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Blair (Guardian Series Book One)

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She doesn't want to be a Guardian... not again. Five years after her beloved's murder, twenty-six year old Blair Nelson from the FBI's Fifth Division vowed to never become a Guardian again. Her supervisor lieutenant sends her down to Santa Fe, New Mexico to assist the FBI with their ongoing case - keeping watch of their witness. Blair meets one on one with a woodland elf, Altin, who has been in holding at the Division of the Tenth. She learns that she must be a Guardian to Altin after he has been severely injured from a traitorous elf. Upset that she is a Guardian once again, her heart has yet betrayed her for wanting to be closer to Altin. Can Blair let the past go and become a Guardian for Altin or will she let herself go and fail everyone; including herself?

Chapter 1 - Chapter One

The Guardian - A title that is given only to a human who has been assigned a special duty to protect a creature that is not from human law, whether they are friends, family or a beloved. This law was created by The Division of the Tenth, an underground organization that allows humans and nonhuman creatures to join and live together with lifetime protection, in an exchange that the two are to fight for the Division to keep Earth from being overrun by nonhuman or human beings that threaten to darken the world.


The alarm blares loudly, waking up twenty-six year old Blair Nelson in her studio apartment in Washington, DC. She turns, groggy and slams her hand down on the alarm clock. Successfully knocking it down, not so much turning it off. She sits up and grabs the alarm clock that landed on the oak floor and shuts it off. The brunette sets it back on the dresser and sitting on it is a picture of a younger Blair with a male that has long, curly brunette hair that covers his ears and brown eyes, embracing each other with the Statue of Liberty behind them with random sightseers. She notices the picture and sadly smiles. The memory of that day still drives her to insanity.



Her beloved went outside and towards the lake to do late evening fishing. He fiddles his pant pocket to see the engagement ring that he planned to propose to Blair later in the evening. The pair met when Blair was sixteen. Blair was inside, packing their suitcases leaving out only the essentials before they return home in the morning. Blair was not only her beloved's girlfriend... she was also his Guardian.

When she first met him, his name was Matthew. Matthew's true name and form was Salan who previously was from the Wild Elf clan. He ran away from home with the goal to explore the world with the humans. He was able to change his appearance as a human to blend in and he was accepted. The day that he met Blair was one that changed his life.



In his human persona he notices her, Blair was in the library studying for her upcoming ACT test to attend her dream university in Washington, DC. She wears tight blue jeans with brown low heel ankle boots and a tight white T-shirt with blue jean jacket. Without her shoes, she may be five foot, eight inches. Her long, brunette hair is straight that is in a half up ponytail and has light makeup on.

Salan couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She's so young and he was WAY over her age. Even though he was over two hundred years old, his human persona resembles an eighteen year old. He swallows his pride and walks up to her. She turns toward him and before he could stop, they collide with each other and they fall on the floor. The book flies in his direction and smacks him in the face, he falls on his back.

Blair rubs her lumbar area and stares at the student that crashed into her. He wears baggy brown pants and white shoes and baggy grey and black stripe T-shirt. His hair was long, brown and curly and it reaches down to his neck. He sits up and the book falls down from his lap and his caramel eyes meets her sky blue eyes. Her eyes widens at his appearance. His tan skin makes her pale skin jealous.

"Are you okay?" She asks. He rubs his head with his hand.

"Yeah, thanks. Sorry... are you okay? It was my fault; I didn't pay attention." He stands up and he holds his hand out, she places her hand on his and he helps her up. He bends down and picks up the book and gives it to her.

"I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?" She whispers to him. He looks away, feverishly.

"Uh, yeah. I came here last week." She smiles at the new student.

"I'm Blair Nelson." The boy thinks of a name that sounds normal and not elfin as it would bring suspicion to himself. He looks at the book that he's holding and notices an author name of Matthew Thomas. Okay, got the Matthew part... but I can't use Thomas! His eyes quickly scan and pulls the first last name he notices - Koontz. Perfect!

"Uh, um... Matt-Matthew. I'm Matthew Koontz."



Matthew (or Salan) and Blair have been spending a few years together as close friends. Blair could tell that the other students were looking at Matthew usually weird and she could feel it in her bones that something was off with him, yet he didn't pose as someone who would threaten other students; even a fly as a matter of fact.

By the time Blair graduated high school, she noticed that Matthew's name wasn't even on the graduating list. Her suspicions were brought on as well as how Matthew hasn't aged like how the other students have.

The night of graduation, she was attending Project Graduation were graduating students are all together in the school overnight. She notices Matthew by the gym doors, ready to leave not before he gives her a smile and a thumbs up. Blair runs to her locker where her book bag and personal items are there, ready to be picked up. She takes off her cap and gown placing it next to her bag, underneath, she's wearing a black, sleeveless cocktail dress and she's barefoot. Being a good distance away from the school, she chases after Matthew and catches up to him and shouts his name as he is about to enter a cave by the railroad.

