"The goddess that did not seem to agree was Ektarva. The goddess of darkness, sorrow and pain. She was the youngest of all the celestials, she was so young, that she haven't even grown a soul yet like the others. She did not like the fact that these tiny, puny things called 'Man' and 'Woman' were supposed to be far more superior than all the other creations because she planned to create creatures far better and stronger than those small, wretched things."
"But of course, she was only one goddess. And if Luminosa can get everyone to help each other in creating wonderful things, she can coax the others to go behind Theall's back to create powerful creatures that far surpass 'Man' and 'Woman'. The first one she coaxed was Aquonous."
"She went up to his side and said
'Greetings, Aquonous. You seem deep in thought.' to which Aquonous responded happily back.
'Why yes. I am thinking of making another creature you see! It's a lot like 'Man' and 'Woman' but they have the pleasure of living their whole life on water! They can breathe in it, live in it, talk to the other creatures in it, and maybe I can even give them the most beautiful voices ever heard!' she gave him a forced smile as she could care less about what it was he was making."
"But, Ektarva was a cunning goddess and knew she needed to pretend that she's interested. And so, she went on with her devious charade.
'That sounds like a splendid idea! What would you name them?' he held his lifeless creations up to her so she could see them.
'This one is 'Mermaid' and this one would be 'Merman'. Don't they look wonderful?' she pushed the lifeless, disgusting fish, fused with 'Man' and 'Womans' upper torso away from her face.
'Yes, yes they're quite lovely. But, don't you think that be giving all those abilities, they will be superior to 'Man' and 'Woman'?'
"'Really? How so?' she shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms.
'Well, when you think about it. 'Man' and 'Woman' can only swim in the sea, as it was the gift you gave them. You never gave them the ability to breathe and live in it nor the ability to talk to all the other sea creatures you made. Why?'
'Well, because it would be unfair to Faunaera (goddess of all land creatures) and Ethertha. They wanted 'Man' and 'Woman' to live on earth to also enjoy their other creations. And besides, 'Man' as well as 'Woman' can't understand the languages of the land creatures that Faunaera created.'
'Yes, that is true. But, Aquonous can't you see? These creatures can live on land, breathe on land, run on land, enjoy land. What can they do on the ocean? Swim a little for a few minutes before gasping for the air that Amihanthro (god of air) created? You know...for me personally, I think these creatures you made have every right to be created as well! I mean look at them. Aren't they wonderful?'
"Aquonous had stared upon his creations with great thought and found himself convinced by Ektarva's words. He did not know that he had simply fallen victim to her elaborate plan."
'You know, maybe you're right. But, even if you are. How can I give life to my creations? Only Theall can breathe life upon them.'
'I know I am right. And I will show you, my friend.'
"And so, Ektarva asked if he could borrow his creations for a little while. She waited until Theall was fast asleep and held the creations over his mouth as he slept. As Theall slept, he breathed out to the two creatures that Aquonous created. And so, the creatures have been given life."
"She convinced all the other gods and goddesses as well. She convinced Faunaera to create a woodland creature with the torso of 'Man' and the lower half of a goat. She had named him 'Satyr'. She also convinced Ethertha to create a creature made of rock and earth, she called it a 'Mountain Giant'. She took all of their creations and held them right in front of Theall as he slept, unconsciously breathing life to all the creations that the other gods and goddesses wanted to create."
"And all of these creations they had made were superior in 'Man' and 'Woman' in many ways. They had the ability to create magic, was larger than them, stronger than them, smarter than them, and had numerous physical as well as magical abilities they can never attain."
"Ektarva herself was making her own creations. She created a troll, a sea serpent, with the help of Aquonous, a giant, a dark fairy and many other numerous dark creatures but to this day, her proclaimed magnum opus was the dragon. She created it with the help of Vulcamarion, the god of fire."
"But of course, Theall soon found out about the creatures they had created. All the gods and goddesses that created creatures that far surpassed 'Man' and 'Woman', begged Theall not to destroy their creations. But, Ektarva merely gave him a challenging glare."
'Is this how you treat us and our creations? Just because we created them to be far superior, you're just going to destroy them just like that? If so, why didn't you just make those puny, stupid things stronger in the first place!' she said as she fumed. They all thought that Theall would destroy their beloved creations."
"Ektarva, please calm. I will not destroy your creations. They are all very beautiful indeed. I will let them live in Stelera as my condition still holds true. None of these creatures you have created are far superior to 'Man' and 'Woman'. he said with a booming voice as all the gods and goddesses were either shocked or confused about his statement. Ektarva most of all."
"What do you mean they are 'far superior'!? Look at this! Look at all the things I made!!! They are far more superior! Look at them!!!" Ektarva was enraged as she wanted nothing more for her creations and her creatures alone to be superior."
"No, my child. This creatures you and your fellow celestials have made, are inferior. As unlike 'Man' and 'Woman', they do not have a soul."