My recent timeline and series of hapless affairs had solidified my ill-fated notions, I was preordained to cataclysmic destruction---there had always been unevenness in my aura, and an unsystematic decline in my mentality had dissuaded my intentions. I'd once had a vision, even in the midst of the ethnic cleansings as Daddy preferred to call them. His mission had been insanely divergent.
There was nothing I couldn't figure out but it soon became an obstacle. I'd thought we all had been created equally.
Daddy taught me the Bible and said it synchronously coexisted with carrying out the will of God, he believed he was the shepherd to lead the lambs to slaughter. He coerced them to perform sexual acts, justify it as immoral and lastly condemn them to death---with a straight face.
While laying between slumbers I attempted to recollect LaDonna's demise. I helped, it gave me power---I'd conquered my fears from seeing Rashinda burn. For months that followed I'd closed my eyes and could yet smell the liquor and visualize the orange reflection that just wouldn't remain still! I had prayed to Jesus for her to just ---stop moving already! For God's sake it was my birthday, the more she moved the more I regretted turning 6.
"Great things will come to pass when u become 6," the man in the peacoat had said to me, "I've told u she is extremely apt, I don't know whether u should---I mean what if Percy finds out?"
I sat up high, perhaps on the top bunk? They left the room, I'd seen Mama the next day. Daddy had come and found me asleep.
He quoted scripture for scripture and so had Martin, same text but different words were emphasized, which gave the sacred literature a whole new meaning. Mama had said the devil knew the Bible, her words had manifest before my eyes. Martin Poindexter, the infamous. His character was untarnished to the untrained eye, many praised his exterior demeanor--- being knowledgeable from every aspect. Hadn't they inquired about his carefully selected companionships?
I prepared for torture, I possibly would not survive his malicious intentions but my children had not been forgotten, Troy had called Twan dumb-smart and now I knew why. I'd researched the timeframe before paralysis would transpire and as I shuffled uncomfortably to redirect the blood flow in my hands I felt the syringe in my boot and knew I had to do something, I moved wrong and yelped from the prick in my wrist. MUTHAFUCK!
I needed to find out about Martin's parents, his mother had to have been a whore. No righteous woman could have engendered an abomination if she hadn't laid down with many. There had been legions. Their amalgamated elements and demonic characteristics clung to her, she hadn't strode about freely, somewhere down the line she had contacted one who had many that lacked licentious restraint.
"He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."
If I even made it to booking it would be a miracle.
I had learned my role but what was Trenton's could he read?
He'd felt we were compatible, from what I calculated he would leave out on the date he entered.
The rain danced in front of the high beams, I saw distant headlights behind and felt it was no random motorist, Troy had not gone. The lightning decorated the sky.
I searched for a familiar vehicle as I had exited the home among the many, Martin's Rolls Royce had been front and center among other cars that were as opulent as The Devils Buggy.
He referred to our connection as camaraderie, and insisted we had had a few encounters. Most sought to have the entities casted out upon discovering they were not alone, he had not, rather he embraced his calling and had been edified according to his own self proclaimed doctrine. Trenton had become fascinated about the newfound awakening upon meeting Martin as a teen. Born on Leap Day but Martin had no record of birth, I analyzed the significance of their numbers--- had Trenton felt superior? A true 11. Both of their birthdates signified dominance---no others could be compared.
Martin's mastery had only angered Trenton after a while, he'd been his pupil but now felt supreme. If I killed him Martin would win.
The water became louder as we had departed; the distance between the home and I was noxious. He spake from the front seat---I could not hear him, I was totally deaf except for the rushing waters! I saw his lips moving but could not hear! I panicked and began to yell, "I need to return, I need to be at the home!"
Nikki had stirred up a lot of trouble in the idle time frame she had my phone, a bitch would do anything for a reward, Symone hadn't even crossed my mind--- and she hadn't even mentioned the fact she'd been questioned, her prints had been found inside the impala so of course they had come for her, it had been reported leaving the scene of the crime and found when I had the blowout. She had told him of my whereabouts and had intentionally answered at Veronica's door. My rage had not solely been about the missing money, the bitch deserved it---I had bought her soul with it.
I felt the car slow down and had not known where I was, I was definitely in a barren land now---
"A righteous man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but the wealth of a sinner is stored up for the righteous."
Martin had referred to the passage from Proverbs, I'd smoked it in jail---"A good man thinks generationally."
I was unrighteous by all accounts, but as Daddy had always believed, redemption was possible.
I panicked, I spake and could not hear my own tone. I reached at the needle prick with my thumb unsuccessfully as it stung, PLEASE, JUST REMOVE THE CUFFS! CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT IT? IM SORRY!"
He had been violated in the worst way, hadn't he? Demonism hadn't suggested that he had.
He turned onto an unfamiliar highway, but I could tell he was lacking strength in his leg as he pressed the gas pedal, I studied his expression, and as I had the car sped up! He tried to steer evenly into the right lane of the two lane highway, headlights were approaching. At a failed attempt the oncoming car swerved to avoid collision, my deaf scream vibrated in my throat as he veered completely to the left, and into the thicket that had grown tall on the side of the road, I hadn't known where the fuck I was! I had only saw one sign, Algiers it had read. The front end had slammed into a tree and Trenton was motionless! I knew he wasn't dead yet unless he had died from the impact! I hadn't known if my arrest had been protocol or something he and Martin had orchestrated! Martin had kissed my cheek---!
Arise, girls, serial, GRAIL rage, era---all floated upward!
WHERE WAS TROY! I knew I would die, he hadn't given a fuck and had set me up! Surely it had not been Martin! I was so wrong!
