Rebellion. I smiled a little hearing that word. It was rising, millions of secret networks coming from all across the country to bring back the America we all once knew. I wasn't sure how we would even start back. But I was determined to find it. In order to find out about my baby, my wife. At least I know my wife wasn't killed for working with us men. It gives me a little security. Later that evening, I walked up to my room, then looked at Andrew. "You could be killed for what happened between you and Ms. Price, you understand that right?". He just rolled his eyes and nodded. He could easily be hurt. But he doesn't really care I guess. We all would rather die than live like this for the rest of our lives.
When we woke up and did our chores the next morning, Ms. Price left early as hell. I was wondering why. According to Andrew, she had a super early meeting about the R word. Ms. Price was a political figure in the government now. We lived in the capital, which was a highly secure, but deadly city. Then we heard an announcement. 'All citizens of the 21st district; please come to the rally bring held...' And we had to go. We walked there, even thought it was sweltering hot and the sun beat us. We couldn't drive. It wasn't allowed. We sat in our designated area and waited for everyone to get there. The capital city didn't have TVs because we could just come to the center to listen to news. Every other place had TVs however. I thought 'My wife is watching this stream now...' Then she came up. The President of this new nation, and the founder of my imprisonment: Lucille Ballean.