, he is definitely up to something.

The sketchy guy called us all for dinner in the dining hall. The dining hall looks so fancy and the food here looks and smells so good, but maybe its poisonous or something, I must be careful.

"Ando, be careful the food may be poisonous." I advised Ando.

"Dude, stop being so suspicious about everything, let's just enjoy this party." Ando responded.

"I'm not that hungry, so I'll pass on dinner."

"That's just being rude, dude. This man made dinner just for us and you're not even gonna eat?"

"Fine, I'll eat. But if I die, I'll haunt you."

So we began to sit down for dinner. Everyone started to eat, except for me because I was still inspecting my food for anything suspicious, but I didn't find anything unusual. I was so focused on inspecting my food I didn't even realize that I was sitting next to my crush Hashy.

"Hey August, are you not going to eat?" Hashy asked in a concerned voice.

I was so shocked that we are seated next to each other and she even bothered to talk to me.

"Uhhh… Umm… I was just… Uhh… checking the food. " I replied nervously.

"Checking for what? Are you allergic?"

"Uhh… I-it's not that, it's just to make sure that, Uhh… the food isn't gonna kill me or something."

Oh great… Hashy might think I'm a weirdo now…

"Hahaha, really? I was thinking the same thing, this whole place is kind of strange."

I was so happy Hashy also aware that this place is strange.

"Is the food… Uhhh… alright?"

"The food tastes good and it doesn't seem to be poisonous or anything, you should try to eat some."


Hashy convinced me to eat, so I ate, and the food actually tastes really good. After dinner we were free to do whatever we want, so I was going to wonder through the building to search for some suspicious stuff, but Ando stopped me to make me socialize with his friends. Ando is not a bad guy, he thinks of everyone and doesn't leave his friends behind including me, but he is kinda dumb for trusting a complete suspicious stranger. Ando forced me to socialize even though I'm terrible at it and don't even want to do it.

"Hey August, want some drink?" Peirce asked.

Peirce is one of Ando's friend, he seems like a good guy, but he's too extroverted and very loud.

"No thanks." I declined.

"Aww, come on, have some, it is really good." Veevee said in a seductive voice.

Veevee is also one of Ando's friend, she is really hot and has big tits and really likes to party, but Hashy is the only one for me because she is very friendly and very adorable and I heard she also likes some of the things I like, like anime and videogames.

"Don't force August, you slut!" Attey said to Veevee.

Attey seems to really hate Veevee, from what I've heard Veevee had sex with Attey's ex-boyfriend back when Attey and her ex were still a couple. Attey seems like a nice person, but really short tempered.

"You just sit there and be quiet you little bitch." Veevee fought back.

"Who're you calling a little bitch? You fucking slut!" Attey retaliated.

Seems like Attey and Veevee really hate each other, I wonder why they both came here together.

"Enough you two! Let's not fight, this night is supposed to be fun." Sasha silenced Attey and Veevee.

Sasha is Ando's girlfriend, she seems like a nice reliable person, she's too good for Ando.

A few moments passed and nothing too strange has happened yet, maybe the sketchy man was just a nice guy and I was just overthinking things. Maybe I should just try and get to know Hashy more instead, but I don't know how to engage in a conversation with her… I began to overthink about what I should say and talk about with Hashy, but I got nothing…

Hashy looked at me and said in a nice lovely voice, "Hey August, is something the matter? You seem like you're having a problem."

"Uhh… I'm ok…" I responded awkwardly.

"So August, what brings you to this party?"

"Umm… I was forced by Ando, so I didn't have much choice. How about you, what brings you here?"

"Ando told me that you would be here, so I came." Hashy said, with a cute smile on her face.

I blushed and said "R-really?"

I was overjoyed just to hear those words from Hashy, but since I got a massive trust issue, part of me believed that she was just joking.

Hashy blushed and said, "Y-yeah… the truth is… I-I really wanted to talk to you for a long time now, August." The way she said this made my heart skip a beat.

She seems sincere saying that, or maybe she's just a good actress, I can't tell for sure, but it does make me happy just to hearing her say that.

"Hashy, I-I umm… also wan-" I said to Hashy, but was interrupted by the sketchy man.

"Everyone, please all go to the second floor living room." The sketchy man said using the speakers around the building.

"Let's continue this talk later ok, August" Hashy said with a smile on her face, and she quickly ran to the second floor living room.

I hate that damn sketchy man for ruining my confession, well I guess it's for the best. So we all went to the second floor living room just like what the sketchy man asked us to do, we all sat down on the couch to listen to what he has to say.

"So kids, how's your experience here so far?" The sketchy man asked.

"It's been really fun" Ando replied

"Alright then, it's time for the real party to begin." The sketchy man said with a creepy grin on his face.

Oh shit, this does not look good.

"What do you mean by "real party"?" I asked in concern.

"We are going to play a game." The sketchy man replied.

"What game?" Sasha asked.

"The game we are going to play is something I created, I name it "The Sex Games"." The sketchy man replied.

"What kind of game is that?" Attey asked.

"In this game you are all going to do some fun activities." The sketchy man said with a creepy grin on his face.

"Hold on, I have questions." Sasha said.

"Alright Miss Sasha, ask away." The sketchy man permitted the questions.

"Sex Games? Are you going to make us do sexual activities?" Sasha asked with a very concerned face.

"Yes" The sketchy man replied with a very creepy smile.

"What if we refuse to play?"

"You die."

Attey laughed and said, "Yeah right! You think you can kill us? We out number you."

The sketchy man smiled and said "Remember the food you ate? They had nanobots in them and I can control them with my mind, meaning I can control the nanobots inside your bodies to stop your heart."

There were nanobots in the food? I didn't even notice, I didn't know nanobots were already a thing, but this could be a lie, how do I know for sure that he is telling the truth? I knew I shouldn't have eaten, god dammit.

"Nanobots? Are you fucking joking?" Attey said, doubting the sketchy man.

"Fine, I will demonstrate" The sketchy man said with a smug look.

A few seconds later, Attey fell down to the ground.

"Holy shit!" Peirce yelled.

Peirce then went over to Attey and pressed his ear onto Attey's chest to see if her heart is still beating, sadly it wasn't beating anymore.

"What the fuck is this?!" Sasha yelled at the sketchy man.

"Don't worry, I'll make her heart beat again." The sketchy man said with another smug face.

Just like that, Attey's heart was beating again.

"Hoooooh!" Attey inhaled.

"Attey are you alright?" Peirce asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. W-what the hell happened?" Attey replied and asked.

"You just died and came back to life"

Attey was shock of what just happened, she couldn't say anything

"Now, is everyone ready to play the game?" The sketchy man asked.

Everyone was speechless due to what just happened.

"Oh I almost forgot, if you look out the window you will only see the void, and if you go out the door you will fall to the void and be stuck there forever. There is no escaping." The sketchy man mentioned.

