Chereads / I'm the Actual Villainess / Chapter 9 - Sirius

Chapter 9 - Sirius

Day five


Monday xx xxxx


Kryta had about another hour before school ended. She forgot about the clubs and just decided to open a random door, that door led her outside.

The air was so fresh despite there being no plant life. And to think this whole dome surrounding Deaor filters the air from outside to this! Kryta inhaled and praised the people of this world or rather future.

As she walked on the marble glass floor of the outside she looked at the fence around the school and some other minor buildings. Kryta eventually encountered a large glass dome but smaller than the one surrounding Deaor. She walked over with great interest and hummed some songs she heard on television.

It's quite odd though, she wouldn't have seen it if she hasnt went gone a great distance from the school. That would also explain the lack of students knowing that she notices how far she walked.

The closer she got she noticed it was a garden or was it a greenhouse? It almost resembles a jungle with many fruit trees, flowers, shrubs, vines, and is that a hibiscus she sees? Now Kryta really wants to get inside, she hasn't seen any plant life she woken up.

Kryta went around the dome searching for a door or something. She eventually found two glass doors.

She reached to open it but someone else beat her to it and opened it from the inside.

Surprised Kryta stumbled back. She looked at the person and thought, how did she not see him? The walls and door is glass, how did she not see him? It could perhaps be that she was taller than most people, about six feet.

The person in front of her was male, he seemed slightly older than her. He had navy colored hair with these lovely honey like eyes. He also had pale skin but not as pale as her.

"And you are?" Kryta asked. Normally she would speak out with an authoritative voice and stance but seeing how things were going with people so far that may not be the best approach. Right now she'll hold back and see how he reacts. If he responds positively she may be able to sound genuine when apologizing to Marshal and mend her relationship with Reinhardt and Salem.

"Sirius...My name is Sirius," Sirius responded, "and you?"

He seemed to become less nervous but still tense.

"I most commonly known as Emily Thomas but I prefer to be called Kryta"

Sirius nervously smiled at Kryta and asked, "Would you like to come inside? It's quite nice"

Kryta nodded and followed him in. Inside was much better. It felt humid and sticky but it was nice. The trees look very lovely with their bright green leaves and small little fruits. The ground had brown colored pavement. There were some bricks acting as a small border to separate the plant from the traill. Sirius began showing her around, naming the different types of flowers and trees, showing Kryta some insects that inhabit the greenhouse.

Kryta eventually saw the hibiscus flower from earlier. She quickly rushed over and kneed, not caring about dirtying her tights. She couldn't help but admire the light pink colored flower. 

The hibiscus flower was one the first pretty things she really ever owned when she was younger. It was the first and only pretty thing given to her out of affection by her parents. Though her parents didn't love her at all, Kryta herself did still love them quite a lot.

Sirius saw Kryta's excitement when she saw flowers. He looked at her closely and chuckled.

"Hey! How bout' I give you some hibiscus?" Sirius asked her. She isn't as scary or mean as he thought she was, it was quite the opposite really.

"You will? You really will?" Kryta asked, turning to him. Sirius grinned and nodded at her.

"Y-Yes! Will you?"

People did like her better when she toned down her voice and controlled her words. It was however, very uncomfortable and hurt to a certain extent but it was worth it if people reacted like Sirius did.

"You really grew these all yourself?" Kryta asked in astashement.

Sirius had taken Kryta out of the greenhouse to help with a flower pot for the hibiscus. After he dug up one of the flowers for her and planted it in the pot Kryta chose. Currently Kryta and Sirius sit in one of the areas with some tables and seats.

Sirius chuckled a bit, "No, no, I mean I did grow some of the younger plants but I couldn't have grown the bigger fruit trees in the past four years!"

Kryta held the flower pot and thought how dumb she was.

"That makes much more very much sense," Kryta said leaning back into her chair, "Very much more sense"

"You should smile more, it's way cuter on you than those glares you give out," Kryta proceeded to glare in return, Sirius just nervously laughed, "Seriously! You'll get wrinkles if you keep furrowing your eyebrows like that.

Kryta glared and smiled looking like an evil menacing villain. Sirius laughed out loud at her response. Kryta looked at him, smiled and laughed though not as loud as him.

As the two kept talking, fighting, laughing, Kryta felt something she never felt before, a sense of comfort and...that sense of attention, affection, and green? Green!? Yeah green! A sense of green I guess!

This green feeling along with the actual genuine attention from someone, it almost drowned her. As much as craved it almost like a drug it was very much drowning, suffocating, deafening for her to handle. It really did scare her and despite her current height Sirius seemed so much bigger than she had originally thought.

Kryta quickly stood up with plant in hand, "I have to go"

She grabbed her bag in her free arm and ran out. Sirius would have stood up but he had to stay to look after the plants. He sighed as he stood up and looked at the direction Kryta had runoff.

"Stop being such a hypocrite"


End of part two