I felt the car sinking and watched the green moss cover the windows, but suddenly it stopped on the swamp floor at an angle, I laid on the floor and prayed the gas I smelled had mixed with the water to prevent catching fire, and prayed there were no alligators! As usual, I had fucked up! What the fuck had he been saying? Was it pertaining to the money!? My left shoulder was becoming numb, I feared the worst---I said the Lord's Prayer---Lord! Why couldn't I hear! I waited for the alligators and prayed Trenton hadn't bled!
The water seemed to be louder than before in my ears---like rushing waterfalls. I cried and prayed for my baby, he was promised! I'd known it was a boy and he was the fifth son.
"Genetically, the fourth son had no family, and possessed 6 digits on his feet and hands, " Martin had quoted, it hadn't been in the Bible, where had he derived the text? Genetically??? I took a deep breath and pictured my children and my children's children.
I tried to fight through the numbness in my hip and told my child to hang on, he still had a chance, I knew what he signified and wondered if God Almighty would spare him, or not. It was a test of my faith, I tried to lay as still as possible, the car was yet unstable. No one would see us, I was becoming paralyzed on my left side. I'd seen the effects, it would shut down my nervous system and they would think I was dead. I could live for a week if I'd been injected with the proper dosage, and I hadn't known how unchancy I had been when I'd stuck myself, how much had I injected if any?
The others had gone on before him as he had instructed, what about his resignation?
I remembered Brown had texted, he wasn't surprised I was at Martin's---they were foes as he and Trenton had been but it was he who had sent Twan to rescue me from the park, it was Martin's order. The left side of my face was becoming paralyzed, I had no phone---and was so confused! My thoughts were scrambled, none were mature! Fetally, I laid trying to scream for help! I couldn't tell if I was making any sound.
The water rushed through my ears in currents, but I couldn't hear a sound! I continued to lay still, I couldn't live like that for long---I had fucked up this time for real. I felt consciousness slip away as the water covered my boots.
I hadn't known how many days had gone by when I'd awakened, the sun gleamed against the window---even in November it was an oven. I moved my fingers behind me and when I had---I felt a hard yank that shifted the vehicle, I laid in slimy water but the smell of decomposition had not filled the car. I wasn't paralyzed, but numb, pinpricks consumed the insides of my limbs except for my left arm, it was dead. Mud flew upward from tires onto the car covering the moss filled windshield even more. Somehow ants had invaded and covered my clothes and boots---I had been bitten many times but not as many as I'd expected. The car shifted, the vibration became more intense, soon it was being snatched from the swamp after several attempts and had gyrated until it released, however the tires were embedded in the mud.
I still could not move but was alert. He had come. The ants crawled against my skin, I hadn't suffered many bites to the body, they hadn't sensed movement.
The car was pulled to the embankment while the truck was parked across both lanes horizontally, "GO THE FUCK AROUND!"
How could I hear? His voice was so loud but the sound of water had returned.
I laid lifelessly, but was alive! I could hear Troy panicking, preparing to kick out the windows, "DAMN BABY I SEE U! IMA GET U OUT! NOOOO! I LOVE U! MY SOOOON!"
He was distraught and helpless, how long had we been in the marsh?
The doors were locked, he could not get inside of the vehicle and hadn't wanted to call the police for some reason---I soon figured out why, knowing he would fuck up my plan. I prepared for my injury report as tint covered glass stung my face on impact, I WAS NOT PARALYZED, THE PAIN WAS TOO INTENSE! What fucking day was it?!
I saw a pelican take flight behind Troy as he leaned his head inside. I felt his fingertips on the top of my head when he strained to reach me. The staticky voices and water had become frightening, "Are your eyes open, are u alive?"
The spectrums danced in my wet lashes against the sun.
Do u smell death muthafucka?! I could not move but I blinked. He panicked more and started kicking the front driver's window, Trenton did not move, the contents of the front seat had flown backwards, there was wet paper and other miscellaneous debris in the vicinity in which I laid.
I felt the impact as he kicked the front window several times, finally it broke and glass flew inside, I felt the shard as it fell into my bottom eyelid. He reached inside and snatched the keys from the ignition, grabbed his phone from under the kevlar vest and unlocked the door with the remote. He opened the door and began to beat Trenton's face bloody. "NOOOOO DUMMY! ALLIGATORS! I saw the blood on his hands when he opened the back door and tried to pull me out, my hands were still cuffed behind me preventing me from moving. There were cars on the highway I felt their engines while yet laying in the fetal position on the floor. My child actively moved, as if rejoicing. Troy went to the opposite side and opened the door before snatching me from the floor. I moaned in pain as he pulled me out, he'd knelt on the pavement and pulled me to his lap. I had no strength to show any emotion, I just stared through barely opened lids, the left one filled with glass.
The thought occurred, I had only not eaten the apples because I feared I would break my tooth.
Even when I had considered eating one a tornado had come.
He struggled to stand and carried me yet handcuffed to the black Tahoe muddy as fuck and laid me across the backseat. Aggravated he studied the cuffs before going back looking for the separate key Trenton had in a velcroed pocket. When he removed the cuffs my arms were stuck in position. I read his lips---"Almost a week---"
The car was still hitched to the Tahoe, he backed up to let the traffic resume as people offered to help, I could tell by his agitated reaction that he was fragile as he yelled from the window. After they had gone and against my will he put the mangled Charger in neutral and unhitched it, parked parallel to traffic and watched it sink.
As much as I wanted to believe Trenton had died, I'd known he was protected as I was---it would be a dark gloomy day when he did and the sun definitely would not shine.