I looked out the window to verify it and I don't see the other buildings anymore, only darkness, but this could just be an illusion or something… No it can't be, judging from what just happened, anything could happen. I don't know what to do, there is no escaping from this man anymore, and everyone here is in danger.

The sketchy man also mentioned that we are in another dimension, and time outside here has stopped, and while we are here we do not age. We can all stay here for 10 years and we will still all look the same, and since time has stopped, no one outside will be looking for us.

I'm not sure if I believe what he says, but with him, anything is possible.

The best thing to do right now is probably to do what he says for now, but I'm kinda worried about this game. He calls it "The Sex Games", are we going to have sexual activities and stuff? If so I don't want Hashy to be here, if "The Sex Games" is what it sounds like, I don't want Hashy to be fucked by another man, I must protect her.

Ando looked at me and whispered to my ear "Bro, you're right, I shouldn't have trusted this guy and sorry for forcing you to come."

"Don't worry about it, Ando." I responded.

"So, what's your plan?"

"We should just do what he says for now."

The sketchy man then said, "I'll give you time to decide if you want to play or die."

Everyone then gathered together to discuss the situation.

"So, what should we do?" Veevee asked.

"August recommended that we should just do what he says for now." Ando responded.

"Yeah, I agree, we might die if we don't do what he says." Attey agreed.

So with that everyone decided that we should all play along for now.

"We are ready, strange man" Ando said to the sketchy man.

I wonder what the sketchy man's name is, does he even have a name? Well that's not important right now.

"Alright then, let us start the first game." The sketchy man responded.

The sketchy man then explained how the first game works, from my understanding, there are 2 roulettes and each players must take turns to spin both at the same time. The first roulette has things like, "what the person spinning it must do" and the second one has the name of the other players that must do the action given by the first roulette with the player who spun the roulette. For example; the first roulette says, "Punch ____" and the second one says, "Ando", then that means whoever span the roulette must punch Ando. Oh, and also there are points for doing what the roulette says, the number of points gained by the player depends on what the action is, and the person chosen by the second roulette also gets points, but only half the amount of what the person who span the roulette gained. And players are also allowed to refuse what the roulette says, but their turn will be skipped and they also get electrocuted by the nanobots inside their body, and if the person who got chosen by the roulette refuses then he/she will also get electrocuted, but only 2x more painful and the player who span the roulette gets all the points without even doing anything. Whoever gets the most points will be rewarded with something and the one who has the lowest points will be punished, the reward and punishment was still a secret, none of us know what it actually is. Since it is called "The Sex Games" that means the actions in the roulette must be sexual based things. And also the sketchy man said that the roulettes are magical, we can't see the options of the roulette unless we spin it. And that's the rules, from what I understand.

"Who wants to go first?" The sketchy man said.

"I'll go first." Attey replied.

"Ok, now spin both the roulettes"

So, Attey spun both the roulettes. The first roulette said "Kiss ____ for 4 points." and the second roulette said, "The person you hate the most in the room".

The sketchy man then said, "If you lie about who you hate the most then your points will be deducted by the number of potential points you'll gain, and also you will be electrocuted."

Attey looked over at Veevee with an angry face and said, "Get over here, I'll make it quick."

"You want me to kiss you? HAHAHA dream on." Veevee laughed.

"Did you forget? If you don't kiss me you will get electrocuted and I get all the points."

"Ugh! Fine"

Veevee went closer to Attey and they began to touch lips.

I'm seeing two hot girls kissing right now, this is amazing. Oh shit, my dick got erected. It's already been like 10 seconds now and they're still kissing, it seems the both of them are really enjoying it, I can even see a little tongue action.

After a few seconds later they finally finished.

"Huff, huff, huff… You seem like you enjoyed it." Veevee said while out of breath.

"W-what are you talking about?! You're the one who stuck their tongue out first." Attey responded with a red face.

"You're the one who won't let go."

They kept telling themselves that they didn't enjoy it, but from what I've seen, it seems like they were having the time of their lives. Currently Attey is at the lead with 4 points and Veevee with 2 points. We also decided on the order of people to take turns, first was Attey, next will be Ando and then Me, Veevee, Hashy, Sasha and lastly Peirce. Since Attey's turn was finished, it is now Ando's turn.

Ando spun both the roulettes. The first roulette said, "Lick ____'s asshole, for at least 30 second, for 6 points". And the second one said, "The person you love the most in the room", Ando then looked at Sasha, and Sasha looks kind of relieve that Ando looked at her instead of the other girls. And I was relieve that Sasha is here, otherwise Ando might have licked my asshole, since he did say before that he loves me the most only second to Sasha, but only as a friend, and the roulette didn't say it has to be romantic love.

"Umm… Can we get a-a private room?" Sasha asked shyly.

"I apologize, you must perform the act in front of everyone." The sketchy man replied.

"Everyone, please don't look at me and Ando…"

"I apologize again, Miss Sasha. Everyone must watch you perform the act."

Sasha then began to pull down her pants and underwear while blushing with a shy face in front of everyone, and after that she went up to the table and showed everyone her asshole. Just the sight of her cute pink little asshole got me erect. Wait, I can't think that, I love Hashy, and Sasha is Ando's girlfriend.

"Come on, guys, stop staring at my girlfriend." Ando said.

"Dude, the strange guy forced us to watch, there's nothing we can do about it" Peirce responded.

Peirce says that, but I think he really just wants to see a naked girl.

Ando' face then slowly started to move towards Sasha's ass, and then Ando began to stick his tongue inside Sasha's asshole.

I'm watching a real life rim job right now, what a time to be alive, wait a minute, Hashy is here, and what if she has to do sexual acts with another guy… I don't like this…

Well anyways, Ando seems like he really likes eating ass, he's really sucking it hard, he's even twirling around his tongue inside Sasha's asshole, and Sasha's moans are amazing, they're making my dick harder.

30 seconds finally passed and Sasha began to put back her clothes, but it looks like Sasha still wants more.

And now it is my turn to use the roulette, I just hope that it is with Hashy. If there is a god out there, please grant my prayers.

And then I spun both roulettes. The first roulette says "Make out with ____ while groping his/her asscheeks, for 5 points." And the second one says, "the person on your right".

This made me so happy because Hashy is the one on my right. GOD LOVES ME!

Attey felt unfair and said, "Wait, that's just like what I got, but has more points and he can grope her too?"

"Life's unfair, deal with it, bitch." Veevee responded.

Attey looked at Veevee with a furious face.

Alright back to me. I looked at Hashy and she looks really red, it could be she's blushing or just angry, I don't want to assume the best.

I then asked her "A-are you... umm… ok with this?"

"Y-yeah, if it's with you, it-it should be fine." Hashy replied with a cute awkward smile.

We both stood up to perform the act.

"Hashy, before we do this I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Hashy, I-I love you!" I confessed.

Hashy was shocked and said, "August, I-I als-" before she could finish I kissed her.