"Matthew!" He stops and turns. His eyes widen. She is the one, he thought.

"Blair... why did you follow me?"

"I didn't see your name on the graduation list. What happened?" He lightly chuckles at her.

"Have you not noticed? I didn't carried any books or assignments with me. Even when you and the other students went to the required meetings with your counselors, haven't you noticed that I didn't need to attend the meetings? It was as if no one noticed me." Blair's brain starts to recap that she's never seen him in any of those all student assemblies or meetings with homeroom teachers and counselor.

"Wait... do you even go to this school? Are you from the rival school? Who are you?"

"Blair Nelson... your pure heart has shown me that not all humans are bad; my clan was wrong." Her face becomes puzzled now.

"Humans? Clan? What are you talking about?" She wants to be mad, but somehow, her heart is telling her no. Her heart beats differently when she sees and speaks with Matthew compared to the other boys in her class.

"You deserve to know the truth. My name is not Matthew." Her eyes widen. "I need you to keep your eyes on me, okay?" Her eyes narrow as her mouth slightly opens. She can only nod.

The boy breathes in and out as loose flower petals swirl around him, the wind picks up yet it's not the natural wind. He is creating the wind. Blair's hair sways in the breeze, she wraps her arms around her body as she shakes in chills. Yet, her eyes never left him.

His appearance changes in front of her eyes. He got a tad taller than her, about six foot; his short curly brunette hair is now straight and long as it reaches towards the mid of his back. His tan skin's still present, his ears become pointy and his eyes are golden. He looks more close to his middle twenties rather than a teenager. Blair's eyes widen at his new form. He now wears a long white sleeved shirt that is created with linen and an elven male robe that is dark green with grey trimming. He wears grey pants and a gold satin belt ties around his waist.

The petals sway down to the ground and the wind dies down. The elf creature sees her goosebumps on her arms.

"My name is Salan. And I am from the Wild Elf clan. I was destined to be a soldier for the Prince of the clan, but I chose to run away and I disguised myself as Matthew to be closer and to grow with the humans." Blair lost her words. She couldn't speak. She was still in shocked. She knew of the Wild Elf clan, but didn't think that one would be walking along side her.

Salan was happy... because she didn't run away from him.

"Blair, you are such an amazing, young woman. I haven't seen any human women like you. You have such dreams and potentials that it has inspired me too. I've fallen in love with you, Blair." His voice changed into a deep, medium tone sounding mature.

"Salan..." She looks down to her feet that is being bathed by the mud and loose grass. She looks back up again. "Why would you lie to me like that? It's been two years. And all this time, I fell in love with Matthew." Salan's eyes grew wide in shock. He looks away, disappointed. "But..." He looks back at her. "That would make sense why others would act so suspicious around you. Are you... still the same? Aside from being an elf... are you still the same? All of those other things about you... are the same?"

"Yes. I never lied to you about anything else. Especially my affections for you. I would be lying to myself if I say that I cannot love any mortals. I love you." Blair's face turns pink from Salan's confession. She gulps. "Can you still love me?" She walks closer to him to get a better look at his face. Noticing that she is still shaking, he takes his robe off and places it on her shoulders. She notices how tight his shirt is, revealing his muscles on his abs and arms. The robe smells of wood and rain. She nods her head at him.

"Salan..." Her hands reach slowly up to his face. She stops, and looks directly at his eyes. He nods and she places her hands softly on each side of his face. He closes his eyes in relaxation of her touch. She lightly smiles and lightly places a soft kiss on his lips, closing her eyes. His hands land on her hips. She breaks away, but not too far from him. "I love you."

Needless to say, she didn't return back to school that night.


A week after Blair's confession, she meets Salan by the railroad tracks in his elfin form. He looks as he is on alert.


"Stay behind me." He turns to the left and he pushes her back and they see a man dressed in black walking towards the pair. He has slick black hair, with a shaved face and pitch black sunglasses. He is holding a red, thin binder under his right arm. He stops, close about twelve feet from Salan and Blair.

"Is Blair Serena Nelson with you, Wild Elf?" She steps aside next to him, Salan's arm is still out, wanting to shield her from any danger.

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Xan. I am from the Division of the Tenth. You have been reached to us under the circumstance that you have declared your love for Salan, the Wild Elf soldier that abandoned his clan."

"Wha - have you been spying on me!?" She raises her voice, Salan growls at Xan that his beloved's privacy was invaded.

"It's the Division's classified information."

"What are you wanting with Blair?" He says, his growl rumbles in his throat.

