It's easy to judge someone as long as you aren't the one being judged. Rumors come in many different shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, we choose if we believe them or not.
"He's strong, but I am not!"
Rumors are just rumors, but when the same story is told repeatedly for seven years, is quite hard to tell what's the lie and what's the truth anymore.
"Angel and devil, but I don't think my mother was such a mischievous woman as they say."
Stories above stories, like a broken cassette player, but when did they stop gossiping?
"I feel so bad for Veronica! If she was still with us she would've been very disappointed with her husband!"
"I know right? Poor Dean, to have such a sibling, I bet she's like her mother!"
Danielle was ashamed and sorry for her father but is not like he cared anyway. Danielle was 7 so of course, they didn't miss a single year.
"Hey! What in the world are you talking at a funeral? Don't you have a conscience?"
"Look, is Mrs. Revil! What a rare occurrence!"
"Ladies, I know what you came here for and I think it's pretty scary that the idea of validation is as strong as fifty years ago, but like then, you don't know who may listen to your conversation! I think you should be worry!"
It's said that rich people are dumb, and while some of them are, the rest are just very reserved with both their words and actions, because they know how powerful they are.
That's why Dean said what he said at that time.
"Look! I don't care what you say about my stepmother, we know that she was a kind and gentle woman, but don't even dare to say a word about Danielle, because -I will never regret the fact that I have a sister- and if I don't regret it, then you shouldn't care either!"
Danielle was surprised, but she kind of expected something like this, that's just how Dean is!
Everyone felt awkward, they didn't want to argue with him, especially in his state so they stopped spreading rumors... in public.
I know that it may be pretty scary to give up on something that you did for seven years, but at least they tried, for Dean's sake.
It's a tough time for him. It's really unfortunate to lose your sight at such a young age, and when the time couldn't be worse, Danielle started primary school. By the time, his vision was completely gone.
Even though they talked every day, Danielle was depressed. She didn't make any friends at school because they were always mocking her. Danielle knew that Dean has his problems to deal with so she tried to cover her sadness in front of him, but that doesn't mean that he was completely unaware.
Dean, Danielle, Adam, and Jake were like a family, always together and inseparable, but that was before Jake's accident because from then on his mother become overprotective of him.
They visited him at the hospital right after, although he seemed to don't remember some minor things, he recovered faster than the doctor predicted.
"Brother Jake, how was it to lose your memory? Was it scary?"
"I lost just a few hours of my life and I knew that you were going to help me recover my memories so I wasn't scared. I'm so lucky to have such great friends!"
"Did you just gave us a compliment? Are you sure you didn't hit your head again?"
"That's supposed to be an insult so why do you sound so disappointed?"
"I was just thinking that even if it was for a short period—"
"Danielle! Don't you dare finish your sentence! I had an idea of what you were going to say, but I can believe that you actually said it!"
"It was just a thought, why are you so fired up?"
"Of course I am! You are like my sister so I don't want you to destroy yourself. You better get that thought off your head or I'll tell Dean!"
"Fine... Don't tell my brother! I don't want to bother him."
In another train of thoughts, Danielle's classmates stopped talking behind her back after a while, but that doesn't erase what they said before.
Years past by and neither Dean's nor Danielle's condition improved, and at just 10 years old, she got in a car accident.
"I saw it, but I would've preferred not to, and why now?" Dean said in his head.
"Your daughter has amnesia and it may be permanent."
"Wha— It can't be—"
"Dad! I think that we need to be glad that she's still alive. Amnesia may not be so bad after all—"
"I think you are right... At least your eyesight is fine now..."
"Dean is right, Eiji! It's a miracle that she escaped with just amnesia, but I'm more worried about Dean's condition at this point."
"Kevin, can you tell us why Dean recovered his vision?"
"I'm not sure, but if Danielle being alive is a miracle, then I don't know how to describe Dean's situation."
"What are you trying to say? Come on, don't hold back!"
"I'm not sure yet. My theory is that it may be a side effect that he got after the 'Earthquake's year', but that doesn't explain why he recovered from it."
"Earthquake? Do you mean—"
"Yes! It may or may not because we don't know if it still affects us. Come with me Dean, I need to give you another consultation!"
"Sure..." he looked back at his father and saw him trembling, Dean was covered in wonder once again.
Revil family comes to visit Danielle. Mrs. Revil meets dr. Olsen for the first time and was so impressed by his previous work that she hired him to be Jake's personal doctor. Well, who can blame her?
Truth be told, Danielle recovered her memories on her own in just one year but preferred to live just with what her family and friends told her. That means that she doesn't lie only to them, but to herself too.
" 'My name, who cares' what an interesting title but I like the new one more! "