I'm kissing Hashy right now. This is the best, but the problem is, everyone here is watching us right now. Kissing her feels so great! I wonder if she feels the same, I hope she does. And her ass is so soft and squishy too, but I would have preferred to have the first kiss with her alone and not grope her ass like this, I wanted it to be a nice wholesome moment.

I wonder what she is thinking right now.


For a long time now I've been in love with August and I've always wanted to talk to him, but he is so hard to talk to. He doesn't really like socializing and when I get close to him, he goes away. At first I thought he just hates me, but today he confessed to me that he loves me, and when I was about to say the same thing to him, he stopped me with a kiss. Currently we are still kissing and this feeling feels so good, I'm so happy right now. And also he is groping my ass right now and not gonna lie it feels better than I thought, especially because August is the one doing it. I want this moment to last forever.


A few seconds later, we finished the act.

That was great, I hope Hashy doesn't hate me for doing that.

"A-August…" Hashy called me out with a quiet voice.

"Hashy, I-I'm sorry for doing that so suddenly, please forgive me." I bowed my head and apologized to Hashy.

"A-August, I-I love you too!" Hashy bowed her head and confessed.


I was so shocked that Hashy feels the same way too. And then suddenly she kissed me back.

Hashy then smiled at me and said, "Come on, let's sit back down, its Veevee's turn now."

Hashy is so adorable, I can't believe she likes me back, I'm so happy I could die. Anyways, we sat back down.

Ando looked at me and said, "Dude, great job. Did you stick your tongue in her mouth?"

"No, I did not…" I responded.

"Oh well, maybe next time. So, how did her ass feel?"

"It felt so soft and squishy."

And it is now Veevee's turn to spin the roulette. So, she spun both the roulettes. The first one said, "Perform missionary sex with ____ until you orgasm, for 6 points" and the second one said, "Ando". Sasha looked at Ando with a pouty face, and Ando was just confused if he should do it or not.

"Come on, Ando. I'm waiting." Veevee said seductively.

Ando looked at Sasha.

"Do what you want…" Sasha said to Ando, hoping he wouldn't do it.

"R-really? Alright then, I will do it." Ando responded

I face palmed myself thinking "Ando you idiot! Sasha definitely doesn't want you to fuck another girl."

I looked over at Sasha and she looks pissed. I feel bad for her.

Ando then went over to Veevee while slowly stripping his clothes. He has no shame at all. Veevee was also slowly stripping her clothes while Ando was coming over, and when Ando arrived at Veevee they made out in front of everyone, the roulette didn't even say they have to make out, but they did it anyways. I looked over at Sasha and she looks like she could explode.

Attey went over to Sasha and said, "Now, do you know how I feel?"

"…" Sasha was speechless.

"Veevee is such a slut, she would fuck anyone even though that person has a girlfriend."

Ando inserted his cock inside Veevee's pussy, and not gonna lie it looks kinda hot. Ando began thrusting his hips while making out with Veevee in front of everyone. They slowly stopped making out and Ando began to kiss Veevee's neck and Veevee started moaning really loud. That just made my dick really hard, but this isn't right. Ando has a lovely girlfriend and yet he is fucking another girl in front of her. I now know that Ando is an ass. I looked over at Sasha and she looks really sad, I wanted to cheer her up, but I just can't, because I don't really know how to communicate properly with other people.

A few moments later Ando and Veevee came at the same time, and that made Sasha even sadder. Ando is a fucking ass. After that they put back on their clothes and went back to where they sat.

"Ahhh! That felt fucking great." Ando said loudly.

"What the hell, Ando." I said to Ando.


"Why did you do that? You made Sasha sad."

"What do you mean? She said it was ok, so its fine."

My face was filled with disappointment on how dumb Ando is. Why did Sasha go out with this fucking dumbass? I just don't understand the world of normies.

And now since Veevee's turn is finished, it is now Hashy's turn. Hashy spun both the roulettes. The first one said, "Suck ____'s dick until he ejaculates, for 5 points" and the second one said, "the person next to you". I was overjoyed again since I was the only one who has a dick next to Hashy. GOD LOVES ME! Hashy is going to suck my dick? This is too good to be true. I can't express how happy I am. But wait, how does Hashy feel about sucking my dick?

"Hey Hashy, you don't have to force yourself ok." I said to Hashy.

"D-don't worry I'll do it, just for you. If that's what you want, of course." Hashy responded excitedly.

I guess she's ok with it. I am so happy right now.

And so, I began to strip down my pants. I got so excited I forgot people are gonna see me naked. This is so embarrassing… But I have to do it for Hashy! I finally took off my pants and underwear, reveling my cock and asscheeks. Everyone was staring at my cock, this is fucking embarrassing.

Attey with a surprised face said, "Oh my, that's a huge dick."

"Why were you hiding that monster of a cock of yours, August? When you could have used it to satisfy me." Veevee said, seductively.

"What, you plan on fucking him too?" Attey said to Veevee.

"Maybe." Veevee said while licking her lips.

Everyone is talking about my dick, this is fucking embarrassing…

Hashy started to kneel down.

"I-I'm r-ready, August." Hashy said nervously.

And then Hashy started to lick my dick slowly.

This feels so great, Hashy is licking my dick, and she looks so cute doing it. This is the first time someone is licking my dick and I'm really glad it's Hashy.

Hashy then started to shove my dick inside her mouth. It feels so warm, and it is so much better than masturbating. She then started to suck on it. I can die happy now. I hope she doesn't hate doing this.


Right now I'm currently sucking on August's dick, and it's very big. This is my first time sucking on anyone's dick, and I'm so glad it's August. At first I thought it smelled and tasted weird, but now, I'm starting to really enjoy it. It is kind of embarrassing doing it while everyone is watching though. I wonder if August likes how I suck his dick, I hope he does.


Hashy has been sucking on my dick for a while now and I can't hold it in anymore, I want this to last longer, but I can't take it anymore…

"H-Hashy…. I-I'm about to…" I said while trying my best not to ejaculate.

"Urmf.. Urmf… Urmf…" Hashy tried to say something but couldn't stop sucking on my cock.

"CUM!" I said while ejaculating inside Hashy's mouth.

I pulled out my dick out of Hashy's mouth. Her mouth is now filled with my cum.

"Hashy, you don't have to swallow it." I said to Hashy.

Hashy then smiled at me and swallowed everything.

"That tasted great, August" Hashy said seductively with licking her lips.

Oh crap, I just ejaculated and I'm having another boner. I then quickly put back on my clothes. And Hashy and I went back to our seats.

Since Hashy was next to me, she leaned her head on my shoulder and said "So, how did I do?"

"Umm… You did amazing, I umm… enjoyed every second of it." I responded nervously to Hashy.

"R-really? I'm so glad." Hashy said with an adorable smile.

I love her so much right now!

And now it is Sasha's turn to spin. Sash looked at Ando with an angry face and spun the roulette. Ando doesn't even know she's mad at him, what an ass. The first roulette said, "Get creampied by ____, for 6 points" and the second one said, "Peirce". I looked at Sasha and it looks like she smirked a little, this is probably her plan of revenge. I then looked at Ando and he looks like he doesn't want Sasha to do it. I then looked over at Peirce, and he seems really excited. I wonder what would happen next.