"Do you two desire protection from the world? Should it come where Blair's secret is revealed to the world then she will be sentenced to death." Blair's eyes widen at the man's words. Salan pulls out his bow and arrow and aims it at the man.

"We can protect ourselves. I will protect her." She looks at Salan's eyes full of rage and fighting spirit.

"Salan, wait." Blair pleads at him as she places her left hand on his right arm. His gold eyes look into hers and he lowers his arrow. "What do you mean protection?"

"The Division of the Tenth will provide you with essential items to last you two for a lifetime. You two can still venture out, Salan can transform into his human persona, Matthew." Xan holds out the red binder, with her full name labeled in the front. "We have provided you information of the Division with choices of where you two can decide your living habitation where the Division will cover the prices. However... this world, as you know Blair, is full of nonhuman creatures. You will fight and work for the Division of the Tenth to rid of those who plan to blanket our Earth into darkness. Accept this offer and you two will have no worries for life." Blair steps forward to Xan, Salan following close behind her.

"Salan." She looks up to him. "I love you. I'd do anything to live with you... as you. What do you think?"

"I don't like the idea of having you fight. I will protect you. And I have no problem of turning into a human whenever we need to go out." His eyes narrow at him. "I already have provided for us; we don't need this so called 'Division' to protect us." Xan sighs,

"Very well. But the Division would like you to be recognized as Salan's Guardian. We can at least provide you with items that maybe of need for you two; if you work for the Division of the Tenth." Blair takes the red binder and nods at him,




In his true form, Salan fiddles in his pant pocket and pulls out a silver band with a jade gem in the middle. It's simple, but it came from his Wild Elf world. Salan hears footsteps and places the ring back in his pocket and turns. A black figure that is enshrouded in shadows appear. Salan's eyes widen.



It's been a few years when Blair and Salan met the man in black from the Division of the Tenth. She's accepted as being Salan's Guardian, making sure that he is obeying the human law; that's why he disguised himself as a human anyways so he can live with the humans, Blair screams in her mind. She hasn't opened the binder that he gave her.

Blair sighs, wondering where Salan has gone. He's gone for a while, she thought. She puts on her white sneakers and walks outside with Salan's robe, putting it on and she walks outside. The birds fly away as a loud slam reaches her ears. A man's yell reaches towards the cabin. She widens her eyes and runs towards the direction.

"Salan! Salan?" Right by the lake, she notices a body, crawling out of the water. She shakes her head. "SALAN!" She runs towards him and when she gets up close, she flips him over and his abdomen is covered in blood with a big gash slashed diagonally. She starts to panic, his face shows he is in pain, his eyes closed and teeth grinding. Blood is everywhere. Blair didn't know where to touch him or what to do. He coughs up blood, trying to grasp at the air. Blair holds his upper torso up. He trembles in the pain that he is in. "Please, talk to me! Don't you dare die on me!"

"Blair... my beloved... my time... has come." Tears form in her eyes as she about to lose the one that she cares most for in the world.

"No, don't even talk like that!" His hand fumbles in his pocket and he pulls out the ring. She notices the jade jewel in the middle.

"Blair... I should have given this to you when we got here. I wanted to make you mine." She shakes her head.

"You always had me." She holds out her left hand and he slides the ring on her ring finger. Placed so snugged yet comfortable, a light shines next to her. It takes form of a bow that is carved with wood and vines are wrapped around the bow and a black and white quiver with a set of arrows.

"I am gifting you with my weapon. These arrows and bow are from the Wild Elf clan. Beware of the Woodland Elves. Beware of their Prince. He won't treat anyone with fair dignity. He knows of you now. Use this to fight."

"I can't do this without you, Salan! I need you! Please, hold on!" She looks around the area to see if anyone can lend a hand to help him, even if it meant her own death. "What's his name!? Xan!? Xan!" She shouts out.

No one is coming.

"I failed, Salan... I failed you. I was your Guardian... and I failed you." He tears fall on his face,

"No, my beloved. If anything, I was able to protect you. When I left to the lake, I placed a barrier on the cabin so you would be invisible to the other elves." His eyes start to close,

"No, no, no! Salan, come on! Stay with me, please! Please stay with me!"

"Blair..." She bends down and kisses him on the lips. You can't leave me, damn it, she screams in her mind. "I love you..." As his body limps.



That nightmare will never leave her mind. She wasn't herself after that night. Behind the picture of her and his human persona, Matthew, is another picture of a selfie that she took with her and Salan, the night before the murder. Her ring finger stays bare, and the ring is on her left pinkie finger.

The red binder that she was given by Xan was shoved away in her closet with her other belongings in the closet, as she never thought of the Division again. She lost Salan; what part of the Division of the Tenth would need her now?

She slowly has gotten over the death of her beloved, but she vows to never become a Guardian again.

Or, so she thought.