Chereads / The Remnant Alliance (General Grievous x Rwby) / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: An interesting meeting

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: An interesting meeting

After a long training with all sorts of students, Grievous was called by Ozpin himself to have a little meeting.

As Grievous walks to the elevator with two B1 droids. Just when Grievous was at the entrance of the elevator he hears dozens of ships flying and landing near the academy. Grievous is both confused and a bit angry just seeing all of these ships kinda remind him of the republic, Grievous just grumbles in anger and enter the elevator and got to the top.

Ozpin: Ah, Grievous just in time.

General Grievous: What are those ships out there?

Ozpin: Well first I have a question for you.

General Grievous: What is it then?

Grievous sits down on a chair

Ozpin: I would like to know why you sent out two large ships filled with a massive army of droids out for some reason.

General Grievous: Well it would be nice to have a bit of protection in the academy, and to use those droids as training dummy for our students.

1. B1 Droid: Uhh...

Ozpin: I see, but it is not necessary to have that many droids, and the students here a more than capable of dealing with any threats.

General Grievous: Even from people like me?

Ozpin sits downs and is silent at first until the elevator opens and Ironwood comes out

Ironwood: Ozpin!

Ozpin: General.

As soon as Grievous hears the word general he gets up from his chair and walks straight towards Ironwood having to be up close to Ironwood's face.

Ironwood: And you are?

General Grievous: I am General Grievous, leader of the Separatist Alliance.

Ironwood: Oh, a general as well. It would be great to talk to you but I must discuss things with Ozpin

Ozpin: That is correct, Grievous why don't you leave us for now.

General Grievous: Fine, but I will talk to you again

It is now night time and since Grievous cannot train any students he decides to walk around the student dorms to hear anything suspicious then he hears...

Blake: They're out there somewhere planning their next move and non-

Grievous walks away not really paying attention until he bumps into a small girl.

Emerald: Ow, watch were you are going!

General Grievous: Who are you three!

Cinder: We are just visiting from haven.

Grievous stares at Cinder and gets close to her face

General Grievous: I never heard of this Haven.

Cinder: Oh, I guess you never heard of it before have you.

General Grievous: Yes and by the way you look, you remind me of Keno-

Ruby runs into Grievous from behind and falls down, Grievous turns and looks down at Ruby.

Ruby: Ow, sorry.

Grievous looks up and sees the three new students walking away and Grievous looks back down at Ruby and lends her a hand.

Ruby: Thanks, hey sir I have a question.

General Grievous: Make it quick!

Ruby: Well it's just after that tough training you gave us, I realized that I'm not very strong like you, but I will keep on improving myself for my team. So I just wanted to say thank you.

Ruby runs off and when she is out of site, Grievous felt something weird. It was a mixture of pride and something else, joy?

General Grievous: Hehehe, so this is what joy feels like.

Grievous walks off in a much better mood than usual.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.