Ando looked over at Sasha and said, "Umm… Honey, you're not going to do it right?"

Sasha smirked at Ando and said, "I'll do it. It's only fair that I also get to have sex with another person."

Peirce then said to Ando, "Sorry, bro. I don't want to get electrocuted."

That's just Peirce's excuse, I know he just really want to fuck Sasha.

Ando was speechless, he couldn't do anything about it. The worst part is Ando has to watch his girlfriend get fucked by another guy in front of everyone, but he kinda deserves it.

Peirce and Sasha began to strip down their clothes in front of everyone. Sasha then started to make out with Peirce, I guess she really wants to get her revenge from Ando. Peirce then started to insert his cock inside of Sasha, and he began to thrust slowly, the both of them also started to talk dirty with each other, which I think is kinda hot, it's like real life porn. Peirce then started to thrust faster, and Sasha began to moan louder and louder.

Oh god, her moans are amazing, I'm so hard right now.

I looked over at Ando and he looks kinda mad. A few moments later Peirce finally creampied Sasha, and the two of them seemed to really enjoyed it. They then put back on their clothes and went back to their seats.

"Dude, are you ok?" I asked Ando in concern.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine…" Ando responded with a sad expression.

Peirce then joined the conversation and said, "Bro, your girlfriend is amazing."

What a dick move Peirce.

Ando with a very pissed face then tried to punch Peirce hard, but he was stopped by the sketchy man.

"I forbid fighting in the building." The sketchy man said.

"Bro, I'm sorry. I had to, I didn't want to get electrocuted." Peirce said to Ando.

Peirce just made another excuse again.

Anyways it is now Peirce's turn to spin the roulettes. Peirce spun both the roulettes. The first one said, "Perform anal with ____, for 6 points" and the second one said, "Hashy".

My mind went blank… I don't know what to feel in this situation… this is bad… I don't like this…

Hashy looked at me and said "August, I don't want to do it…"

Hearing her say that made me so happy. But then I realized, if she doesn't do it she'll get electrocuted, and since she's the one chosen by the roulette it will be twice as painful as the normal one… I don't want her to get hurt…

"Hashy... I don't want you to do it with another man, but if you don't you'll get electrocuted. And I don't want you getting hurt, and plus you might lose and get punished, I really don't want that." I said to Hashy.

"But August, you are the only one I want to do it with…" Hashy said with a sad expression.

"Hashy, I'd rather see you do it with another man than to see you get hurt. And besides, let's not let this ruin our love for each other."

"A-August…" Hashy said with a quiet voice.

"Come on, Hashy, are you ready?" Peirce asked.

"Go on, Hashy. Don't worry about me." I told Hashy with a smile.

"August, I will be thinking of you while performing the act." Hashy said with a cute smile on her face.

I love Hashy so much…

Hashy and Peirce then began to slowly take off their clothes. Peirce then tried to kiss Hashy, but Hashy moved away and said, "We are only going to perform the act, nothing more."

Peirce got kind of disappointed that he didn't get to kiss Hashy. I don't blame him for wanting to kiss Hashy, Hashy is a very beautiful woman.

The both of them are now naked and ready for anal. Seeing Hashy naked made my dick grow, but I'm sad that I'm not the one who gets to do the act with her. Hashy then began to bend over for the anal sex, and then Peirce slowly inserted his dick inside Hashy's asshole. Hashy let out a quiet moan, it was kinda cute. Peirce then began thrusting his hips. It looks like they're both enjoying it. I don't know what to feel right now. I'm kinda sad, but for some reason I'm still having a boner, do I like seeing this? I don't know anymore…


I'm getting fucked in the ass right now by someone who is not August, I don't like this, but it feels good. I've loved August for a long time now and hearing those things that he said to me, made me love him even more. August is a very nice person, he made me fuck another guy even though he loves me and doesn't want me to do it, just so I don't get hurt. I'm getting fuck by another man right now, but all I could think about is August. I wish August was the one fucking me right now… I bet it feels so much better when doing it with someone you love, especially if it's August, because he has a really big dick. If August gets a chance to fuck a different girl in this game, I will gladly let him, he deserves it.


Right now I'm watching the love of my life getting fucked in the ass by a guy that I don't really know much about. I don't like this, but why am I aroused?

Anyways, after some time has passed, Peirce finally ejaculated and the act was complete. Peirce and Hashy put back on their clothes and went back to their seats.

Hashy looked at me and said, "August, while I was performing the act, all I could think was you."

Hearing Hashy say that made me very happy, but I don't know for sure if what she is saying the truth. I want to believe what Hashy says is true, but trusting people isn't really my thing.

Peirce��s turn is now finished, meaning every one already spun the roulette. But there is still another round. Anyways, the score right now are; at last place with 4 points is Attey, and then me with 7.5 points, and with 8 points is Veevee, and tied with 9 points are Ando, Sasha and Peirce, and at the lead right now with 10.5 points is Hashy.

"This game is garbage! It only revolves around luck and willingness to do shit." Attey said with a pouty face.

"You're only saying that because you're in last place." Veevee said while laughing.

Attey and Veevee started to fight again for a while. But the sketchy man then appeared and said "Girls, please calm down. There is still another round to turn things around."

The both of them then started to calm down and went back to their seats.

It is now Attey's turn again. Attey then spun both the roulettes. The first one said, "Give ____ a deepthroat, for 6 points" and the second one said, "August".

Me? Attey is gonna give me a deepthroat? Oh crap, I'm kinda aroused right now just thinking about it. But wait, what if Hashy doesn't want me to… If she doesn't, I won't do it. Hashy is the only one for me.

"I-I'm gonna deepthroat August? But his dick is so big, I could die!" Attey said with a worried face.

"If you don't want to, you could just give him to me." Veevee said to Attey.

"You just shut up you fucking slut."


I'm still confused if I should do it or not. August's dick is huge and deepthroating it might kill me, but I also really want to try it. But it seems like August and Hashy are kind of a couple, and if I do it with August, I might become like that slut Veevee. And if I don't do it, I will get electrocuted… This game really sucks… I should ask Hashy first if she's ok with me sucking on August's dick.

"Hey, umm… Hashy, are you… umm… ok with me doing it with August?" I asked Hashy nervously.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok with it. After all, it's only fair since he did let me do it with another guy." Hashy responded.

Hashy seems ok with it, I guess I'll do it.

"Hey, August, are you ready?" I asked August.

"Umm…" August responded with nervousness and looked at Hashy.

"It's ok August. You should do it, I don't want you getting electrocuted." Hashy said to August with a smile.

