Once Declan walked out the door, he knew this world was a whole lot different.
He remembered that the Hospital was about two miles to his right. With his katana in hand he started his venture.
As he was walking he saw creatures straight out of a fairytale. The first creature he cam across was a werewolf. He decided that until he couldn't avoid it he would not fight anyone or anything.
He saw other supernatural creatures such as windigos and kanima. His super speed let him arrive very quickly.
Once he arrived he realized there was no way he was going to get in without a fight.
He dashed straight into the mass of creatures and slashed at anything in his way.
Once he saw the doors he used his speed and got there almost immediately.
Once he was safe inside he walked through the reception area. While there he found a map. There was a storage closet at the end of the second hall he decided to go to.
But before he could make his way there he heard a scream.