Chereads / The Remnant Alliance (General Grievous x Rwby) / Chapter 66 - Chapter 61: The plan (Part 2)

Chapter 66 - Chapter 61: The plan (Part 2)

Weiss: You're joking, right? You want to fight this thing?!

Ruby: We've fought giant monsters before. This is just a tiny old lady... with one very big robot.

Cordovin: You little spider-roaches thought you could creep your way to Atlas?! Well, let's see how your resolve holds out against the might of the Atlesian Military!

Cordovin prepares to take down the airship with a missile that pops out from a slot on the arm cannon. The missile fires and tracks the airship, but it explodes harmlessly just right behind it. Cordovin turns to see Ruby. Ruby lowers her weapon and glares at Cordovin while the others get ready to fight.

Cordovin: SO BE IT!!

Cordovin aims to shoot the missile at Ruby and the others.

Weiss: Dive!

Weiss unbuckles her seatbelt and gets off from her seat while Maria dives for the landing. She jumps off and raises her weapon creating a rock wall and protecting the group from Cordovin's ice Dust attack.

Oscar: That was close.

Ruby: We need to figure out how to stop Cordovin and protect the airhsip until we do.

Jaune: Let's give her more targets to focus on.

Nora: You mean us, don't you?

Jaune: Look at that thing. It's not designed for small enemies. It's probably meant for giant Grimm that come in from deeper waters. We can turn our size into an advantage. We just have to be smart.

Ruby: Maria, can you keep the ship out of harm's way?

Maria: They can take my driver's license, but I won't let them take this ship!

Ren: Very reassuring...

Oscar: I'll be more useful if I go with her. From up high, I can try to spot a weakness.

Qrow: Well, he's not the only one who can grab a bird's eye view.

Weiss: You said you needed me on the ground?

Ruby: Not exactly.

As the team strategizes, Cordovin keeps an eye on their location keenly. Suddenly, the group splits into three. Jaune, Nora, Ren, and Grievous run down the left path along the cliff, Maria flies the airship to the right, and Ruby and Qrow fly straight up into the air using her Semblance, respectively. Ruby reforms from her Semblance and fires her weapon, cracking the mech's windshield and causing Cordovin to growl. She fires a volley of missiles to Ruby's location.

Ruby lands on a tree branch and uses her Semblance to dodge the missiles. She eventually reforms and runs and jump along the missiles before freefalling down to the ocean. An incoming wave is frozen by Weiss as Ruby slides along it.

Ruby: Let's go!

Weiss also slides off the frozen wave before freezing small patches of ice for her and Ruby to leap on toward the mech. As Cordovin keeps her attention on them, her mech is suddenly struck by a volley of pink grenades.

Jaune: Hey! Over here!

Cordovin: What?!

Cordovin looks over to Jaune's group as they keep running. Nora looks at Ren

Nora: And you said it wasn't beach season!

The four then take cover behind a boulder for each of them. Nora fires off more grenades, but, a shield appears protecting Cordovin's mech, doing no damage to her.

Cordovin: Hahahaha! Surely you knew Atlas was the father of hard-light Dust, or do lesser kingdoms simply lack proper education?

Cordovin charges up her mech's arm cannon again, this time firing rock Dust, forcing Jaune's team to abandon their cover.

Jaune: Cordo just activated shields!

Oscar: I saw that. We need to find whatever's generating it.

Ruby: You know, in video games, the weak spot's usually on the back of the giant boss!

Weiss: Ruby, this isn't a game!

Ruby: I'm just trying to- LOOK OUT!!

Cordovin's mech stomps to crush Ruby and Weiss. Qrow flies around in his crow form.

Cordovin: You are ants! You are lower than ants!

As Qrow flies through the clouds, he transforms back into his human form and takes out his scythe. He propels himself forward and grapples onto the giant mech.

Cordovin: Ah! What was that?!