And with that, August and I prepared to do the act. I then pulled August's pants down, reveling his underwear with a huge bulge. I then slowly removed his underwear, reveling his huge cock. It's so much bigger up close, it's longer than my face. I don't know if I can survive this… But seeing it makes me horny. I then started to stroke it a little. It feels so big and hard… will this even fit inside my mouth? I then started to put the tip of his dick inside my mouth, and slowly shove the rest of his dick down to my throat. His entire dick is now inside my mouth, it's very hard to breath. August then grabbed my head and pulled it back and forth like some sort of gym machine. The shape of my throat will never be the same again… His dick tastes so weird that it's addicting. I might get addicted to this even though it's really hard to breath, I want this to last longer…

August said, "I-I'm a-a-about t-to…. CUM!" and then he came inside my mouth.

August then pulled out his big cock out of my mouth. T-the taste of his cum is sooo good! I then swallowed it all. I want more, I wonder if he would let me suck on it again.

"That tasted really good, August." I said seductively, with a smile to August.

"Umm… I… I'm glad that you enjoyed it." August responded awkwardly.


That felt really great. I kinda wanna let her suck my dick again, but that may upset Hashy, and that's the last thing I want.

Anyways, Attey's turn is now finished, and now it's Ando's turn again. And so, Ando spun both the roulette. The first roulette said, "Perform cunnilingus on ____, for 5 points." and the second on said, "the latest person who spun the roulette", which means Ando has to lick Attey's pussy.

Ando looked over at Sasha, but Sasha just looks away and ignores him. Looks like they're fighting. Oh well, not my problem.

"Hey, Sasha. Can I have your permission to let Ando suck my pussy?" Attey asked.

Attey is more considerate than Veevee, she actually asks permission first.

"Sure. I don't care anymore." Sasha said with a depressed angry face.

Ando then just proceeds to go to Attey and strip her down to lick her pussy. Attey then sat down at the table naked, and spreads her legs to make Ando lick it. Ando then started to lick Attey' pussy like a kid having his first ice cream in a very long time. This act lasted a little while until Attey finally squirted.

Ando's turn was now over.

Next up is me, I then spun both the roulettes. The first roulette said, "Perform anal doggy style with ____ while spanking her ass, for 6 points." and the second one said, "Veevee".

So I'm gonna fuck Veevee in the ass? I've never had sex before, and my first experience will be anal? And it's with a horny nymphomaniac? I wanted my first time to be a nice wholesome time with Hashy… I then looked over at Hashy if she's ok with it, and she just nodded her head.

"I finally get to feel August's huge cock inside me." Veevee said, with a very horny face and a seductive tone.

Veevee then stripped her clothes down and bent over for me to bang her asshole.

"Come on, baby. I'm waiting." Veevee said, with another horny face and a seductive tone.

Oh god. Hearing her say those things, make my dick really hard… I then pulled out my cock, and then shoved it into her asshole. This feels nice and warm, and it is also surprisingly tight for a nymphomaniac. I then started to thrust my hips slowly, and began to move it faster and faster.

"Hya! Hya! F-faster! Ahh! F-faster! Hya!" Veevee moaned, suggesting me to go faster.

I then thrusted even faster, and then started to spank her asscheeks. I don't like hurting people…

Veevee screamed and said, "Spank me harder, daddy!"

Oh god. I guess she's a masochist. Well since she enjoys it, I might as well do what she says. So, I began spanker her harder, like an angry guy killing mosquitos. Veevee looks like she's drooling in extreme ecstasy. I can't take it anymore, I am about to ejaculate!

"I-I'm a-about t-" I tried to say that I'm about to cum, but I couldn't finish the sentence because I couldn't take it anymore, and just ejaculated inside her asshole.

I then pulled out my cock out of her asshole, and my cum was just pouring down from her asshole. I then put back my dick in my pants, and went back to my seat. Veevee was still in the ground naked, and saying she wants more.

"Hey, Veevee. Stand up, the act is finished" Sasha said to Veevee.

Veevee wouldn't stand up so, Sasha just decided to grab her and put her back to her seat. People then started to talk about my huge cock and how I have broken a nymphomaniac like Veevee. Anyways, my turn is now over and it's now Veevee's turn.

Oh god, she's still broken. Can she even spin the roulettes?

"Hey, slut. It's your turn." Attey said to Veevee.

"I know. So, shut up, bitch!" Veevee responded and went over to the roulettes.

Veevee the spun the roulettes. The first roulette said, "Perform the 69 position with ____ until you orgasm, for 5 points." And the second roulette said, "The person on your right".

The person on Veevee's right is Sasha. That means, I'm going to see some girl on girl action. I'm excited.

"Wait! I'm not into girls." Sasha mentioned, with a shocked face.

The sketchy man appeared and said, "You can always get electrocuted, if you want."

"F-fine, I'll do the act…"


Are we actually going to suck each other's genitalia? Veevee is a beautiful woman, but I've never been interested in girls. I guess sucking each other's pussy is better than getting electrocuted… I got no choice but to do it…

Veevee and I then started to perform the act in front of everyone. We both took off out clothes, and I laid down on the ground. Veevee then went on top of me and started licking my pussy. I then started moaning a little.

Hmm, it actually feels kind of good… Wait! What the hell am I thinking? I'm not interested in girls. Anyways, I too started to lick her pussy. It tastes kind of weird, but it's not bad… Wait! Don't think that!... I am straight! I am straight! I-I am straight. I-I a-am str-straight… God damn, this actually feels good…

I then started to lick her pussy even faster. Wait a minute, is that August's cum dripping from her asshole? It's dripping down to her pussy, I can taste it. Pussy and cum mixed together tastes so good. My mind is now broken… I can't think straight anymore…

After licking each other's pussy, the both of us then came. That was amazing… I hope we can do it again… And also I am no longer straight…


Damn that was hot. I got so erect just from watching them suck each other's pussy.

Anyways, it's now Hashy's turn.

Hashy spun both the roulettes. The first roulette said, "Let ____ touch you wherever until you orgasm, for 4 points." and the second one said, "Attey".

"So, I just have to grope Hashy until she cums?" Attey asked.

"That's right" The sketchy man answered.

"Wait, how come there's girl on girl action, but no guy on guy action?" Sasha asked the sketchy man.

"Well… I'm not really interested in watching guys having sex with each other." The sketchy man answered.

"By any chance, are you homophobic towards gay guys?" Sasha asked.

"What? No! I'm not homophobic. I don't have anything against gay guys, it's just, I don't like seeing guys fuck each other… it aint my thing." The sketchy guy explained, while sweating.

Well anyways, back to Hashy and Attey. Attey seems like she's excited to grope Hashy until she cums, but Hashy looks kinda scared. Well, it is understandable that Hashy is scared, I mean Attey has her rape face right now, everyone should be scared. Attey then grabbed Hashy, and then roughly stripped her clothes, like a very horny rapist.

"Don't worry, Hashy. I'll be gentle." Attey whispered to Hashy's ear, with a very creepy smile.

Attey then groped Hashy's tits slowly.

"Your tits are so squishy, Hashy." Attey said.

