Mu Rufeng frowned slightly, this Duanmu Linyuan was in trouble.
"You go first, and wait until this lady finishes dinner."
"But, His Royal Highness..."
"Either wait here or go first." Mu Ru interrupted in a cool manner, dissatisfied with his ignorance.
It's just vomiting, and it's not about to die.
The promise to heal that guy is already a great kindness, is it possible to be hungry for him?
"Yes, yes, let the subordinates go first, please hurry up, Miss Mu." The subordinate was stagnant, feeling the chill and impatience in Mu Rufeng's words, and quickly changed his words and nodded and bowed.
"Grandpa didn't expect Feng'er to be a little genius doctor." Mu Zhonghun at the dinner table joked, his old face full of relief.
"Of course, your precious granddaughter is a genius, what a genius doctor, I will become the most powerful pharmacist in the continent in the future."
It's no longer necessary, now it is.
This mainland medicine is so scarce, it is estimated that her current level alone is second to none, no one can match.
"Haha, yes, my dear granddaughter is the best!" General Mu laughed, arrogant.
Mu Zhonghun really wanted to meet the worldly expert who secretly taught his precious granddaughter what he was capable of, and then thank him in person.
But when he thought that since he was hidden in the world, he should not like to disturb, he suppressed this thought again.
I can only remember it silently in my heart and express my sincere gratitude.
After eating and drinking, Mu Rufeng rested for a while before going to see Duanmu Linyuan.
When Mu Rufeng arrived, the attendant who was supposed to guard Duanmu Linyuan didn't know where he had gone.
In the empty room, only Duanmu Linyuan lay quietly, the air was cold and quiet, and the atmosphere was inexplicably desolate.
Mu Rufeng approached, the man on the bed opened his eyes and closed it indifferently.
In that way, it seemed that he was too lazy to talk about it, so arrogant and almost indifferent, showing nobleness and coldness all over.
Uh, this is, angry?
The unexpected reaction, even if it is angry at her, is far stronger than this kind of nonchalant reaction.
Since the first meeting until now, this seems to be the first time a man does not wait to see her.
Mu Rufeng curled his lips, and waited to see, because she wished to stay away from this man anyway.
"I heard that you are vomiting, is it unappetizing or uncomfortable?" I automatically ignored his unkind attitude, took a few steps, and took his pulse with his right hand.
It didn't take long after the needle was applied, and it just improved a little. Why is the situation worse than before?
Combining with the words of the attendant just now, Mu Rufeng was shocked suddenly, and there was an accident now.
It turned out to have happened. It seems that his situation is far worse than he expected.
"Where are the people?" After a long time there was no one coming to serve him, and Mu Rufeng couldn't help but become angry now.
Is it fair to say that a personal attendant will put a patient in the room alone?
Well, she never admits that she is guilty.
After a while, the two attendants arrived late, each with some food in their hands, and the aroma drifted over as soon as they entered the room.
"Why do you still get food at this point?" It's been a long time since dinner.
Looking at the food prepared on the tray, Mu Rufeng's expression sank in a moment, and his whole body was cold.
"Naughty, how can these things be given to patients to eat, do you think your Highness is not bad enough?"
Mu Rufeng's voice was extremely loud and aggressive, making the two attendants pale with fear, and they were even more aggrieved.
These are all ordered by His Highness, what can they do?
"His Royal Highness will eat food from now on. Without my permission, he will not be allowed to eat it without my permission. I will take it down and change it to something lighter."
"Yes, yes, the subordinates will do it." The two attendants stepped back, panicking out of the room.
This Miss Mu was so terrifying that she could almost catch up with their Highness.
Mu Rufeng and Duanmu Linyuan were left, and the room fell into a cold silence again.
Sitting really boring, seeing the bookshelves in the room against the wall full of books, Mu Rufeng couldn't help walking over, and took out a book to read.
The orange candlelight flickered, Mu Rufeng lowered his head, and the book leaned near the light.
A faint yellow halo hits his face, and his already brilliant little face looks even more beautiful and charming against the light.
At this moment, she retreats completely indifferent, making people feel more cordial, and more accessible than usual.
He was dressed in white, dyed with blue silk and ink, as beautiful as a fairy descending from the earth.
An elegant scroll breath exuded all over his body.
It turned out that she has retreated indifferently and arrogantly, out of the world, she can still have such a quiet and elegant side.
Duanmu Linyuan, who was lying down, stared blankly, his eyes bursting into blazing darkness.
I just want to hug her, kiss her, pull her into my arms.
Feeling the gaze falling on him, Mu Rufeng raised his head, just to meet the deep pupil of Duanmu Linyuan.
The emotions hidden there are like waves, fierce fanaticism.
But after she explored carefully, the emotions in the man's eyes were calm, and his eyes were light.
"Serve this seat." Duanmu Linyuan's indifferent voice without any emotion sounded.
Mu Rufeng shook his hand holding the book and glared at him in shock.
What was he talking about?
Waiting for him to clarify?
"Wait, the two of them should be back soon." She is not his servant, so why let him send it at will?
What's more terrible is to let her take care of that kind of thing, not to kill her.
"Hurry up, I can't hold back anymore." Seeing her motionless, a certain prince urged without shame.
As if letting her wait for a small solution is the same as serving a meal.
- Atunci ești liber, patul este atât de mare, nu te mai ține. Mu Rufeng răspunse rece cu un chip de pupa.
Dacă aveți capacitatea, puteți face pipi, oricum, ceea ce se pierde este chipul demnului său prinț.
Fața lui Duanmu Linyuan era aproape verde de furie.
Ascultă, ce a spus această femeie mică?
Lasă-l să facă pipi așa?
Fața unui anumit prinț s-a schimbat de la albastru în verde, de la verde la negru și tot corpul scrâșnea, nu prea rece.
Oare ar fi mai degrabă să-l privească făcând un prost din ea însăși decât să-l slujească?
Această recunoaștere a făcut ca Alteța Sa Regală să fie extrem de supărată în inima unui anumit prinț. Din cauza scăderii prețurilor sale, s-a prefăcut că minte pentru a se apropia de ea.
Drept urmare, această femeie are o față rece și o inimă rece.
Nimeni din lume nu l-a tratat atât de nesimțitor ca ea.
După mânie, Lordul Prince a devenit din nou trist și a oftat tare în inima lui.
Având în vedere starea actuală a micuței femeii de a se respinge, nu știe când poate să-și dea drumul complet de pază împotriva ei înșiși, deschide complet inima pentru el și apoi ia inițiativa de a o prețui.
Cei doi paznici s-au dus înainte și înapoi. Într-o cameră, au observat că ceva nu era în regulă și, când s-au gândit la asta, au devenit mai precauți și chiar au încetinit în mod deliberat când au mers.
"Alteța Voastră Regală nu o mai poate ține, vă rog să aveți grijă mai întâi de el." Spuse Mu Rufeng brusc.