Qrow: Until the shield's down, we're gonna have to get up close and personal with this thing.

Qrow starts to fire at the scratch he just made. Suddenly, he notices the mech's giant hand start to reach for him. Qrow dodges out of the way, transforming back into his crow form.

Ren: That's easier said than done!

Ruby: Weiss and I are on it!

Ruby and Weiss land on a patch of ice on the ocean together.

Weiss: Hold on!

Weiss stabs her weapon into the ground, creating an ice attack that knocks Cordovin's mech off balance for a bit. Cordovin let's out a frustrated yell. As the airship flies by, Oscar realizes something.

Oscar: Wait, that's it. When she...

Suddenly, Cordovin aims her cannon at Ruby and Weiss.

Oscar: RUBY, MOVE!!

Cordovin fires a volley of missiles at Ruby and Weiss, creating a large plume of water. From it, Weiss and Ruby emerge as they ride Weiss' Queen Lancer. Ruby leaps off and use her scythe to propel herself onto Cordovin's mech, embedding the scythe's blade into it. The force of Ruby's strike knocks the mech back into the cliffside. Cordovin let's out an enraged scream.

Jaune: Go!!

Jaune, Ren and Nora proceed forward. Ren leaps onto the mech's arm and runs along it, while also using the blades to hang on. Jaune uses the twohandler form to slash at the mech's hip joint, while Nora uses het hammer to smash at the arm cannon, and Grievoususeshis lightsabers to damageit as well, but the armors to thick. Cordovin manages to stand the mech back up, causing Ruby to be fall down into her view on the windshield. Ruby hangs on as she nervously smiles and waves at Cordovin.

Cordovin: Get off of me!

Cordovin tries to grab Ruby with the mech's left hand, forcing Ruby to let go as she uses her Semblance to fly downward. Luckily, Weiss flies by and catches Ruby.

Ruby: Heh.

Weiss: What if I hadn't caught you?

Ruby: I knew you would. (grins widely)

Ren climbs himself down along the mech's back. He notices a panel. Ren uses one of his blades to pry the panel off, but he almost falls as the mech keeps moving around. Fortunately, Qrow appears and catches his wrist.

Qrow: Gotcha. What'd ya find?

Qrow tosses Ren back up as the both of them look at the panel he just opened. They see a whirring machine that is clearly the generator.

Qrow: Well, alright then.

Qrow and Ren draw their weapons and shoot at the machinery, disabling the mech's shields. Cordovin watches her screen as the shields are reduced to zero.

Cordovin: No, no, no, no!!

Nora: You get back here with my man!

As Nora fires at Cordovin, Weiss and Ruby fly by to Ren and Qrow.

Weiss: Jump on!

The two do so. Nora continues to fire until she runs out of ammo. Jaune notices Cordovin lifting up the mech's arm. He runs over to Nora.

Cordovin: I've had enough of you ingrates!

Cordovin slams the mech's arm into both Jaune and Nora, knocking them back and breaking their Auras. The two struggle to get back up. Grievous quickly takes the two to a safe distance to rest.

Ren: No!

Suddenly, Cordovin fires the mech cannon at Weiss group at point blank range, destroying the Queen Lancer and knocking herself, Ren, Qrow and Ruby back over to the cliff. Ruby uses her Semblance to fly back over to the cliff, but falls short. Ruby embeds the blade of her scythe into the cliffside and holds on for dear life. She notices Cordovin approaching her.

Cordovin: This is what happens when you think you know better than those rightfully in charge!

Oscar: We gotta do something!

Maria flies back over to the mech. Just as Cordovin is about to fire her arm cannon at Ruby, Maria flies by and fires a missile. The mech grabs the missile with its hand, causing Cordovin to turn the mech around to Maria's direction.

Cordovin: Calavera...

Everyone watches helplessly as Cordovin fires the missile toward the airship's direction. The missile explodes in front of the airship, causing it to rattle...

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!

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