Attey then started to move her hand towards Hashy's pussy, and began to rub her clitoris.

"Hya! Attey stop! August, please help me!" Hashy yelled out.

I then responded with, "I'm sorry, Hashy. If I help you out, you might get electrocuted." I say this, but in reality, I actually really enjoy watching this. Am I a bad person?

Attey then continued rubbing Hashy's clitoris while groping Hashy's boob with her other hand. This has been going on for a while, until Hashy finally squirted.

I love girl on girl action, it makes me erect. Anyways, it's now Sasha's turn. Sasha spun both roulettes. The first roulette said, "Perform hardcore anal with ____, for 6 points" and the second one said, "The person of your choice".

This will be a good show. I thought to myself.

"Hey, Mister!" Sasha called out the sketchy man.

"What is it Miss Sasha?" The sketchy man replied.

"Do you have a dildo strapon?"

"Yes, I do. But why ask?"

"Can I borrow it?"

"Umm… Sure, I don't see why not."

The sketchy man then grabbed a dildo strapon, and handed it over to Sasha.

That's a huge dildo…

"Thanks." Sasha said, with a grin.

"So, why do you need that?" The sketchy man asked.

"Ohh, you'll see"

Sasha then called over Ando, and told him to bend over.

"S-Sasha, please don't!" Ando cried out.

"If you don't do this act with me, you will get electrocuted. And also you won't get any points, meaning you will be in last place. And then you will get punished, HAHAHAHA!" Sasha said, with a very scary smile on her face.

This won't be fun to watch… I thought to myself.

I won't go into too much details here… So, Ando bent over because he didn't have a choice, and the he got fucked hard in the ass by his girlfriend Sasha… It was fucking brutal… Ando was screaming like a girl giving birth for the first time ever…

Anyways, enough of that. Let us proceed to Peirce's turn. Peirce spun both the roulettes. The first roulette said, "Get a handjob from ____, for 4 points" and the second one said, "The person you find most attractive".

"So, who do you find most attractive" Sasha asks.

"Uhh… Sasha, please give me a handjob!" Peirce requested.

"Ehh! You mean, you find me the most attractive?"


"Alright then, show me your cock."

Ando with an angry face said, "Dude! She's my girlfriend!"

"Bro, I can't just lie on who I think is the most attractive. I'll get electrocuted." Peirce responded.

Anyways, Peirce pulled out his dick out of his pants. Sasha then touched it, and began to stroke it. It was a quick moment, Peirce came after a minute of Sasha stroking his cock.

And that was the last round of the roulette game. And the scores are; in last place with 13 points, is Peirce. And tied with 14.5 points, are Hashy and Attey. And with 16 points, is Veevee. And with 16.5 points, is me. And with 17 points, is Ando. And finally at first place, with 19.5 points, is Sasha.

"The game is now over, can we leave now?" I asked sketchy man.

"Not yet, there is still another game." The sketchy man said.

"And what about the reward and punishment?" Sasha asked.

"The reward and punishment is about the next game." The sketchy man answered.

"And, what is the next game?" Attey asked.

The sketchy man then explained the next game. From what I understand, the second game will be by pair. Each pair will get a room and fuck each other for 2 hours, and the pair who orgasms the most will be the winner. He will also give us a weird drug that makes us very fucking horny for 2 hours, it's basically a super Viagra. And he also said that the winner of the last game gets to choose who she/he wants to be paired with, while the others gets paired randomly. And the loser has to spin a mysterious roulette, the sketchy man said that the mysterious roulette determines who the loser is paired with. Since there are only seven of us, the sketchy man is probably going to add another person through that mysterious roulette.

Anyways, after the first game, the sketchy man gave us a little free time.

While waiting for the next game, Hashy and I started to get to know each other a little more. This was a very nice moment.

"August, c-can we have… s-sex?" Hashy asked nervously.

"Y-yeah!" I replied, with nervousness and excitement at the same time.

Hashy and I then went to a private room to have sexual intercourse. We then took off our clothes slowly. And then we began making out passionately.

"August, please take my virginity before anyone else does…" Hashy asked.

"Wait, you're still a virgin?" I asked Hashy.

"Y-yeah, I am. Since I was only fucked in the ass, I didn't actually lose my virginity."

"I've only fucked someone in the ass too, I don't know if that counts as me losing my virginity or not. But I have never fucked someone in the pussy before, so this is going to be my first time."

I then inserted my cock inside Hashy's pussy slowly. And we just started to have sex passionately. We will forever remember this moment. After we finished having sex, we just had many great conversations, until it's time for the next game.

The sketchy man then gathered everyone together to start the next game.

"Miss Sasha, since you are the winner of the first game, you get to choose your partner. So, who do you choose?" The sketchy man asked.

"I choose-" Sasha said, and turned her head towards Ando.

"I knew you would choose me, babe." Ando said, with a smile.

"I didn't say I would choose you."


"I choose August."

What?! Sasha chooses me?! She has to be joking right? If she's not joking, that means, I lost my chance to be paired up with Hashy. And Ando might fucking hate me now, but I am kinda flattered to be chosen by Sasha.

"What?! You're choosing August over me? Your own boyfriend." Ando said, with a very angry face.

He probably fucking hates me now.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm choosing your best friend over you." Sasha said to Ando, with a pouty face.

I wonder, why me? I didn't really interact with Sasha in the party, or even outside the party. We're not close at all, I barely even speak with her. Is it because of my dick? Or does she just wants to fuck her boyfriend's best friend, so that she can piss him off.

The sketchy man then pressed a button to see who is paired up with who.

And the pairs will be; Veevee x Attey and Ando x Hashy. And since Sasha chose me, I am paired up with her. And also Peirce has to spin the mysterious roulette to get a partner.

"What the fuck! Why am I paired up with this slut?!" Attey yelled out.

"I should be the one complaining, you bitch." Veevee said to Attey.

"How can I even orgasm, when my partner is you?!"

Veevee and Attey are fighting again. I would love to see them have sex, too bad we all get private rooms.

Anyway, Peirce went over to the mysterious roulette.

"Please be a hot babe. Please be a hot babe. Please be a hot babe." Peirce prayed.

Peirce then spun the mysterious roulette.

I feel a dramatic tension watching Peirce spin that roulette.

And then the mysterious roulette said, "Tentacle Girl". And then the other names appeared in the roulette, so that Peirce can see what else he could have gotten. There were 7 different options, including the "Tentacle girl". The other 6 were; Muscular Dominatrix Werewolf Girl, Rocky Slime, Old Female Ogre, Creepy Haunted Doll and Centaur Girl.

"Tentacle Girl? What?" Peirce said in confusion.

The sketchy man then introduce Peirce to the Tentacle Girl.

"H-hello, I'm Shoku." The Tentacle girl introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Peirce!" Peirce introduced himself to the Tentacle Girl, with a very loud voice.

I'm not sure if Peirce is scared of Shoku or if he's just excited to have sex with her.

