As Grievous attacks Oscar, Oscar manages to block each swing and even hit Grievous a few time. Grievous gets angrier and angrier with each attack either missing or blocked
Soon Oscar disarms Grievous of one of his hands.
Oscar(Ozpin): You were holding your sword to lightly there. You see kids this demonstration shows that even If your enemies is stronger, you must find weak points from each attack eitherby disarming them or hit the nerve points.
Grievous was confused as Oscar continue talking to the students and Grievous looks down at hus sword as he remember about his master doing this move.
And so Grievous spends his time watching Oscar train Ruby and the other students. Even though it was much slower it was still effective.
Days go by as Oscar(Ozpin) and Grievous train the students and even sparing each other. The team are little stronger with the help of Grievous giving them hard and intense training, while Oscar(Ozpin) give the students much more force and teaching tge some techniques to fight armed humans and faunus.
Then one day as Grievous trains Jaune early in the morning, a portal opens up. Both Grievous and Jaune draw there blade to face who even comes out.
Two people walk out of the portal Wiess and Yang.
I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!