A few moments later, the sketchy man handed us over some of that horny drug, and then we all went to our private rooms.

"Hey Umm… Sasha, before we start, why did you choose me instead of Ando?" I asked Sasha curiously.

"I chose you because… Umm… Because you confronted Ando on why he would have sex with another girl, even though he has me. And you actually seem like you care about my feelings, unlike that jerk Ando. And I just want to thank you for that." Sasha explained.

She actually noticed that? First I thought she just chose me for my cock, or piss off Ando. I guess I was wrong.

"I just don't want girls like you to be sad, that's all."

"August, you're actually a really nice guy. First I thought you were just some creepy loner."

Creepy loner? Is that what people think of me? Well whatever…

"So Sasha, should we begin?"

"Y-yeah, alright."

And so, Sasha and I then swallowed the drug that the sketchy man gave.

Oh crap, my dick is growing… My thoughts are now filled with lewd stuff…

"A-August… I-I'm wet…" Sasha said, with a very red horny face.

Holy shit! Sasha looks like she's 5x hotter than before. Fuck, I really wanna bang her right now. Crap I'm really losing my mind… This is some strong drug.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I ripped off Sasha's clothes like a madman. And began making out with her.

"Sasha, I-I'm sorry!"

I then pulled out my cock, and then I shoved it inside Sasha's pussy. I then thrusted my hips really fast. Crap, this feels fucking good…

"A-August… Y-your c-cock is so big! Ahh!" Sasha moaned, while I banged her hard.

"S-Sasha, your pussy feels so good."

"A-August, y-your cock… Ahh… f-feels better than Ando's."

Did she just compared my dick to Ando's? I feel kinda bad for Ando, but currently, Ando's fucking Hashy right now… So I don't wanna feel bad for him.

"S-Sasha, I'm a-about to c-cum!" I said, while holding back my cum.

"C-cum inside me!" Sasha yelled out.

So I came inside her. Wait a minute, my dick is still hard and I'm still horny. Fuck, I still wanna fuck her. Even though I just came, I still continued thrusting my hips.

"Sasha, I'm sorry… Errh… I can't control myself…"

"D-don't… Ahh… worry about it, A-August. Please continue… I want more of your cock inside me… Hya!"

Ah shit! Her saying that, made me even hornier. And so, I came inside her again.

"Sasha, is it ok if I use your asshole?"

"Yeah, you can use every part of my body." Sasha said, very seductively.

Good, ever since I saw her asshole, I've always wanted to try it out.

I then bent her over and shoved my cock inside her little pink asshole. I then came inside her and we kept changing our sex positions. From doggy style to cowgirl, from paizuri to cunnilingus, from 69 to carrying, and so many other positions. Damn… I'm cumming so much, I feel like a fucking hentai protagonist.

While we are fucking, we were also talking.

"Sasha, your body feels so good…"

"A-August, I-I think I am f-falling in love with you…"

Sasha is falling in love with me? No… this isn't love, she's just being controlled by her lust.

"S-Sasha, keep in mind, w-we are under the effect of that weird drug."

"I-I know… but sex isn't the only thing that is making me fall in love with you… I'm also f-falling in love with you b-because… y-you actually seem to care about my feelings, even though we're not that close. And… I-I just want to get to know you a little more…"

Sasha actually loves me? And it's not because of lust? Being loved feels good… But wait, I already love Hashy… I won't abandon her because of this stupid game.

"S-Sasha… I-I'm sorry… I already love someone else…"

"I-is it Hashy?"

"Y-yeah… I'm sorry."

"W-why don't you just l-love me instead? I promise t-to try my best to make you h-happy…"

"I-I'm really sorry, S-Sasha… Hashy and I already love each other, and we won't let anything ruin our relationship. I really appreciate that you say you love me, but I won't betray Hashy just because of that… We are only having sex with other people because we don't have any other choice. Hurting one another is the one thing we really want to avoid. That's how much we love each other…"

"A-August… You're a really nice person… I envy Hashy for having someone like you…"

And so, Sasha and I kept fucking while we talk about things.


*Few minutes before everyone went to their private rooms*

Why do I have to be paired up with that slut? Well whatever… there's nothing I can do about it. It's not like I'm excited to have sex with her or anything… I just don't have a choice.

"Hey, bitch! That weird man is calling us." That slut Veevee said.

"Alright, I'm coming." I replied.

We both then went over to that weird old man. I wonder what he wants.

"I have something to give you." The weird old man said to me and Veevee.

"What is it?" I asked.

The weird old man then gave me a strange pill and said, "When you're about to have sex in the private rooms, please consume this along with that drug I gave you earlier."

I wonder what this pill is. But before I could ask the old guy, he just vanished. Well, whatever.

A few moments later, everyone went to their private rooms.

"Hey, slut. Let's just get this over with, and eat this drug the old dude gave us." I said to the slut.

"You seem excited to fuck me." That slut Veevee said.

"Wh-what?! It's not that I'm excited about this or anything, I just want to get this over with… Hmph!"

And so, we both consumed the drug, and I also consumed that strange pill.

Shit, I'm getting horny… Fuck, why am I fantasizing about fucking that slut…?

"H-hey… bitch… I-I don't want to do this, but…" The slut said, and then she kissed me.

I'm kissing with someone I really hate right now, but why does it feel so good… we are both twirling our tongues around each other's tongues, it feels so good… And hugging her like this feels so warm… Her body is so soft and squishy… I think I now understand why my ex-boyfriend fucked her… Wait! No! What the fuck am I thinking! This is all the drug's doing… right?

Wait a minute… I feel something growing in my pussy… What the hell?! It's getting harder.

"H-hey, slut… I-I f-feel something g-growing down my underwear…" I said to the slut, with a quiet voice.

The slut then touched the bulge in my underwear and said "Oh my, it feels big and hard…"

She then took off my underwear, and saw a big cock growing inside my pussy.

"What the fuck?! Is this the effect of that pill?�� I asked in panic.

"Oh my… It's so big…" The slut said, and began stroking it.

"H-hey! W-what a-are you d-doing… Ahh…"

Holy fuck! This feels fucking good! So this is what having a dick feels like…

The slut then started sucking on my dick. Oh shit! Her mouth is so nice and warm…

"I-I'm a-about to c-cum!" I warned the slut.

I warned the slut, but she still kept sucking, until I came inside her mouth. She then swallowed it all. Even though I just came, I'm still fucking horny. So, I stripped the slut and fucked her hard.

"God damn it! W-why do you feel so fucking good?" I accidentally asked the slut.

"Y-your cock… Hya… feels fucking good too, y-you bitch!" the slut responded.

After that, I came again, and again and again and again… We were fucking like wild animals non-stop for 2 hours…


*Right after when everyone went to the private rooms*

I wish I was paired up with August… But Sasha chose him… I wonder why? I kinda feel bad for Ando, his own girlfriend didn't choose him.

"Hey, Ando. Are you alright?" I asked Ando, in concern for his wellbeing.

"Yeah… I'm fine…" Ando replied.

"You don't have to worry about Sasha choosing August over you. I think she's just trying to show you that she is mad at you."

"Hashy… listen…"

"Umm… yeah? What is it?"

"Hashy, I've always wanted to fuck with you, but since August has a thing for you, I held back because I didn't want to ruin my friendship with him… And since August is currently fucking Sasha right now, I won't hold back on fucking you anymore!"

After hearing Ando say that, I got speechless for a moment. Ando then pinned me down to the ground and forced me to consume the drug, and he then forced his lips onto my lips and we began to make out.

This drug is making me very horny… Why am I getting horny towards Ando? And why does his kiss feel so good? This is not right… I don't like this…

"A-Ando… st-stop…" I said, with a quiet voice.

"I'm sorry, Hashy… You're making me too horny, with that cute face of yours. I can't contain my lust any longer!" Ando shouted, and then started stripping down my clothes.

Ando then pulled out his dick and shoved it inside my vagina. He then began to thrust his hip really fast, while making out with me.

W-why does this feel so good?! No… I can't think that… my thoughts right now is because of the drug.

"S-so, Hashy. Does it f-feel good?" Ando asked, while fucking me.

"N-no… No it d-doesn't… Ahh!" I lied, while getting fucked.

"Ok then." Ando said, and pulled out his dick.

Wait, why is he pulling out his dick? We haven't orgasmed yet.

"W-why did you pull it out?" I asked.

"Because you said you didn't enjoy it." Ando answered.

I was speechless. I didn't know what to do, I was still very horny.

"If you want to fuck, then beg for it." Ando said, with a smug face.

He's making me beg for sex? I don't want to beg for sex with a guy other than August. Ando is such a jerk, but I'm very horny right now…

"A-Ando… please… f-fuck… m-me…" I said, with a quiet voice.

"What was that? Can you speak louder please? I can't hear you."

"A-Ando, please fuck my pussy hard!" I said, while spreading my legs to show Ando my wet pussy.

"Now that's what I like to hear."

Ando then inserted his dick back in my pussy and began thrusting again.

"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Faster! Faster! Fuck me harder!" I moaned, and gave in to my lust.

"H-Hashy, your pussy feels so good." Ando asked.

"A-Ando… please m-make out with me…" I asked Ando, with a horny face.

Ando then put his lips onto mine, and he then stick his tongue inside my mouth. It feels so good!

Later, Ando laid down in the bed naked, saying that he needs a little rest from all that thrusting. But his dick was still hard and standing. And because at this time, I am overcome with lust, I jumped on top of him and began riding his cock like a horse. It felt so good.

"H-Hashy… Th-this feels fucking good…"

And so, we continued fucking and fucking, until the drugs wore off.


*During Shoku's introduction to Peirce*

So I spinned that weird fucking roulette, and it says, "Tentacle girl"? I don't know what the hell that is, but if she's a hot chick, then it's all good.

The tentacle girl then appeared and introduced herself, "Hey, I'm Shoku."

"Hey, I'm Peirce!" I introduced myself energetically.

Hmm, she looks like a cute chick, but what the hell is she wearing? Is that some sort of cosplay or something? Well whatever, cute chicks are cute chicks. I wanna bang her right now.

*During when everyone went to their private rooms*

Wow, this room looks nice. That cute girl will be here soon, I better make myself look good. And few minutes later the cute girl arrived.

"Heyyy, Shoku. How's it goin?" I asked coolly.

"Umm, it's… going fine." Shoku answered nervously.

"Anyway, what's with that weird costume?"

"C-costume? I'm not wearing any costume…"

"Y-you're not? Then what about this?" I said, while I grabbed one of her tentacle.

"St-stop it… it tickles…"

"Wait?! You mean this is a part of your body?" I asked in complete shock.

"Y-yeah… so, do you want to begin now?"

S-so, that was part of her body huh? Well, it doesn't matter what she is, as long as she's cute, she's bangable.

"Alright then, let's eat that drug."


The two of us then ate that weird shit, the ugly guy gave us. And damn, that made me fucking horny. Oh shit, my dick is so fucking hard right now, I feel like I can fuck the entire world.

Shoku then grabbed my arms and legs with her slimy tentacles, and then she lifted me up.

"Shoku, w-what are you doing? Put me down."

"I'm s-sorry Mr. Peirce… But I want to drink your semen!" Shoku yelled out, and sucked my dick.

I can't move my arms or legs… But getting sucked in the dick like this, feels kinda good.

I then came inside her mouth, and she just swallowed it and continued to suck on my cock again, until I came over and over again. After I came so much in her mouth, she putted me down and began riding on my dick with her little pussy, while hugging me with her slimy tentacles. It felt so weird, but so fucking good at the same time. I then came so much inside her, but I was still fucking hard and horny.

Shoku then grabbed my arms and legs again with her slimy tentacles, but this time, she slowly inserted a slimy tentacle up my asshole.

"H-hey! W-what are you d-doing?!" I asked in fear.

"I just want to be inside you, Mr. Pierce."

"P-Please… stop tha-" While I was talking, Shoku placed a tentacle inside my mouth.

Shoku then started moving her tentacles inside me. I'm not gonna lie, it actually feels kinda good…

And then we kept fucking each until the drug wore off.


*After the drugs wore off*

2 hours has finally passed, and the second game is finished. Everyone then went out of their private rooms.

"Can we all leave now?" I asked the sketchy man.

"Not yet, we're still going to see which pair orgasmed the most." The sketchy man replied.

The sketchy man then showed us a board containing the number of orgasms everyone had.

1st Sasha- 66 August- 57 Total- 123

2nd Attey- 62 Veevee- 59 Total- 121

3rd Peirce- 70 Shoku- 48 Total- 118

4th Ando- 61 Hashy- 56 Total- 117

Damn! That's a lot of orgasms under 2 hours. How the fuck are we still alive?

I looked over at Peirce, and he and Shoku seem like they're getting along really well. I guess he really enjoys tentacle girls.

I then talked to Hashy.

"Hashy, how was your experience with the last game?" I asked.

"August, I'm sorry for enjoying having sex with another man" Hashy apologized.

"Hashy, you don't have to apologize. We were all under the effect of that drug, we all enjoyed our time. But, let's not ruin our relationship because of that."

"You're right! Our love for each other is strong, and our lust won't break that."

Even though Hashy and I just had sex with other people, our relationship for each other just got stronger, because our love isn't fragile and easily shattered because of our lust.

We all discussed our sexual experiences and after that, the sketchy man released the nanobots out of our bodies and then he let us go.

And the sketchy man said that he lied about the rewards and punishment at the end. His plans were just to watch a bunch of people fuck each other.

After all that, Hashy and I became a real couple. And Ando and Sasha broke up and went their separate ways. Attey and Veevee became sex friends and took some of that pill that gives you a dick. Peirce brought Shoku with him in the real world and I think they are dating.

-The End